среда, 3 декабря 2008 г.

The genetic

The genetic phenomena (the mutation, a deletion of gene sequence or including of additional gene sequences) could give to genes of corresponding fibers ability to code synthesis of molecules with necessary properties. Presence fibers should provide to any cells advantage in struggle for existence, as they promote the cellular reactions referred on overcoming of arising threat (for example, deficiency of a glucose), was reason of formation . For example, some bacteria (Escherichia coli) at low concentration of a glucose accumulate [I]. This nucleotide stimulates then production of enzymes which metabolize other carbohydrates, such, order ultram without prescription as a galactose and lactose. The described effects therefore provide mobilisation of other carbohydrate resources which can be utilised by an organism in the conditions of absence of a glucose. Thus, - the key mediator of action of hormones and nervous signals at the person - has arisen as a regulator of a metabolism at the much easier organised kinds. can become symbols deficiency and in other circumstances. (magic maculae) regulates at bacteria proteometabolism [1, 2]. It is formed from , biosynthesis used in processes. The squirrel. As has underlined Tomkins [1], at the limited availability of amino acids on fiber synthesis should leave. Less and consequently the larger quantity of "magic maculae could be formed. Such by accumulation could symbolise deficiency of amino acids. Then, if only additional elements systems, magic maculae could promote a softening of initial influence (amino-acid deficiency) at the expense of stimulation of disintegration-other of the fibers which are a source of amino acids. Rousseam and Baxter [2] have assumed, that in the conditions of inhibition of a metabolism or cholesterol recycling on usual ways regulation of production of steroid hormones can join. Growth of cells is interfaced to cholesterol including in structure of membranes. When as a result of action of any of set of factors growth appears blocked, larger transformation of cholesterol into other molecular forms, such, as steroid hormones could be observed. Thus, steroids could, as it and is actually (especially concerning sexual steroids) to get value of symbols for regulation of growth of cells. Production of steroids can enlarge and other factors. Probably, for example, that at depression of level of carbohydrates ( 2-1) and, hence, a pyruvate formed of them is broken recycling Acetyl-soa in oxidising processes through a cycle of lemon acid and in lipogenesis processes.
It could lead to larger entering Acetyl-soa in reaction: Acetyl-soa ® cholesterol ® steroids. Such sequence of events could explain, how glucocorticoids became symbols of deficiency of a glucose [2] and have got a role in a metabolism which they play nowadays, raising production of a glucose and enlarging the maintenance of Saccharum at the expense of inhibition of its absorption by some tissues. At the person glucocorticoids in carbohydrate metabolism regulation play much a smaller role, than such hormones, as insulin and a glucagon. However though production of glucocorticoids at the person and not so sensitively reacts to change of level of Saccharum in blood, the serious hypoglycaemia nevertheless leads to sharp augmentation of secretion of these steroids, and at other animals (salmon) glucocorticoids play more important role in regulation of level of Saccharum in blood [2, 3]. Certainly, not all symbols supervising a metabolism, are regulated by simple augmentation of their synthesis. In homeostasis regulation the big participation is accepted also by ions, such, as 24, Mg2 +, To + and l-(see chapter 4). In these cases of change of a metabolism lead not to formation of ions, and to change of their concentration in some order vpxl online cellular spaces (cytoashes, mitochondrions, sarcoplasmic , etc.). For example, deficiency of a glucose or other substrates could cause shortage or change of parity ATF/ADF, that in turn should influence activity of the transport systems participating in maintenance of ionic concentration gradients on either side of a membrane. Co-operating with certain fibers as it has been described, ions then could get a role. PARENTAGE OF FIBERS The fibers which are taking part in regulation of a metabolism, can serve (for example, hormones), i.e. To co-operate with other fibers, such, as hormonal receptors, rendering action. Others fibers such, as receptors of hormones or protein kinases (the enzyme activated ), possess , supervised by linkage (i.e. Hormones and accordingly) (see chapter 4). That activity of fibers of this class could be regulated specifically , such molecules first of all should possess sites, specifically (and, as a rule, with high affinity) binding , that gives to molecules ability to distinguish from other chemical compounds. Besides, fiber should possess such structure that as a result of linkage its conformstion could vary, i.e. To provide rendering possibility actions. For example, at mammals specific linkage with separate protein kinases leads to reduction of affinity of communication of this with catalytic enzyme (see chapter 4). It causes dissociation of both albuminous enzyme. Catalytic , having released from under actions , it is activated and fibers. changes properties of certain fibers that affects the processes which are under the control . Interaction of steroid hormones with the receptors causes in the last such conformation changes which give them ability to contact a cellular kernel (see chapter 4). This interaction changes also other properties of receptors, important for effect of steroid hormones to a transcription of certain kinds .

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