воскресенье, 21 декабря 2008 г.

Apparently, the majority

Apparently, the majority of tumours grows on an average line of an upper edge of a leg of a pituitary body though some originate in more-low departments of a leg, and about 15 grasp the top part / of a forward share of a pituitary body and consequently settle down in borders of a Turkish saddle. Large tumours shift upwards an optic chiasm, and also displace a hypothalamus and III ventricle. From below the tumour can squeeze a forward order levitra share of a pituitary body, but leads to an atrophy of a back share owing to leg damage is more often. Usually consider, that the tumour occurs from the pocket rests , however it is doubtful, as it is infrequently localised in a saddle and seldom settles down along the embryonal tract which is passing through a bone. SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS Initial implications of tumours of a pituitary body, no less than their subsequent symptoms, it is possible to part on three basic groups , radiological and endocrine. Not endocrine semiology inherent to all tumours of a pituitary body is more low surveyed mainly; features separate tumours will be surveyed separately. For last two decades as perfection of methods researches and an estimation of hormonal function of a pituitary body caused possibility of more and more early statement of the diagnosis and the treatment beginning, frequency distribution of symptoms of tumours of a pituitary body has considerably changed.
For example, if from the big number of patients with the tumours of a pituitary body diagnosed in 1940-1950, almost 90 had disturbances of sight [124] among recently surveyed patients such disturbances met only in 25 of cases [126, 127]. It is possible to expect, that this percent will decrease and further. And on the contrary, now most common symptoms are disturbances of endocrine function, more often an amenorrhea, depression or the sterility, bound with tumours whereas, according to former observations, such semiology was available all for 25-35 of patients. Both earlier, and now on a share casually found out at roentgenography of a skull of tumours of a pituitary body had and it is necessary small percent of cases. Nejroanatomichesky implications The augmentation of the sizes to a tumour leads to a compression surrounding to a tissue and pressure upon a firm cerebral cover laying from above which forms a diaphragm of a Turkish saddle. It in turn causes the headache of various character localised in frontal, temporal or of area, usually stupid, not accompanied by a nausea or symptoms of disturbance of the sight, not dependent on position of a body and not always taken out by analgetics. At rupture of a firm cerebral cover the headache often stops. Having started to grow upwards, the tumour meets optic nerves, a visual decussation or visual tracts on the way. More often the tumour decadron puts pressure upon a visual decussation, leading to occurrence of classical signs of a bitemporal hemianopsia. At inspection of the patient in the earliest terms of a prelum of an optic chiasm it is possible to find defects only a field of vision, and azygomorphous changes are often observed. With continuation of growth of a tumour the loss of sight can progress to full blindness and eventually the atrophy of optic nerves will develop. Sometimes the tumour grows mainly to front from a visual decussation, leading to sight disturbance only in one eye. The papilledema at pituitary body adenomas meets seldom, but at cranyopharyngiomas he can be found out in 27 of patients [125]. In process of the further growth of a tumour upwards there can be symptoms of a prelum of a ventral hypothalamus that is shown in body temperature fluctuations, , change of character of a dream and emotional shifts. At pressure upon III ventricle there can be an internal hydrocephaly. In rare instances there is a prelum of frontal or temporal shares of a brain that is accompanied by behavioural disturbances and attacks; it is possible to observe also lesion signs the ways, testifying to a mesencephalon prelum. The prelum of extrahypothalamic structures occurs at cranyopharyngiomas which can be localised out of a Turkish saddle, than at pituitary body adenomas is more often. Tumour growth in a direction can lead to a prelum III, IV and VI pairs cranial nerves in a place where they pass through a cavernous sine that causes an ophthalmoplegia and a diplopia. Tumour growth downwards leads to rupture of a bottom of a Turkish saddle and process diffusion on a clivus or sinuses of the basic bone that can cause the efflux from a nose of a spinal liquid (). Though usually the tumour grows slowly and symptoms progress gradually, at patients with tumours the semiology can suddenly appear, that is bound to a hemorrhage in a tumour, or an apoplexy of a pituitary body [95].

Relative frequency of development

Relative frequency of development of tumours of each type last decade has considerably changed, and a conclusion that cases of development of functioning tumours have become frequent, is based not so much on more frequent detection of their clinical semiology, how many on usover - methods of definition of level of hormones in blood. In some tumours synthesis of hormones can remain, but because of disturbance of intracellular mechanisms of secretion or disintegration processes these hormones in blood do not arrive [118]. Pituitary body adenomas These tumours develop from cells of this or that type, and on their share it is order ultram 50 mg necessary more than 90 of all neoplasms of a pituitary body. Them already very much for a long time section on chromophobic (which in the beginning identified with nonfunctioning) and chromophilic, including eosinophilic (are accompanied by an acromegalia) and basphilic (are accompanied syndrome ). After it was found out, that a histological picture of different sites of the same tumour it is frequent , that tumours at patients with an acromegalia and syndrome often appear chromophobic and that at patients with chromophobic tumours
Prolactinum hypersecretion often takes place, the expediency of such cytochemical division became less obvious. Now concept the chromophobic adenoma means only that it does not contain visible granules of a secret (a hormone stock). Such adenoma either does not produce a hormone, or reserves it in the changed chemical form which is not painted at the given technique, or, that is the most probable, cosecretes a hormone at once in process of synthesis, not reserving it in cells. With application of a submicroscopy and an immunohistochemical staining data in favour of last point of view have allowed to obtain the newest techniques. By results of neurosurgical inspection of several big groups of patients, on a share of tumours of a pituitary body it is necessary from 6 to 18 of all tumours of a brain [119, 120], and according to the most extensive pathoanatomical researches, frequency of clinically undetectable adenomas of a pituitary body makes 22 [121], and the maximum is necessary on age between 40 and 50 years. Functional activity of these tumours is unknown but if to assume, that the majority of them is functioning pyridium changes to which attached small clinical significance earlier, will appear in new light. The data specifying in differences in character of growth or biology between functioning and nonfunctioning tumours, no. Both those and others can grow both very slowly, and very quickly. Slowly growing nonfunctioning tumours can not be accompanied at all by clinical semiology and are found out at autopsy as a casual find. Recently carried out analysis [122] has shown 941 cases of adenomas, that more than 50 from them have been found out for the first time only at autopsy. Quickly growing tumours of a pituitary body usually are shown by the signs bound to augmentation of mass of a tissue in a Turkish saddle, and the hypersecretion of a hormone or is distinguished casually, or a little that brings in the general clinical situation. Unlike it slowly growing functioning tumours frame possibility of full development of the disease caused by a hypersecretion of a hormone. According to use of modern methods of radio immunologic definition of hormones of a forward share of a pituitary body, to functioning tumours carry 70-80 of adenomas of a pituitary body, and the majority of them cosecretes Prolactinum [123]. According to the majority of observations, the maximum frequency of tumours of a pituitary body is necessary on age between 40 and 50 years [122, 124] though at modern possibilities of early recognition the age in which they meet more often, for certain will be younger. According to the majority of observations, adenomas of a pituitary body with peer frequency meet at men and women though changes in connection with increasing revealing adenomas at women with an amenorrhea here again are outlined. Pituitary body adenomas usually represent solid tumours with well expressed capsule. They can sometimes be cystic with hemorrhage signs in a tumoral tissue. On occasion the cyst centre can be informed with a subarachnoid space and contain a spinal liquid-that defines a syndrome of an "empty" Turkish saddle. The calcareous infiltration if it appears, represents a final stage of the organisation of the former hemorrhage. Cranyopharyngiomas These are congenital good-quality tumours which can partially or have a cystic structure completely. ! They consist from bound epithelial , often reminding a tumour of an enamel organ of a teeth. The most superficial cells of a tumour quite often form micro-or the macrocysts containing a brown liquid with high concentration of cholesterol which at 50 of patients calcareous infiltrations are exposed. The kind of these tumours can vary and is frequent them difficultly to distinguish from ependymomas or epidermoid cysts. They grow with various rate and can stop growth completely. At half of patients clinical symptoms appear in the childhood, at V4 - between 20 and 40 years, and at other-in later age [125].

суббота, 20 декабря 2008 г.

So, at a hypopituitarism

So, at a hypopituitarism Aldosteronum secretion though decreases, but to a lesser degree, than at primary adrenal insufficiency. There can be also a nausea, vomiting and a sharp hyperthermia. Sometimes owing to disturbance the hypoglycaemia, especially after long starvation and-or reception of moderate quantity of alcohol is observed. At patients order ultram prescription with isolated deficiency the hypoglycaemia can be a unique symptom of disease. Unlike patients with primary insufficiency of function of adrenals at which secretion is raised, at deficiency seldom there is a hyperpegmentation. Actually the depigmentation and depression of degree of sunburn can be observed even at a solar irradiation. As secretion often drops out not completely, corresponding symptoms at patients can appear only during the stress periods (for example, at surgical interventions, traumas, serious infectious diseases), that for a long time complicates diagnosis statement. Disturbance of an egestion of water at the water load, observed at illnesses, meets and at insufficiency , but is expressed more weakly and often masks simultaneous insufficiency of a vasopressin (see further).
The termination of secretion of adrenal androgens at men influences the general condition if function of spermaries is kept a little. However at women it can define depression and stars in a pathogenesis of abaissement of hair under mice and on a pubis. a hormone The conditions of thyroid insufficiency caused by depression of secretion , name secondary or a hypothyrosis. Clinical implications of a primary and secondary hypothyrosis, as a rule, do not differ from each other, except for gravity of a current. At patients with deficiency tolerance to a cold is broken, there are constipations, dryness and pallor of integuments, retardation of mental processes, a bradycardia and a rhonchial voice. The true myxedema becomes perceptible very seldom; infrequently there is also a hypercholesterinemia and a carotenemia. It can become perceptible both intensifying, and reduction of menstrual bleedings. Insufficiency arising in the childhood, leads to a sharp growth inhibition, refractory to treatment . At some patients with isolated insufficiency buy online pyridium observed a pseudohypoparathyroidism [108]. Luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones Deficiency of Gonadotropinums at women is shown by an amenorrhea and clinical signs failures, including an atrophy of mammary glands, a xeroderma and depression of secretion of a vagina that becomes frequent a cause of infringement of matrimonial relations. Can come and depression . At men abaissement of gonadotrophic function of a pituitary body is accompanied by reduction of the size of testicles which become soft and rather tolerant to pressure, and also symptoms of depression of production of androgens which depression and potencies, retardation of secondary growth of hair on corresponding sites of a body and animal force reduction concerns. The insufficiency of Gonadotropinums developing till the period of puberty or during this period, leads to full or partial absence of secondary sexual signs. At the isolated insufficiency of Gonadotropinums or at conservation of secretion absence of closing of epiphyseal zones caused by sexual steroids in long bones causes excessive growth of extremities that gives to the patient an eunuchoid kind. Growth hormone Disturbance of secretion at adults is not accompanied a little by appreciable clinical semiology. Though possesses distinct metabolic activity, but including of some compensatory mechanisms at abaissement of its effects masks clinical implications of deficiency of this hormone. At patients with deficiency tolerance to carbohydrates that is bound with is broken. However this condition sharply differs from a diabetes, first of all absence . takes part in healing of wounds owing to what it is possible to expect (though it and it is not proved), that at insufficiency the adnation of bones at fractures will demand larger time. Insufficiency at children is accompanied by a growth inhibition. At them the hypoglycaemia on an empty stomach which becomes a constant symptom at a combination to insufficiency [109] is often observed also. Prolactinum As unique clinical implication of insufficiency of Prolactinum absence of a postnatal lactemia serves. Vasopressin Absence of secretion of an antidiuretic hormone causes a syndrome , in detail surveyed in chapter 9. Kidneys lose ability water that leads to a polyuria and a polydipsia, and without augmentation of consumption of a liquid (that often meets at patients the confused consciousness) the serious dehydration can develop. Patients suffer from strong thirst which is satisfied with preferably ice water. At deficiency the polyuria can and not be shown, as glucocorticoids are necessary for an egestion of free water. Development of a polyuria in the course of carrying out of assay with or after the beginning of treatment by glucocorticoids serves as the weighty indicating on insufficiency of a vasopressin and . Oxytocinum Absence of Oxytocinum at the person is not accompanied by clinical semiology. At pregnant women with a panhypopituitarism patrimonial activity begins, and labours proceed normally, despite lacking this hormone.

The general semiology

The general semiology At patients with a hypopituitarism the skin often loses a normal turgor and becomes waxy. Its rugosity, especially round a mouth and eyes is quite often observed, that prematurely ages the patient. Fatness usually remains, and the cachexia as which Simmonds originally considered as implication of this buy cheap levitra online disease, was, possibly, a consequence of a nervous anorexia. The moderate anaemia, usually , but sometimes hypochromia or macrocytic often develops. The most important factor of a pathogenesis of an anaemia is insufficiency of thyroid hormones though the certain role belongs, apparently, and to depression of secretion of Testosteron-Depotum, and also disturbance of production of erythropoetin. The hypopituitarism is accompanied by mentality changes, and the mental retardation or apathy were observed almost at half of the patients described Sheehan and Summers [110]. Paranoica psychoses concern other symptoms of disturbance of mentality and sometimes. At sick of a hypopituitarism without a diabetes in the anamnesis carbohydrate metabolism, as a rule, is not broken almost. On the contrary, development of a hypopituitarism at sick of diabetes, requiring treatment by insulin, leads to the expressed depression of requirement for this hormone (often on 20-50 from an initial dose) and raises bent to hypoglycemic reactions.
These changes remain even against full replaceable therapy by glucocorticoids that specifies in important role , and also adrenaline. Relative frequency of various implications of a hypopituitarism depends on the reason of this disorder. In publications of last years describe patients with tumours of a pituitary body which consider for today as the most frequent reason of a hypopituitarism. Though results of various observations and not completely coincide, but, apparently, before all and consequently secretion , and then Gonadotropinums is more often stops. Deficiency and meets less often and develops at later stages of disease. However possibility of existence monohormonal or selective failures sharply limits estimations of function of this gland by results of research of one-two hormones. The isolated hormonal buy online decadron insufficiency Quite often deficiency of separate hormones of a pituitary body can meet even without visible anatomic changes of a gland. Signs and symptoms of such conditions are described earlier. Insufficiency and Gonadotropinums cannot be distinguished clinically from primary depression of secretion of hormones of glands-targets whereas to differentiate insufficiency from primary adrenal insufficiency absence of a hyperpegmentation and predilection for the salty helps. There is the isolated deficiency which is illness of the childhood and youth more often. Localisation of primary disturbance at the isolated hormonal insufficiency of a pituitary body usually manages to be defined only at careful inspection of the patient. THE DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS The hypopituitarism can be confused with illnesses of two categories. The hormonal insufficiency caused by a primary hypofunction of peripheric glands or disturbances in that area which takes part in neuroendocrinal regulation (hypothalamus) concerns the first. The second covers the diseases having a number of general with a hypopituitarism of signs and symptoms, but not bound to a hypocrinism. Hypofunction of peripheric glands of internal secretion and hypothalamus The isolated insufficiency hormones should be distinguished from primary insufficiency of function thyroid, epinephral or sexual glands. As already it became perceptible, the semiology in these cases can coincide with hypopituitarism semiology completely. Last is especially difficult for differentiating from plural insufficiency of peripheric glands (for example, Schmidt's syndrome at which insufficiency of function thyroid and epinephral glands is combined). Last diagnosis can be assumed on the basis of signs diseases, presence of a diabetes, a moniliasis or a hypoparathyrosis and family character of this pathology. Though degree of hormonal insufficiency at a primary lesion of peripheric glands frequently more than at a hypopituitarism, it cannot serve as differentsialno-diagnostic criterion as possibility of incomplete insufficiency of function of a peripheric gland is not excluded. As characteristic sign for primary adrenal insufficiency the hyperpotassemia caused by depression of secretion of Aldosteronum serves. At a hypopituitarism Aldosteronum secretion remains sufficiently to prevent rising of level of a potassium in Serum. In these cases there is no also characteristic for illnesses a hyperpegmentation and requirement for salt.

пятница, 19 декабря 2008 г.

So, ?-receptor antagonists

So, ?-receptor antagonists (for example, propranolol) strengthen, and a-receptor antagonists (for example, Phentolaminum) suppress action of various stimulus. However the majority applied in. antagonists of receptors forces to concern with care interpreting of separate results. Dofaminergichesky receptors are mediated cheap levitra by stimulating influences, and such agents as L-dofa (the nearest precursor of Dofaminum), Apomorphinum and (an agonist receptors), stimulate, whereas Chlorpromazinum (aminazine) and Pimozidum (antagonists receptors) interfere with reactions to numerous stimulus. Serotoninergichesky receptors also mediate stimulating metabolic signals, and is possible, and the signals causing secretion , bound to a dream though on this question still there are disagreements. In regulation of secretion bound to a dream participate, apparently, and cholinergic mechanisms. Analogues of an enkephalin stimulate secretion [76], but the role of endogenous enkephalins in regulation of secretion of this hormone is not clear yet. Besides, there are data about stimulating influence on its secretion of GAMK-ERGICHESKY neurones [77]. PROLACTINUM Action As the basic target of action of Prolactinum the mammary gland where it stimulates development of a specific tissue and a lactemia in a combination to other hormones serves. Prolactinum is necessary buy decadron online for normal development of mammary glands in animal many kinds, but in the person its importance in this respect is not established yet. The pathological augmentation of secretion of Prolactinum usually is not accompanied by augmentation of the sizes of mammary glands, and at men the gynecomastia develops against normal level of Prolactinum. During pregnancy Prolactinum in a combination to estrogens, progesterone and a placental lactogen and in the presence of insulin and a hydrocortisone provides the further development of mammary glands that leads eventually to milk development. Prolactinum specifically stimulates synthesis of fibers, including , and also Adepses and milk carbohydrates. In an intact tissue of a mammary gland receptors of Prolactinum which are localised on alveolar surfaces of cells have been found and partially characterised. Prolactinum receptors are taped also in a tissue of a liver and kidneys, and Prolactinum, apparently, can enlarge number of own receptors. The beginning of a lactemia after sorts is caused by sharp depression of level of estrogens and progesterone of a placental parentage. Really, estrogens, being synergists of Prolactinum concerning stimulation of development of mammary glands, simultaneously are its antagonists concerning influence on a lactemia. This phenomenon forms a basis of application of estrogens for lactemia oppression in the postnatal period, and also explains frequent occurrence of a galactorrhea in women with after the termination of reception of oral contraceptives. For maintenance of the begun lactemia continuous secretion of Prolactinum is required. Its inhibition by means of pharmacological or surgical agents leads to the lactemia termination. The secretion of Prolactinum stimulated with the certificate of a suction, during the postnatal period gradually decreases to normal level. However the true reflex of "emission" of milk is mediated not by Prolactinum, and secretion of Oxytocinum by a back share of a pituitary body. Oxytocinum causes reduction cells round terminal acinar lobes which push out milk containing in them in ducts between lobes. At rats Prolactinum is necessary for maintenance of secretory activity of a yellow body and consequently plays a role in pregnancy conservation its early stages. At the person this effect, apparently, is not obligatory though for production of progesterone cells the person small amounts of Prolactinum [78] nevertheless are necessary. Its high level, on the contrary, causes progressing inhibition of secretion of progesterone. Prolactinum together with and is present at a follicular liquid, and there are data according to which it can block stimulating influence on secretion of estrogens developing a blister. Besides the influence on physiology of genesial system, Prolactinum at animal some kinds an effect has on behaviour, and also on a vodno-ELECTROLYTIC exchange though concerning the person data about similar effects are not too convincing yet. At birds and mice Prolactinum strengthens implications of a maternal instinct that plays an essential role in life cycle of these kinds. Though at the person the raised level of Prolactinum accompanies many mental sensations (see further), intensifying of secretion of a hormone is, apparently, a consequence, instead of the reason of such sensations.

Bound to a dream condition

Bound to a dream condition (daily) flashes of secretion are most expressed in the childhood when they are observed and during a day dream, and with the years gradually fade ( 7-8). It is established, that 70 from general daily quantity at night order ultram sale cosecrete. These "flashes" of secretion of a hormone appear, apparently, in the beginning of a deep dream as they are absent if the person awake before offensive III and IV stages of a dream. The attentive analysis of such communication at some healthy faces at the pathological conditions accompanied by changes of a dream and secretion , and also at influence of pharmacological agents (for example, Imipraminum, , and ) which are capable to block reaction , has allowed to conclude, that night secretion is the process often beginning simultaneously with offensive of a dream, but not strongly bound to the nervous mechanisms defining development of a dream. The metabolic. Change of concentration of power substances in blood and, that is more important, in cells plays an essential role in regulation of secretion .
The augmentation of the maintenance of Saccharum in blood, whether it be owing to peroral or intraveins th of introduction of a glucose, suppresses secretion . This phenomenon is widely used in acromegalia diagnostics. On the contrary, depression of level of a glucose in blood (to be exact - an intracellular metabolism of a glucose), whether it be owing to action of insulin or the test in a descending phase, stimulates secretion . Value of an intracellular metabolism of Saccharum is illustrated by stimulating effect of introduction 2-dezoksigljukozy, causing a hyperglycaemia with simultaneous intracellular at the expense of blockade glucoses. For today the insulinic hypoglycaemia serves as the most reliable stimulus, allowing to estimate secretory ability . The important determinants of reaction is both absolute level of a glucose, and rate of depression of its concentration as fast reduction of the maintenance of a glucose with level to norm also can cause secretion . In a ventral hypothalamus neurones sensitive to a glucose, which as consider, are found out Peroral introduction of separate amino acids (an arginine, a lysine, Leucinum, etc.), admixtures of amino acids or fibers stimulates emission . buy pyridium online Rising of level of free fat acids in the plasma, caused by infusion of a fatty emulsion with a heparin (for activation lipases), acutely suppresses secretion . On the contrary, fast reduction of the maintenance of free fat acids stimulates secretion . In , still it is necessary to find out the mechanism of action of amino acids and free fat acids, no less than concrete points of the appendix of their action. The hormonal. Secretion by various ways is influenced by many hormones. Estrogens strengthen secretory reaction of a hormone of growth to action of many stimulus that is observed and concerning Prolactinum, Gonadotropinum and . It is considered, that progesterone suppresses secretion , but proofs to that are rather limited. Reactions to stimulation are braked by exogenous glucocorticoids, endogenous , giper hypothyrosis. Though it is shown, that both steroids, and a thyroxine have the an effect immediately on , action it, most likely, more difficult and can include influences both on a hypothalamus, and on formation (which it is oppressed with estrogens and glucocorticoids) and on other effects . Itself on a feedback mechanism brake an effect has on own secretion though it is not known yet, whether this action is immediate or it is mediated by any intermediate substance (for example, or one of metabolism substrates). In favour of last point of view existence of nanism [73] testifies, at which resistance to action (defect at receptor or postreceptor level) is accompanied by rising of level in blood. Some hormones (a vasopressin, and its separate fragments, and also a-MSG) acutely raise secretion . Now it is necessary to consider their effect pharmacological which is caused, possibly, interaction of these peptides with receptors STG-RF on . Unlike it the glucagon influences secretion not at once and its action, most likely, is mediated by carbohydrate metabolism changes. and preparations. Numerous data about secretions and about effects of the substances possessing activity, are in detail surveyed in other publications [74, 75]. At the person, it is possible to summarise the numerous data, concerning secretions as follows: irrespective of character of operating factors their effects are mediated in , and is more concrete - in a hypothalamus one or several which eventually cause liberation STG-RF or . Some contradictions existing in the literature can, possibly, to speak that fact, that these are liberated locally and that for reaction reproduction excitation not one, and two or more neurones with participation not one, and several (see chapter 6) is necessary. Probably also, that , mediating stimulating reaction in one chain of neurones, in another mediates brake reaction. There are indicatings for a role almost all classical (Noradrenalinum, adrenaline, Dofaminum, a serotonin and Acetylcholinum) in regulation of secretion . ?-adrenergic receptors mediate, apparently, , and a-receptors - stimulating influences.

четверг, 18 декабря 2008 г.

Within one kind, including

Within one kind, including at the person, all hormones contain same or very similar a-subedinitsu whereas b-subedinitsy these hormones differ, giving to them biological specificity. However within a kind exists appreciable and b-subedinits; for example, 50 of amino acids as a part of bull ?-subedinitsy and b-subedinitsy either buy levitra online are identical, or differ only on so much, on how many it can be defined by change of only one pair the bases in a genetic code [32]; the person is contained Lg-beta and in addition by 30 amino-acid rests on the S-end [33, 35]. Both a - and b-subedinitsy possess and expressed interspecific : a-subedinitsy the person and a bull are identical on 70 , and ?-subedinitsy a corresponding hormone th of 90 [36].
Not surprisingly therefore, that hormones do not possess specific specificity and that hormones of large or fine horned livestock show biological activity at the person. Separately are deprived biological activity of an intact hormone though it is not excluded, that own activity is inherent in them. Biological action of a hormone defines ?-subedinitsa as its association almost with any homologous heterological a-subedinitsej leads to formation of the hybrid molecule possessing biological activity of a hormone. Preparations from separate pituitary bodies differ a little, that is bound, apparently, to differences of carbohydrate components (microheterogeneity}. Some researchers assume, that character cosecreted (with the various carbohydrate component causing different biological activity) can vary depending on endocrine medium. Though possibility of secretion of the changed forms of this or that a hormone was assumed, but proofs of it at any specific disturbance of secretion of these hormones are not received (see further). Biosynthesis It is considered, that linear sequences buy decadron now are synthesised separately, and the carbohydrate component joins after synthesis end chains. As concentration free a-subedinitsy in a pituitary body much more exceeds level b-subedinitsy, believe, that synthesis hormones is regulated mainly at a synthesis stage b-subedinitsy. THE HORMONE Action Influences on a thyroid gland are appreciably similar to that of Adrenocorticotrophinum on a cortex of adrenals. After linkage of Thyrotropinum with the receptors of a cellular membrane possessing high affinity, adenylatecyclase that leads to maintenance rising , to acceleration of transport of iodine and its linkage by fiber, synthesis augmentation and thyroid hormones and to proteolysis intensifying with liberation of thyroid hormones is stimulated. Synthesis and the squirrel that leads to augmentation of the sizes and thyroid gland blood supplies is besides, stimulated. More in detail effects are discussed in other publications. Definition Biological methods. Widely applied biological method is based on liberation registration is radioactive thyroid hormones a mouse thyroid gland in blood. Though it is rather useful method and he has allowed to find out for the first time is long an operating thyroid stimulator (LATS or immunoglobulins), nevertheless it is a little sensitive and does not give possibility quantitatively to estimate level in plasma of the healthy person. the method and especially cytochemical method of definition possess the larger sensitivity, allowing to measure quantity of a hormone in plasma, and the data received by means of these methods, will be compounded with results of use of radio immunologic definition. However owing to technical difficulties cytochemical definition still remains now the procedure applied only in the research purposes. Radio immunologic methods. Working out of specific radio immunologic methods of definition has allowed to define the hormone maintenance in plasma. The most reliable antibodies to are referred to its antigenic determinants b-subedinitsy and consequently practically do not give two-dimensional reaction with others hormones. Now the radio immunologic method serves as an agent of a choice for routine clinical analyses. Radio immunologic methods of definition free a-subedinitsy, and also TtG-beta which find out rather insignificant two-dimensional reactance in relation to an intact hormone are developed also, that allows to obtain data about the maintenance free in a pituitary body and plasma. Hormone level in a pituitary body and plasma Pituitary body. Maintenance in a pituitary body, judging by results of biological definitions, makes approximately 0,4 ME [37]. Though great bulk collects in the form of an intact hormone, at a pituitary body are present also free a-subedinitsa and TtG-beta, and concentration of the first exceeds level of the second.

Accumulation of data

Accumulation of data that immunoreactive b-MSG in a pituitary body and plasma of the person actually is not a peptide consisting of 22 amino acids as believed earlier, and larger molecule (beta-LpG, scales a- or. that and another), demands revision of representations about level b-MSG in plasma. Besides, application of the antiserums reacting only from scales a-, but not with b-LPG, has brought mess in representations about dynamics order ultram er of secretion and these peptides. Modern data [22, 23] testify that are present at Serum of the healthy person in concentration from 10 to 40 pg/ml that dynamics of their secretion can be tested by means of the same stimulus which are applied to an estimation of secretion (an insulinic hypoglycaemia, , a vasopressin), and that in reply to. from these stimulus and cosecrete, possibly, in equimolar parities. These observations can speak existence of one molecule of the precursor containing in the structure both , and which is exposed to enzymatic splitting either directly ahead of secretion, or on a course of the secretoriest process.
At two pathological conditions dissociation of levels and was observed. At the patients who are on the supporting hemodialysis, rising of levels LPG-MSG that correlated both with pigmentation degree, and with duration of a dialysis [15] was revealed. This dissociation quite could speak stability (unlike ) in plasma, i.e. Absence of its intravascular enzymatic destruction, and appreciable retardation of its clearance at chronic renal insufficiency. From here follows also, that renders, possibly, rather weak brake (on a feedback mechanism) effect both on own secretion, and on secretion . At patients with illness or a syndrome of Nelson acute introduction of Hidrocortizonum reduces level in ready smaller degree, than level , that besides reflects difference in rates of a metabolic clearance of these bonds [24]. ENDORPHINES AND ENKEPHALINS Opening in a brain of the person of receptors, binding opiates, has caused searches of "endogenous opiates and has led to allocation of [26 two - and a met-enkephalin, buy pyridium now and the structure of the first of them has appeared identical ?-LPG61-65. Then a little big peptides in the sizes, possessing activity, have been found out in a pituitary body [27] in which it was possible to identify such three peptides [28, 29] - a - b - and g-endorphines; each of them partially or completely contains S-trailer sequence b-LPG, since 61st rest ( 6-8 see). Proceeding from data about splitting ?-LPG enzymes, this hormone consider as the precursor of endorphines; at the same time absence of similar enzymes in a brain, and also differences in anatomic distribution of endorphines and enkephalins within separate areas of a brain and a pituitary body do not allow to consider endorphines as precursors of enkephalins. In a pituitary body b-endorphine is localised mainly in cells of an intermediate share and in. degrees in , and by means of immunohistochemical techniques it was possible to show its presence at the same cells which contain . Methods of radio immunologic definition b-endorphine as a result of which use it has been shown, that in some conditions, for example after introduction [30], and also at patients by illness and with a syndrome of Nelson [31] are developed, this peptide cosecretes in blood in parallel The physiological role endorphines remains obscure. At system introduction in the doses much more raising their endogenous level, these peptides do not render analgesic action, and changes of painful sensitivity (hypalgesia) are not characteristic for the clinical conditions accompanied by a hypersecretion b of-endorphine. It is not excluded, however, that its influence on function is caused by immediate hit in a brain on system of portal vessels of a pituitary body. PLACENTAL For many years was considered, that the placenta cosecretes a hormone, possessing-aktg-like activity. Such allowance allowed to explain rising of the maintenance of a hydrocortisone in plasma at pregnancy and especially at approach of sorts. The recent publication [25] specifies in the valid presence of chorionic Adrenocorticotrophinum at placenta extracts, and it was possible to show, that it is formed in primary culture of a tissue of a placenta. Such source tolerant to a normal feedback mechanism, could explain rising of level of a hydrocortisone observed at pregnancy (that concentration augmentations now charge some globulin), refractory to overwhelming effect of dexamethasone. hormones Chemistry To to pituitary body hormones concern (Thyrotropinum, ), luteinizing () and follicle-stimulating () hormones. Owing to structural and biological similarity with in this group include also placental chorionic Gonadotropinum (). hormones consist of two in , each of which contains a kernel and the branched out carbohydrate lateral chains defining 15-30 of molecular mass of a hormone. Sahara include , a galactose, galactoses of -mines, a mannose and the sialine acid, which presence it is necessary for conservation of biological activity of a hormone. Sialine acid reduces rate of a metabolism hormones, but, possibly, does not participate in process of their recognition by receptors of cells-targets

вторник, 16 декабря 2008 г.

Thus, the big share

Thus, the big share of venous outflow from is referred, apparently, back to a brain on the vessels going along a leg of a pituitary body. The blood flow referred from a hypothalamus in a pituitary body, is a basis vorotno-vascular hypotheses of subthalamic regulation of functions of a forward share of a pituitary body (see chapter 6). The retrograde blood flow provides a probable way of short circuit of return hormonal communication of a forward pituitary body with a hypothalamus. The blood flow in a forward pituitary body levitra makes 0,8 ml/g in 1 mines that exceeds a blood flow in all tissues of mammals. The innervation of a forward pituitary body is extremely poor and presented almost exclusively by the postganglionic sympathetic fibers accompanying bifurcations of arterioles and terminating on blood vessels. However there are few proofs of change of rate of a blood flow in a pituitary body at changes of activity of sympathetic nervous system. Nervous communications between back and forward shares of a pituitary body though their function is unknown are described also. FETOLOGY
The analysis of an embryogenesis of a pituitary body in many respects promotes understanding of anatomic distribution in it of cells of a miscellaneous ooze, developments of various congenital anomalies, and also formations and growth directions tumours. The glandular part of a pituitary body - - is formed of pocket representing emboly of an ectoderm of the top department drinks which eventually is bridged to a protrusion of area of III ventricle of an intermediate brain of a developing embryos. This part of an intermediate brain is differentiated in a neurohypophysis or a back share of a pituitary body. That site of pocket which does not contact to an intermediate brain, is enlarged, forming a forward share of a pituitary body. order decadron At early stages of development two tissues from forward shares merge on an average line and extend along a pituitary body leg. At animal some kinds this structure named a part, forms a full cover surrounding a leg, but at the person it is limited by group of the cells which are settling down along forward area of a leg of a pituitary body. That part of pocket which immediately contacts to a neurohypophysis, develops less intensively, than the opposite wall of a pocket, and forms an intermediate share. At animal some kinds, for example at rats, this share and at mature age remains in the form of separate anatomic formation which is easy for distinguishing. At the person of a cell of an intermediate share are admixed with cells of a forward share and form the incorporated structure named a distal part. Cells of an intermediate share, developing, get ability to cosecrete Adrenocorticotrophinum (), a hormone (), and endorphines whereas cells of a forward share start to cosecrete a growth hormone (), Prolactinum, , (), luteinizing () and follicle-stimulating () hormones. Recently obtained at microsurgical excision of tumours of a pituitary body data testify that the embryogenesis of the cells involved in pathological process, in certain degree allows to expect localisation hormonal active tumours. At the person the cavity of pocket obliterates, being filled with a developing pituitary body. On neurohypophysis border the rests of this cavity in the form of a cleft or the small cysts filled with a colloid which at children are expressed more accurately, than at adults can remain. Already at very early stage of development growing of the mesenchyma forming the basic bone, breaks contact of pocket to a forward part of a pharynx. However even at adults in the basic bone or near to it some cells of the bottom part of a pocket which form a so-called pharyngeal pituitary body can remain. These cells contain secretory granules at which are present at least and Prolactinum, and is not excluded, that in the conditions of excision or destruction of a distal part the given structure can find out appreciable endocrine function. The bookmark of a pituitary body at a foetus of the person is taped for the first time on 4-5th week of pregnancy, and its cellular differentiation occurs very quickly; basphilic cells appear on 7th, and atsidofilnye th 9-10th week. The hypothalamus where on 13th week it is possible to observe fluorescence of monoamines in a median eminence is differentiated also, and the primary plexus of portal vessels soon develops. By 20th week gipotalamo-gipofizarnaja the axis looks already quite mature. Secretory granules in a foetus pituitary body managed to be observed already in the end of I trimester of pregnancy, and already on 7th week pituitary body hormones are defined.

One of distinctive features

One of distinctive features of some endocrine diseases is absence of normal periodicity of secretion of hormones. It is fair concerning both a hydrocortisone at illness and syndrome and for concentration of a hormone of growth in plasma at an acromegalia. Such observations along with other signs of disturbance of regulation order ultram hydrocodone soma of hormonal secretion from party TSNS at these diseases have allowed to assume, that at the heart of their occurrence (and developments finally a hyperplasia or even an adenomatosis) lay functional shifts in , bound, possibly, with action or maintenance change . At syndrome Shtejna-Leventalja stably high level with absence of its maximum rising in the middle phases and an anovulation that reminds a condition neonatally rats-females is observed. It is considered, that at the heart of this disease the "masculanization" of a hypothalamus leading constant, instead of cyclic secretion lays.
Deeper understanding of a basis of such hormonal rhythms could frame preconditions to successful therapies of the corresponding diseases characterised by disturbance of rhythm of secretion of hormones. Chapter 7. DISEASES of the FORWARD SHARE of the PITUITARY BODY L. AND. (L. A. FROHMAN) PITUITARY BODY ANATOMY The pituitary body settles down in the skull basis in the saddle-like osteal cavity named a Turkish saddle which is a part of the basic bone. The forward department of a saddle consists from laying on an average line a saddle and the forward rejected processes which are back projections of wings of the basic bone. Behind the saddle is limited by a saddle backrest, which lateral angles form the back rejected processes. The saddle roof is formed by a diverticulum of a firm cerebral cover a-diaphragm of the saddle attached to rejected processes. The external layer of a firm cerebral cover enters in a saddle, forming a periosteum fossas. Through an aperture in this membrane which can be not continuous or trellised, there passes a leg of a pituitary body with accompanying blood vessels ( 7-1). The pituitary body form varies from when cross-section diameter exceeds longitudinal, to completely spherical. The pituitary body configuration is defined by the form of a Turkish saddle, that in gives to the sizes of a gland some variability. Dependence of a structure of a Turkish saddle on buy pyridium age and a floor is noted also. In this connection 10136 mm it is necessary to consider its sizes quite often accepted for norm as averages. On radiological data, the average volume of a pituitary body makes nearby 600 3 though this size can essentially fluctuate [1]. The pituitary body mass varies from 0,5 to 0,7 , and at women it is a little bit more. Than at men. During pregnancy the mass of a forward share of the pituitary body, usually making 75 from mass of all gland, can be enlarged twice. BLOOD SUPPLY AND INNERVATION Modern researches with use of a scanning submicroscopy of corrosion preparations of vessels along with straight visions behind a blood flow direction on vessels of portal system and concentration definition hormones in them have led to revision of former representations about pituitary body blood supply. The pituitary body receives arterial blood from internal carotids through anastomosing network of branches a circle (an arterial circle of the big brain) both the top average and bottom arteries of a pituitary body ( 7-2). This network of vessels forms the unique portal circulation binding a median eminence and a pituitary body. Branches of first three vessels, anastomosing with each other, form capillary loops (an external plexus) on an external part median eminences (funnel) and the top part of a leg of a pituitary body. These loops together with capillaries from inside layers of a median eminence (an internal plexus) pass in some long portal vessels which cross a pituitary body leg, mainly on its forward surface and terminate in a dense network of sinusoidal capillaries in a forward share of a pituitary body. The average and bottom arteries of a pituitary body providing blood supply of a leg of a pituitary body and its back share, do not get on a way to substance of a forward share. Thus, the forward share of a pituitary body, obviously, has no direct arterial blood supply, and all arterial blood passes in the beginning through a plexus of portal vessels [2]. Venous outflow from a pituitary body can occur on several ways. Rare veins, apparently, do not play an essential role in a drainage of a forward share of a pituitary body. Other veins merge with veins of a back pituitary body and are referred to a cavernous sine. They, however, have the insufficient sizes to provide outflow of all blood arriving in a pituitary body. Venous blood of a forward pituitary body arrives in a capillary bed of a back pituitary body which is bridged both with long, and with short portal vessels on a back part of a leg of a pituitary body. In these vessels the retrograde blood flow from a back pituitary body in a median eminence is observed, and concentration of hormones of a forward share of a pituitary body much more exceeds their level in system circulation.

понедельник, 15 декабря 2008 г.


SYNTHESIS AND METABOLISM Concerning synthesis and a metabolism various it is known very much. Data about capture of specific amino-acid precursors , about enzymatic synthesis, about accumulation in special granules which protect from destruction, about allocation of such granules under the influence of the stimulus causing of a neurone, about interaction allocated with receptors on a neurone (for example, receptors on the neurosecretory cell containing order what is ultram a hormone) and about a metabolism free , not co-operating with a receptor, or by repeated absorption in the presynaptic nervous termination, or by extracellular transformation into biologically inactive products are obtained. On 6-6 the main things in and enzymes of their synthesis and disintegration are presented. On 6-7 this process with reference to to a cell and influence on it various agents is represented. NEJROFARMAKOLOGICHESKY EFFECTS There is a big number of points in which pharmacological agents can influence on function and, hence, on allocation hormones. Some agents find therapeutic application at not endocrine diseases, therefore it is important to know their collateral endocrine action; other preparations are applied in experiment to finding-out of the various parties regulations.
Some of effects of pharmacological agents for secretion of hormones are summarised in tab. 6-3. Comparison of the resulted data with given tab. 6-2 should specify in mechanisms of action concerning function of a forward share of a pituitary body; so, the substance considerably raising concentration of a serotonin, should activate secretion of a hormone of growth and Prolactinum. As some agents influence some transmitters at once, their hormonal effect should be a resultant of these influences. On an example of each of these substances it is possible to show the difficulties meeting at the characteristic of effects of hormones. Concerning it was found out, that it influences secretion not only one a hormone; its introduction causes secretion as , and Prolactinum. In this connection there was a question, whether is identical prolaktin-rilizing to a hormone (), or nevertheless there is the special factor regulating secretion of Prolactinum (see further). It is necessary to notice, that terms "factor" and "hormone" in this case are interchangeable, though factors usually name substance with yet not found out chemical structure. Besides, not only stimulates secretion , but also causes behavioural reactions which can be observed and at animals. With the advent of new techniques identifications hormones the substance with an immunoreactivity] similar , was revealed in many departments TSNS (see further) that has pyridium 100mg allowed to replace the former term subthalamic hormones on hormones. Similar data are available and concerning . This hormone (see further) liberates both , and and consequently till now is not clear, whether there are separate rilizing-hormones for each of these hormones. Similarly , presence was revealed and out of a hypothalamus; also possesses the behavioural effects remaining for lack of a pituitary body. was the first identified the factor oppressing liberation of a hormone. Its concentration in hypothalamus extracts is usually enough great to disguise possible presence of the rilizing-factor of a hormone of growth. Detection in peripheric nervous system, a pancreas and in cells of a gastroenteric tract confuses a problem factors even more. It is shown, besides, that inhibits secretion not only a growth hormone, but insulin, a glucagon and Gastrinum. TIROTROPIN-RILIZING THE HORMONE () Representing tripeptide was the first of the identified hormones. Its distribution, according to the radio immunologic analysis, is presented to tab. 6-1. Though its quantities found out of a hypothalamus also are insignificant, but they become appreciable if to consider, that the mass of a hypothalamus at a rat makes only 1/100 from a brain lump. In this connection on a share extrahypothalamic 80 from its general maintenance in a brain are necessary almost. it is synthesised it is artificial and it is widely applied in the experimental and clinical purposes. A number of its analogues to find out communication between structure and activity is synthesised also, and also to receive antagonists or derivatives with larger duration of action. The period of semilife in blood of the person makes approximately 4 minutes It quickly is inactivated in plasma by thermolabile enzymes and consequently at definition of concentration in blood important to inactivate these enzymes. In peripheric blood of a rat concentration makes about 40 pg/ml, but in a blood plasma of portal system of a pituitary body it above [3]. At the rats subjected to cooling either receiving a thyroxine or a propylthiouracil, it was not revealed changes of concentration in plasma though all these influences change the maintenance in plasma [4]. Like it, maintenance and in a brain or a hypothalamus of rats in the conditions of a thyroidectomy introductions 4, a-methyl-R-Thyrosinum or r-hlorfenilalanina did not change.

There are reports on presence

There are reports on presence in urine that followed expect, as approximately 15 entered quickly get to urine in not changed kind. However methodical difficulties of radio immunologic definition bring up a question on, whether the substance really found out in urine is . Recently carried out researches by means of affine on with anti-TrG IgG have shown a chromatography, that practically all immunoreactivity] earlier defined in urine, buy decadron is caused not . The digits received by means of this method, were much below received in other laboratories by the direct radio immunologic analysis, urine though the percent of detection added to urine made only 35. These results testify that the endogenous immunoreactivity] defined in urine of the person, can be caused presence not most , and the substances giving two-dimensional reaction with antibodies to this hormone. HORMONES WITH THE FOUND OUT STRUCTURE For last decade three factors have been allocated and in detail characterised: tirotropin-rilizing a hormone (), gonadotropin-rilizing a hormone () and a hormone inhibiting liberation of a hormone of growth (). They have the following structure a hypothalamus Deafferentation reduces concentration only in him, but not in other departments of a brain; it testifies that extrahypothalamic is formed not as a result of activity of neurosecretory cells of a hypothalamus. The reason of depression of level in a hypothalamus after such deafferentation remains obscure. Consider, that this depression is caused or the termination of stimulating nervous influences on subthalamic TRG-PRODUCING cells, or a section of the axons bringing from areas, located out of a hypothalamus, or, at last, by possible disturbance of circulation of a spinal liquid, that also interferes with transport from extrahypothalamic areas in a hypothalamus.
Despite depression of maintenance in a hypothalamus, at animals normal reactions to introduction of a propylthiouracil and or influence remain. The reactions remaining at animals, transferred a hypothalamus deafferentation, decrease at electrolytic destruction of a median eminence. Apparently, in the field of an arched kernel and a median eminence there is stock which in conditions functions of cells of a pituitary body can provide conservation of a feedback and reactance of a pituitary body. Believe, that the mechanism of action on a pituitary body consists in activation of system adenylatecyclase-tsamf. This effect is blocked by thyroid hormones by synthesis the fiber interfering implication of action . Corticosteroids which, possibly, reduce secretion , also block also its stimulating action on secretion . As to Prolactinum buy avandamet corticosteroids do not reduce its reaction on , and the thyroxine reduces this reaction only partially. also blocks reaction , but not Prolactinum, on . Similarity of effects of a thyroxine, Cortisonum and means, that or two types of cells (i.e. and ) possess unequal receptors to , or these effects are carried out not at receptor level. Introduction L-dofa blocks reaction on as , and Prolactinum. At patients with real or prospective tumours of a pituitary body, i.e. At an acromegalia or illness (but not at healthy faces), influences secretion accordingly a hormone of growth and . suppresses rising of level of a hormone of growth in plasma at night, and at animals intraventricular introduction brakes rising of level of a hormone of growth in the plasma, caused by pharmacological agents. It is considered, that in conditions ways influences them, oppressing stimulating action on secretion . At disturbance of function of these ways (that, possibly, it is observed at an acromegalia) can immediately influence a pituitary body, raising secretion . In the same way, can stimulate secretion only at integrity disturbance (anatomic or functional) communications in . As to mentioned behavioural effects its definition in a brain primitive which do not have pituitary body or a thyroid gland, corresponds to possibility of direct influence on function . The first data about "softening" of depressions at introduction have not been confirmed. However shortens duration a narcosis, behavioural effects of Dofaminum and a serotonin and enlarges LD50 , reducing thus LD50 strychnine. These data will be compounded with representations about exciting action on . Recently obtained data of electrophysiological researches testify to possible participation in inhibition of flashes of activity of certain population of subthalamic cells. Behavioural effects can be defined not only its action on nervous cells (to what researches with a microionophoresis), but also change of a circuit of transmitters (for example testify, Noradrenalinum) in a brain. Acceleration of a circuit of Noradrenalinum in a brain cortex was observed at the rats receiving .

воскресенье, 14 декабря 2008 г.

The last is especially

The last is especially important, as these structures give to the given estrogen specificity. For many years various techniques of immunization are developed, but all of them, in essence, are updatings of original technique [34]. The emulsion decadron containing a hormone, or an immunogen, corresponding oil and the tubercular rods killed by warming, enter intra-or subcutaneously. With reception of high cleaning hormones and other derivatives it was possible to develop an immunization technique small quantities of an immunogen [35]. Reliable experimental proofs of education of specific antibodies possessing high affinity to small doses of an immunogen [36] are had. Small doses of an immunogen with the greatest probability cause production of specific immunoglobulins those cells which form antibodies with the highest affinity to an immunogen. In this connection at application of the big doses of an immunogen the probability of development of the antibodies possessing low affinity raises. At introduction of very big doses of an immunogen at animals the tolerance phenomenon when antibodies are not formed or formed at all in very low caption [37, 38] can be observed. After initial immunization usually should pass a minimum 6 that there were appreciable antiserum capacities. Affinity of antibodies continues to be enlarged and reaches a maximum usually between 8th and 12th week after initial immunization [35, 39]. It is empirically established, that repeated immunization of an animal provides the best reaction in that if repeated injections make in depression circulating antibodies.
At repeated introduction of 1/2 or 1/4 doses of the hormone, used at primary immunization, substantial increase circulating antibodies is observed in some days. Repeated immunization of an animal should be made in the same anatomic area into which an immunogen entered first time. It is more than that, for reaction reproduction on memory it is not so necessary to enter the tubercular bacilli killed by warming which can enlarge a case rate and a mortality of animals. For reception of specific antibodies it is necessary to choose those kinds of animals which are easily accessible, not too expensive and at which the structure avandamet of an own endogenous hormone considerably differs from applied to immunization. For example, though at animal different kinds possess identical biological activity, but they essentially differ on amino-acid structure. These differences in primary structure, as well as some other insufficiently characterised factors define an adjuvanticity of a hormone for other kinds of animals. In some cases amino-acid sequences can differ rather weakly and consequently it is necessary to select a kind of an animal to which enter a hormone with special carefulness. For example, the structure of insulin at the person, a rabbit and a sheep is almost identical, but insulins of the person and a porpoise differ more strongly. For reception of specific antibodies to insulin of the person is better to use porpoises [40]. SENSITIVITY OF SYSTEM OF DEFINITION After reception of antibodies from an animal and definition of their concentration spend an estimation of sensitivity and specificity of an antiserum. Concentration of antibodies in Serum in the beginning define on linkage of a labelled hormone which applied to immunization, and use different delutions of an antiserum. This way is called as titration and under understand concentration of molecules of antibodies in Serum. After a finding of that concentration of antibodies which in equilibrium conditions binds 30-40 of a labelled hormone, define sensitivity and specificity of antibodies. Reception and the characteristic of specific systems for definition and insulin it is very in detail stated in other publications and can serve as a reference point at reception of other specific radio immunologic systems of definition of hormones. In real conditions the antibodies received for use in clinical radio immunologic researches, contain population of the immunoglobulins possessing various specificity and affinity. It is necessary to choose an antiserum containing population of antibodies with high enough affinity and specificity to that hormone which should be defined. In practice to choose such population of antibodies with high affinity high delution of an antiserum that the role of other populations of the antibodies possessing the lowest affinity and, probably, nonspecific, became concerning insignificant is possible by enough. At a choice of such delution of an antiserum which differs from used in the beginning for the system characteristic, it is necessary to define anew its sensitivity and specificity as in other delution concentration of other populations of antibodies can appear concerning high, and the divorced antiserum will possess smaller sensitivity and specificity.

Though the listed allowances

Though the listed allowances idealise a situation, but they approximately outline conditions of radio immunologic researches. By means of corresponding methods it is possible to define such concentration of hormones which usually do not give in to definition by the majority of biological methods in vivo. As sensitivity or the least definable dose understand that concentration of a hormone which causes significant change of percent of linkage of a labelled hormone with antibodies at comparison about "empty" breakdown. Sensitivity order ultram zoloft of definition depends on affinity of a hormone to specific antibodies. Most widely applied method fibers is, possibly, modified method offered Greenwood, Hunter and Glover [27]. In it the oxidising agent Chloraminum transforming Na125I in free iodine which then joins mainly in Thyrosinum rests is used. At use of this method can and Histidinum rests. For conservation of the maximum immunoreactivity] it is necessary, that on a hormone molecule one atom 131I or 125I as the big degree usually reduces immunologic and biological activity of a hormone had only, changing its chemical properties [27]. Now apply also other ways .
The place second for popularity occupies, apparently, an enzymatic method with lactoperoxidase use [28, 29]. In the presence of the peroxide of hydrogen added immediately in a reactionary admixture, the lactoperoxidase transforms Na125I into free iodine which selectively joins in Thyrosinum rests. As hydrogen peroxide is a strong oxidizer, action of its high concentration can change its chemical properties to a hormone; therefore hydrogen peroxide usually add in two or three small portions which are quickly used in reaction. Another, but less widespread method , the method developed Bolton and Hunter [30] is newer. In it possibility of harmful effects of Chloraminum , bisulphite of sodium and peroxide of hydrogen, applied in two other methods , on a hormone is reduced to a minimum. By means of Chloraminum pyridium 200mg the intermediate bond-ester, formed N-oksisuktsinimidom and 3 (r-oksifenil)-propionic acid which then is condensed with amino groups of a polypeptide hormone. Such approach allows to avoid influence on a hormone of strong oxidizers or reducers. This technique is a little bulky and yet has not received a wide circulation. Now use not Na131I, a Na125I as it possesses considerably the big half-life period: 59 days instead of 6. However at work with 125I special carefulness, as its specific g-activity much more low, than at 131I is necessary. Steroid hormones and vitamin D mark , that allows to receive higher specific activity, than by means of a label 14C. The polypeptides which are not incorporating the rests of Thyrosinum or Histidinum, it is possible to modify, entering or attaching Thyrosinum to their structure without visible change of conformstion of native bond. Choose such replacements which with the least probability will change conformstion of a molecule. ANTISERUM RECEPTION Antibodies belong to a class of immunoglobulins and are mainly g-globulins (IgG). Molecule IgG consists of 4 polypeptide chains: two serious and two easy, symmetrized and covalently bound with each other disulfide ponticuluses. The schematic image of this molecule is resulted on 5-2. Antigen interaction, or , with an antibody can assimilate contact the latch and a key. The form an antibody site that of an antigen site. Communication between an antigen and an antibody is caused by a combination electrostatic, hydrogen and van-der-vaalsovyh interactions [31, 32]. The form of a binding site and by that affinity and specificity of communication of molecule IgG with the necessary antigen is defined by amino-acid sequence a site of this molecule [33]. For reception of system of definition of a hormone a high cleaning hormone enter a laboratory animal, inducing at them synthesis of the immunoglobulins possessing enough high specificity and sensitivity that they could be used for radio immunologic definitions. As a rule, less than 1000 dalton is not enough bond with the sizes of molecules and for giving of properties by it active they need to be bridged to a molecule-carrier. As an immunogen is called the substance, capable to induce formation of antibodies. To provide possibility of an induction of an antibodyformation, small molecules, or , it is possible to bridge to such substances, as an albumin, or a hemocyanin. reaction usually above in case of introduction of those fibers-carriers which and are . In this connection such substances as an albumin, and a hemocyanin the polylysine or other synthetic polyamino acids are more suitable fibers-carriers, than, at an induction of synthesis of specific antibodies to . Steroids, thyroid hormones ( and a thyroxine) and various forms of vitamin D, as a rule, demand a conjugation with fibers-carriers. It is necessary to watch that in the course of a conjugation of steroids and others that part of the molecule which change least would affect stereospecificity of this molecule took part carefully. For example, antibodies to 17 ? to-Oestradiolum is better are formed at its covalent joining 6-ketoanaloga to an albumin, i.e. At conservation 3 and 17-hydroxylic groups, no less than a ring And, a steroid.

пятница, 12 декабря 2008 г.

Thus, both nuclear fibers

Thus, both nuclear fibers, and DNA, apparently, take part in process of linkage by a chromatin which proceeds, it is obvious, both in , and in the intermediate sites of a chromatin accessible for of digestion [96]. Besides, specific linkage of estrogens and androgens is revealed in a nuclear matrix of target tissues of sexual hormones: in areas DNA, and also processing and transport nuclear () [97]. The high binding capacity of a kernel buy cipro xl in relation to a hormone-RECEPTOR to complexes is difficult for compounding with representation that the activated complexes contact the limited number of nuclear acceptor places, regulating some specific genes. Really, saturation of nuclear places is observed by complexes not always, and at stimulation by physiological concentration of a hormone of a translocation can be exposed to 10 000 complexes. These data testify to linkage transposed complexes with many nuclear sites possessing low affinity that masks interaction with a small number of the acceptor places, defining regulation of genes [81]. Nevertheless linear correlations between biological reactions (such as synthesis ) and a saturation of receptors manage to be was observed up to several thousand receptors in one kernel [69]. Influence complexes on a chromatin After the stage of activation caused by interaction of steroid hormones with their specific intracellular receptor fibers, complexes get ability quickly to contact a chromatin and to influence a transcription of specific molecules . The separate fibers, which synthesis as it has been established, it is induced by action of steroid hormones on formation , are listed in tab. 4-6. Most likely, it will be shown, that many other things fibers about whom it is known, that their maintenance is influenced by steroid hormones, also are regulated through primary action complexes on a transcription of genes and rate of formation .
The exact mechanism of regulation of an expression of specific genes is still studied, but recently there have been begun researches of structure and function of genes for the purpose of definition of the main stages of this process. The majority of corresponding data has been received at studying of influence of estrogens on synthesis and the squirrel in two target tissues: to an unripe uterus of rats [80] and chickens [95]. At primary stimulation of these tissues by estrogens during a phase of cellular growth and a differentiation there is a synthesis of DNA, all kinds and many fibers [98]. In a uterus early reaction to estrogen is synthesis , coding characteristic the induced fiber [99]. In a chicken initial reaction of a proliferation of cells of tubular glands is accompanied by synthesis of several proteins of the egg white which main buy generic rimonabant component is the ovalbumin. After retrogress of primary reaction to estrogen repeated influence by estrogen or progesterone causes in fast augmentation of production , specific "exported" fibers supervising synthesis, including an ovalbumin and . Rate of synthesis , registered or by translation in vitro, or by means of hybridization with DNA (), after estrogen introduction is quickly enlarged and closely correlates with rate of synthesis of an ovalbumin. After cancellation of estrogen the number of molecules quickly decreases, that will be compounded with representation about necessity of presence of estrogens for transcription continuation on a matrix a gene [1, 95]. These, and also similar data about effects of androgens and glucocorticoids in vivo and in vitro, confirm the assumption that steroid hormones operate by rising of synthesis specific , disappearing after excision of an inducing hormone. In some cases the raised synthesis decreases at addition of the second hormone inhibiting action first, that is observed at addition of antagonists of estrogens or androgens. Though effects of steroid hormones consist usually in augmentation of rate of synthesis , but there are cases when hormonal influence leads to "deenergizing" specific as it occurs, for example, at action of glucocorticoids on synthesis and secretion by cells of a forward share of a pituitary body. Here level specific 31 K-predecessors of Adrenocorticotrophinum and ?-lipoproteina is enlarged after an adrenalectomy and decreases at action of glucocorticoids that testifies to regulation of rate of formation of molecules by them the precursor [100]. The similar effect of glucocorticoids is observed in culture of cells of a tumour of a pituitary body, though acute suppression of secretion under the influence of glucocorticoids is represented too fast to be the depression of synthesis caused only [101]. Except for this form the control which, possibly, has a general meaning for effects of steroid and thyroid hormones on a feedback mechanism on secretion corresponding hormones, the majority of influences of steroid hormones on fiber synthesis is initially realised, apparently, through a derepression of specific genes.

Spironolactonum also

Spironolactonum also co-operates with and receptors, no less than with Aldosteronum receptors, and can render and antiandrogenic influences, in that number-occurrence of a gynecomastia and loss . Nonsteroid antagonists of androgens concerns which does not possess hormonal activity, and on the antiandrogenic properties it is similar to tsiproteron-acetate. Like Progestinums, in target tissues oppresses absorption and a delay in kernels order generic ultram of androgens, competing for linkage with their cytosolic receptors. Antagonists of glucocorticoids Present time would not exist clinically applicable antagonist of glucocorticoid effects as augmentation of secretion quickly overcomes action of blockade of these effects at the expense of rising of secretion of a hydrocortisone by adrenals. However some steroids show partial or ability to competitive inhibition of action of a hydrocortisone and related glucocorticoids. The majority of glucocorticoids possesses axial 11 ?-hydroxylic group which can play the important role in linkage and receptor activation [92]. Such steroids as Cortisonum and (11-dezoksikortizol or bond S) and progesterone derivatives, contact glucocorticoid receptors, but practically do not possess own glucocorticoid biological activity. These bonds can operate as partial agonists or antagonists, especially in vitro when they are not metabolized further in glucocorticoids. In vivo last process can interfere with implication of full antiglucocorticoid action of such steroids, except for not metabolized bonds, such, as a tsiproteron-acetate and later the received antagonists [93]. Antagonists of mineralocorticoids Such bonds as Spironolactonum, operate as antagonists of Aldosteronum, inhibiting linkage of the last with receptors and forming the antagonist-receptor a complex which is not exposed to a translocation and linkage in a kernel.
These the antagonist-receptor complexes on to properties differ from complex Aldosteronum-receptor that can reflect an inactive condition of a receptor or the change of conformstion caused by linkage of the antagonist [94]. Besides the described effects, Spironolactonum in high doses oppresses Aldosteronum biosynthesis, rendering to that additional action. To other bonds co-operating with by receptors, nonsteroid agents, such, as resolvents (for example, Phenylbutazonum) and acid concern. These agents compete for linkage to renal receptors and cause a delay of sodium and other steroid effects. Thus, interaction of such bonds-agonists with receptors can lead to development of reaction of cells-targets presumably at the expense of the same nuclear mechanism which mediates effects of endogenous pyridium mineralocorticoids on transport of electrolytes. Linkage of steroid receptors in kernels For implication of biological effects of steroid hormones interaction activated cytoplasmatic complexes with kernels of cells-targets is necessary. Activated the complex gets ability to contact a chromatin, no less than from DNA and others , and to collect in a kernel. Data about presence at a kernel just as in a cytoplasma cells free receptors, testify that they can be distributed on all cell-target, despite dependence of their accumulation in a kernel from transformation in activated the form with balance shift between distribution in a kernel and out of it [81]. In a kernel the activated complexes contact acceptor sites of a chromatin and initiate synthesis specific and fibers [95]. The exact nature of nuclear acceptor sites is not known, but ability testifies to value of DNA in reaction to interfere with linkage complexes with kernels and to liberate from a kernel earlier bound complexes. The chromatin from kernels of cells-targets of androgens and progesterone binds more complexes, than a chromatin from the tissues which are not reacting to these steroids. Like it, the receptors allocated from cells some refractory to glucocorticoids , possess the lowered affinity to kernels and DNA. Linkage of complexes from DNA is defined, apparently, by ionic interactions between positively charged site of a molecule of a receptor and negatively charged phosphatic groups of DNA, and also not ionic forces. Consider, that DNA-binding contains a site of a receptor molecule , and the rests and changes under the influence of the agents operating on sulfhydryl groups. At least one of kinds of receptor molecules (for progesterone) consists of two : one (), possessing nonspecific binding affinity to DNA, and the second (), having specific affinity to a chromatin of cells . Selective. Linkage progesterone-receptor of complexes is defined by interaction V-subedinitsy with special fraction fibers of a chromatin which can cause fabric specificity of action of progesterone. Such double process of linkage could raise matrix activity of a chromatin, providing availability of places synthesis and others , coding fibers [84]. Despite these data about value of linkage with DNA and a chromatin for nuclear effects of steroid hormones, nevertheless there are doubts concerning the nature of acceptor sites and a role of the majority of processes of the linkage observed in a kernel. a complex it is possible from uterus kernels in a combination with a ribonucleoprotein, and activated complexes are strongly bound to nuclear histones and the basic fibers of a kernel.

четверг, 11 декабря 2008 г.

Intramembranous synthesis

Intramembranous synthesis of an intermediate product causes sharp changes of fluidity of a membrane, framing conditions for accelerated movements of own membranous fibers. Stimulation of process of a methylation in reticulocytes under action ?-adrenergic agonists and depression of viscosity of a membrane is thus accompanied unmasked hidden b-adrenergic receptors, acceleration movements of receptors and interface intensifying between receptors and adenylatecyclase. The methylation membranous enlarges number buy cipro 500mg of receptors of some hormones, including Prolactinum and . To other membranous enzymes and processes which synthesis and a translocation influence, the chemotaxis of leucocytes, secretion of Histaminum by mast cells and lymphocytes ( 4-24) concern . In cells of an astrocytoma stimulation ?-adrenergic and benzodiazepine receptors raises a methylation in the additive image that testifies to independent stimulation by two the methyltransferases localised in separate domains near to corresponding receptors [68]. Such caused changes in a methylation and flowabilities of a membrane, most likely, reflect the general phenomenon of updating of structure and membrane function at many forms of regulation of cells hormones and other agents. They can explain also short-term augmentation of number of receptors homologous and other hormones, observed after stimulation of cells-targets. So, in spermaries of a rat causes time augmentation of receptors both most , and Prolactinum, and causes initial rising of number of receptors of Prolactinum in adrenals. In each of these cases the augmentation of number of receptors precedes the studied process of loss of receptors, or reducing regulation which in vivo begins in some hours after interaction with receptors. Degree in which rising of fluidity of a membrane supervises a receptor-tsiklaznoe interface in cells-targets of hormones, is not known yet, but this mechanism can be the important component of regulation of cellular sensitivity and reactance to hormonal stimulation. STEROID HORMONES The basic classes of the steroid hormones cosecreted by sexual and epinephral glands, include androgens, estrogens, Progestinums, gljuko - and mineralocorticoids. Stages of biosynthesis of these steroids are defined by the complete set of the enzymes which are present in separate cells-targets, and the general rate of synthesis of steroids in each case is regulated one or several by pituitary body hormones: , , and Prolactinum. Types of action of steroids: a structure role Everyone specialised a tissue produces one basic steroid with rather limited spectrum of action on a target tissue. As steroid hormones are formed during the general biosynthetic way of cholesterol, and their biological features are defined by rather not numerous structural updatings, it is not surprising, that effects of close steroid molecules block each other.
Usually such it is shown only at high concentration of hormones, but can meet and at their introduction in therapeutic doses, as, for example, , or , action of the steroids (glucocorticoids) rendering the main effects in carbohydrate metabolism. These effects are caused by two-dimensional reaction of a heterological steroid with receptors, in norm co-operating with homologous , in this case from aldosteronomas. As the domain of biological action of each subspecies of steroids first of all is defined by receptors through which they have the an effect, and the interfaced processes of activation hormonal actions could be classified most precisely according to the receptors mediating each characteristic effect [69]. All basic steroid buy acomplia acomplia rimonabant rimonabant hormones co-operate with the specific receptors which are present at the corresponding cell-target, but not in other tissues. The Hormone-RECEPTOR the complexes formed in a cytoplasma and, probably, in a kernel, are exposed to activation, and then contact a chromatin, regulating a transcription specific which code enzymes and others , cells-targets defining characteristic reaction. Sexual steroids - androgens, estrogens and progesterone - participate mainly in regulation of growth and function of tissues of genesial system whereas adrenal steroids serve mainly as metabolism regulators, supervising an interstitial exchange and a homeostasis of electrolytes (tab. 4-5). Some effects of steroid hormones of each class, realised through their specific receptors, are defined first of all by conformstion of their molecules. As it is characteristic for all , including pharmacological substances and hormones, implication of activity of an agonist is caused by its ability to be bound and activate specific receptors, which supervise the subsequent metabolic reaction (or reactions), varying under influence .

Though the mechanism

Though the mechanism including activation , can reflect the general property secretory cells, at hormonal stimulation of specific cells-targets other stages of a metabolism vary also. So, in cells of a granuloma of an ovary where enlarges production of Prostaglandinums, the hormone does not raise formation of arachidonic acid, and operates order buy ultram online at later stages, enlarging activity [63]. This effect of L on synthesis of Prostaglandinums in a follicle (bubbly a follicle), apparently, does not mediate Gonadotropinum action, but plays the important role in development of an ovulation [64]. Circuit stimulation and formations . make small, but the important part a plasmatic membrane in the majority cells. Main a lipid in the majority of cells is () in which it is attached to to phosphatic group a skeleton. (di - and ), containing mono-or twice hydroxylic groups , are present at a plasmatic membrane in smaller quantities. turn each other under the influence of ATF-DEPENDENT and and are blasted to and . Within several years it is known, that at stimulation of secretory cells metabolism with augmentation of including of radioactive Natrii phosphas and in and its precursor amplifies. Now it is established, that this reaction reflects disintegration and resynthesis and as postulated Nichell [65], is the general consequence of interaction between and receptors of a cellular surface.
Later it was found out, that this reaction characterises the interactions leading to rising of intracellular concentration of calcium. Reaction often does not depend on extracellular and intracellular concentration of calcium and it is represented the general process accompanying activation of receptors, leading to inflow or mobilisation of calcium and rising of its concentration in cytoashes. From here the assumption has been made, that disintegration takes part in the general mechanism with which help activation of receptors of a cellular surface supervises mobilisation of calcium [65]. Rising of concentration of calcium in a cytoplasma could be defined by augmentation of permeability of a plasmatic membrane vpxl work or liberation of calcium from stocks in a plasmatic membrane or mitochondrions. Till now in tissues stimulated with hormones noted distinct correlation between reaction and calcium mobilisation. Unlike it it has been shown, that some hormones which raise intracellular level , but not calcium, practically do not influence a metabolism . Thus, reaction it is not simple the general answer of cells to activation of their superficial receptors, but, apparently, prominent feature of stimulus for which calcium mobilisation is an essential component of reaction of cells-targets [65]. Additional feature the interactions causing reaction , is activity rising and cGMP level in a cell. As, it already became perceptible, possibly, represents a consequence of rising of intracellular concentration of calcium, instead of a necessary stage of process of activation which causes characteristic reaction of a cell-target to hormonal stimulation. Though between reaction and calcium mobilisation at activation of many cellular receptors for certain there is a close interface, the communication nature between these processes is not clear yet. Most likely, receptors of circuit occurs in a plasmatic membrane of a cell therefore permeability for calcium and-or calcium liberation in a cytoplasma is enlarged. Disintegration stimulated with a hormone could be the important component of some mechanisms bound to activation of receptors, causing opening of calcium channels on a cellular surface, and also modulating effects of other receptors which activate adenylatecyclase [65]. Other prominent aspect of metabolism is bound to a possible role in operation hormones. These strongly charged lipids are exposed to a fast metabolic circuit, especially in a brain, and accelerate the disintegration at stimulation a-adrenergic and receptors. Unlike reaction , these changes depend on level of calcium and can represent secondary answers to rising of its concentration in cytoashes like the general change of activity [28]. The potential role in operation hormones is established for a cortex of adrenals in which acutely raises the maintenance difosfo . These effects are reproduced and , and, as well as effects , they are blocked by inhibitors of synthesis of fiber. Addition to adrenal mitochondrions or the isolated cells raises production and Corticosteronum that testifies to a mediating role in steroidogenesis stimulation in adrenals under the influence of and [66]. Methylation stimulation . Synthesis from in a cellular membrane passes through two consecutive stages of the methylation, carried out by carrying over groups with S-adenozilmetionina under the control of two enzymes named I and II. The first enzyme transfers one group, forming ; both substrate , and the first enzyme are localised on the cytoplasmatic party of a cellular membrane. The second enzyme transfers two more groups besides with S-adenozilmetionina, forming . Both a product , and the second methyltransferase settle down on an external surface of a membrane. Such azygomorphous distribution of enzymes and their substrates promotes fast carrying over through a plasmatic membrane during a consecutive methylation .

среда, 10 декабря 2008 г.

The majority of the substrates

The majority of the substrates possessing enzymatic activity, exists either in fosfo - or in which interconversion from active in an inactive condition occurs as a result of the compounded action and . , including a tsamf-dependent buy cipro medicine protein kinase, transfer g-phosphatic group with on albuminous substrates, whereas hydrolysis , splitting off from them phosphatic groups. This cycle is considered a fosforilirovanie-dephosphorylization now everywhere widespread mechanism of regulation of a metabolism, and not only to enzymes, but also to to reactions, membranous and to nuclear processes. At functional level such effects are shown by physiological processes of muscular reduction, secretion and activity of neurones. Opening Greengard of that fact, that all animal cells contain a tsamf-dependent protein kinase, has led to concept creation according to which various effects are realised through this unique class of enzymes [39]. From this point of view, specificity mediated reactions is defined by character of a protein kinase and especially character of the albuminous substrates which are present at cells of given type. It is considered, that each albuminous substrate supervises the specific metabolic or physiological process which rate is enlarged or decreases at the squirrel.
The way with which help the squirrel mediates biological effects of hormones and the transmitters operating through , is presented on 4-12. Followed believe, that for a catalysis separate albuminous substrates at numerous effects there should be a set of protein kinases. However in animal cells the small number of the basic forms of this enzyme is identified only; therefore specificity of each reaction should be defined by localisation and character of albuminous substrate. Protein kinases widely differ on the dependence or buy rimonabant online independence of cyclic nucleotides (tab. 4-2). The protein kinases not dependent on cyclic nucleotides, are present at all areas of a cell and are regulated, apparently, by other intracellular signals. Recently found out class of protein kinases for the activity demands presence of lipide components of a membrane and calcium; enzymes of this class can be a part of the transmembrane supervising systems regulated by calcium. The majority of protein kinases of cells-targets supervised by hormones depends from or (less often) on a cGMP. Such protein kinases dependent on cyclic nucleotides are concentrated in cytoashes, on meet also in plasmatic membranes and in other cellular organellas. They are activated by micromolar concentration of cyclic purine nucleotides ( and a cGMP) and quickly stimulated at rising of production of cyclic nucleotides as a result of hormone action on a cellular membrane. Both types of protein kinases dependent on cyclic nucleotides are activated at nucleotide linkage by a special site of enzyme. The tsamf-dependent protein kinase in the inactive form represents , consisting of two types: for linkage and for a catalysis of carrying over of Natrii phosphas. Inactive consists of two binding, or (), and two fermental, or catalytic (), . At linkage with 2- 22 dissociates, liberating active catalytic , possessing activity [38]. It is possible to present this reaction as follows: After the formation free K-subedinitsa finds out functional similarity to tsamf-independent protein kinases, but it can be distinguished on the characteristic size (molecular mass 38000) and reactions on thermostable fiber which blocks its catalytic activity and prevents a recombination with . Catalytic , most likely, are uniform in all forms of tsamf-dependent protein kinases whereas find out specific features. It is considered, that , protein kinases liberated at dissociation, remain in the form of 2- and later are exposed to repeated association with free catalytic therefore it is restored inactive . In absence and catalytic are bound with each other to high affinity and at physiological conditions are present mainly in the form of inactive [40]. Protein kinase cGMPs-dependent have been found out in the beginning at , but after them have found and in tissues of mammals where they function otherwise, than tsamf-dependent enzyme. Their affinity to much more low, than to a cGMP, and enzymatic activity usually also concedes that of tsamf-dependent enzyme. Activation is carried out by cGMP linkage by an enzyme site, and consider, that like a tsamf-dependent protein kinase this enzyme also dissociates with liberation of active catalytic unit. Recently it has been established between two forms of enzymes dependent on cyclic nucleotides that has led to thought on their general evolutionary parentage from primitive

Reaction "Deenergizing"

Reaction "Deenergizing" is blocked by not physiological agents, such as Gpp (NH) p and choleraic toxin, and also can serve as way of regulation of activity of adenylatecyclase other intracellular signals. The further indicatings on value a site have been received at reconstruction attempts activity of adenylatecyclase by cell fusion or order ultram online addition of soluble cellular extracts to to membranes. In experiences on cell fusion Heterokarionums, from characteristic for blood cells (deprived b-receptors) and erythrocytes of a turkey (with adenylatecyclase), found out the activity which was absent in donor cells [35]. Like it, receptors containing in extracts rich with lipids of ovaries, have been transferred to cells of a mesh zone of a cortex of adrenals in which they mediated action of Gonadotropinums on production and corticosteroids [6]. In experiments on reconstruction a detergent adenylatecyclase joined in structure of membranes of mutant cells containing receptors, scarce on adenylatecyclase, with restoration of activity of enzyme stimulated with catecholamins [36]. Like the mentioned results of researches with cell fusion these data underline spatial independence of hormonal receptors and adenylatecyclase and testify to ability of receptors to movement in a direction and to interaction with adenylatecyclase unit in a cellular membrane.
Such data testify that between hormonal receptors and components systems there is the general interfacing mechanism shown at interaction of receptors and adenylatecyclase of a cell-owner. It could specify in existence of area of conformation similarity at all receptors hormones at conservation of uniqueness of their areas responsible for specific linkage of hormones [36]. To finding-out of a question on, whether really receptors hormones possess the general domain defining possibility of interaction with by components of membranous enzymes, more detailed structural analysis of these receptors should vpxl herbal promote. Results of experiences on the reconstruction spent on mutant cells, possessing b-adrenergic receptors and adenylatecyclase, which though was present, but has been separated"(i.e. Did not react to catecholamins), have shown restoration of activity stimulated with catecholamins at addition of extracts of cells of wild type. It testifies that the interfacing factor (it is possible, normal unit), joining in a membrane of a mutant cell, replaces presumably defective at such mutants a site [36]. Besides participation in adenylatecyclase activation, guanylic nucleotides often influence and on linkages and affinity interactions. The analysis membranous systems and separate effects of guanylic nucleotides on linkage of a hormone and cyclase activation specifies in structural and functional isolation of the sites influencing conformstion of a receptor and enzymatic activity [32]. "receptor" and "catalytic" unit the squirrel is reliably proved by results of these and earlier researches, but the question on the mechanism of interaction of components of reaction remains unresolved. A prominent aspect of influence on affinity of receptors to is ability of a nucleotide to reduce "durability" of linkage of a hormone almost from irreversible association to a condition (in some cases) with ready smaller affinity. It was observed concerning glucagon receptors, and also concerning linkage of ligandov-agonists with b-adrenergic receptors. Unlike it, guanylic nucleotides did not change linkage b-antagonists that specifies in a role of interface to adenylatecyclase in ability of nucleotides to raise dissociation of the agonist bound to a receptor [20]. Though the data received at research of system, testify in favour of existence of the isolated scenes of action of nucleotides on regulation of receptor linkage and activity of adenylatecyclase, however a role of these places in hormonal activation and interface still remains not found out. The condition of low affinity of the receptor, caused , is surveyed as a favorable previous condition of process of transmembrane interface, and the separated form of a receptor possessing high affinity, could reflect an inactive condition of enzyme. The last could concern to adenylatecyclases the raised concentration of a hormone [20]. Role in effects : protein kinases After opening and the analysis of its role in effects of a glucagon and adrenaline on a glycolysis it has been found out, that the cyclic nucleotide takes part in regulation of various metabolic functions. As the certificate that is served by global presence at and and its participation in the reactions bound not only with action of hormones [4]. It has been established, that ability to activate in hepatic cells is the general property cells in which all effects are realised through albuminous substrates. Similarly in cells there is an enzyme named a tsamf-dependent protein kinase which mediates effects on a cellular metabolism [37]. At effects are realised through other mechanism - interaction of tsamf-binding fibers with sites . In animal tissues a tsamf-dependent protein kinase many albuminous substrates, transferring Natrii phosphas with on specific (and sometimes ) the rests. In the given place a number of known albuminous substrates, including enzymes, such, as , and a lipase, and not fermental cellular fibers, such, as histones, nuclear , ribosomal fibers, fibers of microtubules and membranes [38].