среда, 7 января 2009 г.

To other women carrying out of replaceable

To other women carrying out of replaceable therapy in connection with hypoestrogenemia symptoms, mainly disturbance of a sexual life because of depression of secretion of vulval glands and can be demanded. At men at depression of level of endogenous Testosteron-Depotum replaceable therapy by this hormone is shown. Hypogonadism treatment in the present section is detailed is not discussed. Syndrome of polycystic ovaries ( - ) observed at the persons who have transferred in the childhood of damage or "encephalitis" [38]. At patients with baclofen dosage this syndrome level was constantly high, though and below what is registered at healthy women during ovulatory peak in the middle of a cycle. These data remind a situation observed at in the neonatal period of rats at which the polycystosis of ovaries also develops. However polycystic ovaries at rats, being replaced to healthy females, get a normal structure that specifies in conditionality of changes of ovaries at neonatal rats mechanisms. It has led to the assumption of functional disturbances at patients with syndrome - though other data allow to think about adrenal or a syndrome genesis. Last became perceptible also at or [39], but there are no the data testifying to cause and effect relations between these implications. Growth hormone Deficiency of a hormone of growth idiopathic () can be isolated to be combined with deficiency of other hormones of a forward share of a pituitary body in a kind both family, and sporadic disease. is illness of children's age, and the diagnosis is established already at the age of 2-3 years. Deficiency can be full (initial level on the verge of definability or ) or partial (the lowered reaction to provoking stimulus). It will not be received Yet StG-rili-zing the factor, to distinguish a subthalamic genesis of this condition from it is impossible. However absence changes of a Turkish saddle and often observable simultaneous insufficiency of reaction , and on and LG-RG specify in a subthalamic genesis of disease.
Owing to a good-quality current of disease histological researches of a pituitary body or a hypothalamus were not spent. It is supposed, that this disease is caused not by structural defect of a hypothalamus, and dynamics disturbance . There is one report on stimulation of secretion for children with propranolol () [40], testifying to rising ? a-adrenergic tonus at this disease. However these data are not confirmed by other researchers. Deficiency of a hormone of growth the idiopathic treat only in the period by means of the person. If co-exists with a hypothyrosis, they should be treated simultaneously. The detailed description of a clinical picture, diagnostic receptions and therapeutic actions in the present section are not discussed. Acromegalia. Hypersecretion and an acromegalia are in rare instances observed at tumours hypothalamus areas presumably owing to superfluous production StG-rilizing of the factor toradol 10mg either the tumour, or a healthy tissue under the influence of a tumour. These data along with data about conservation of reaction on mediated stimulus (an insulinic hypoglycaemia, a hyperglycaemia, an arginine [41]) at many sick of an acromegalia, and also recently received reports on presence StG-rilizing of activity in the tumours accompanied by development of an acromegalia [42, 43], confirm representation that at some patients the reason of formation StG-sekretirujushchih of tumours of a pituitary body is covered in whereas at others disease has primary a parentage. More detailed analysis of this question is resulted in chapter 7. Prolactinum Idiopathic define as the condition characterised by raised level of Prolactinum in the absence of a visible pathology of a pituitary body or and any other obvious reasons of rising of secretion of this hormone (tab. 7 10 see). Prolactinum level varies from hardly exceeding norm (15-20 ng/ml) to 100-200 ng/ml and above. Now the diagnosis should remain presumable as it is impossible to exclude an undetectable microadenoma of a pituitary body. Trying to spend differentiation between the healthy faces sick idiopathic and patients with tumours of a pituitary body, many authors studied dynamics of secretion of Prolactinum under the influence of some agents (L- in a combination with , , Cimetidinum and Metoclopramidum) (see chapter 7). However the presumable diagnosis idiopathic demands with care to interpret results of these researches, will not be obtained yet given enough long observations. Now it is impossible to exclude possibility of that idiopathic represents an early stage of formation tumours

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