пятница, 12 декабря 2008 г.

Thus, both nuclear fibers

Thus, both nuclear fibers, and DNA, apparently, take part in process of linkage by a chromatin which proceeds, it is obvious, both in , and in the intermediate sites of a chromatin accessible for of digestion [96]. Besides, specific linkage of estrogens and androgens is revealed in a nuclear matrix of target tissues of sexual hormones: in areas DNA, and also processing and transport nuclear () [97]. The high binding capacity of a kernel buy cipro xl in relation to a hormone-RECEPTOR to complexes is difficult for compounding with representation that the activated complexes contact the limited number of nuclear acceptor places, regulating some specific genes. Really, saturation of nuclear places is observed by complexes not always, and at stimulation by physiological concentration of a hormone of a translocation can be exposed to 10 000 complexes. These data testify to linkage transposed complexes with many nuclear sites possessing low affinity that masks interaction with a small number of the acceptor places, defining regulation of genes [81]. Nevertheless linear correlations between biological reactions (such as synthesis ) and a saturation of receptors manage to be was observed up to several thousand receptors in one kernel [69]. Influence complexes on a chromatin After the stage of activation caused by interaction of steroid hormones with their specific intracellular receptor fibers, complexes get ability quickly to contact a chromatin and to influence a transcription of specific molecules . The separate fibers, which synthesis as it has been established, it is induced by action of steroid hormones on formation , are listed in tab. 4-6. Most likely, it will be shown, that many other things fibers about whom it is known, that their maintenance is influenced by steroid hormones, also are regulated through primary action complexes on a transcription of genes and rate of formation .
The exact mechanism of regulation of an expression of specific genes is still studied, but recently there have been begun researches of structure and function of genes for the purpose of definition of the main stages of this process. The majority of corresponding data has been received at studying of influence of estrogens on synthesis and the squirrel in two target tissues: to an unripe uterus of rats [80] and chickens [95]. At primary stimulation of these tissues by estrogens during a phase of cellular growth and a differentiation there is a synthesis of DNA, all kinds and many fibers [98]. In a uterus early reaction to estrogen is synthesis , coding characteristic the induced fiber [99]. In a chicken initial reaction of a proliferation of cells of tubular glands is accompanied by synthesis of several proteins of the egg white which main buy generic rimonabant component is the ovalbumin. After retrogress of primary reaction to estrogen repeated influence by estrogen or progesterone causes in fast augmentation of production , specific "exported" fibers supervising synthesis, including an ovalbumin and . Rate of synthesis , registered or by translation in vitro, or by means of hybridization with DNA (), after estrogen introduction is quickly enlarged and closely correlates with rate of synthesis of an ovalbumin. After cancellation of estrogen the number of molecules quickly decreases, that will be compounded with representation about necessity of presence of estrogens for transcription continuation on a matrix a gene [1, 95]. These, and also similar data about effects of androgens and glucocorticoids in vivo and in vitro, confirm the assumption that steroid hormones operate by rising of synthesis specific , disappearing after excision of an inducing hormone. In some cases the raised synthesis decreases at addition of the second hormone inhibiting action first, that is observed at addition of antagonists of estrogens or androgens. Though effects of steroid hormones consist usually in augmentation of rate of synthesis , but there are cases when hormonal influence leads to "deenergizing" specific as it occurs, for example, at action of glucocorticoids on synthesis and secretion by cells of a forward share of a pituitary body. Here level specific 31 K-predecessors of Adrenocorticotrophinum and ?-lipoproteina is enlarged after an adrenalectomy and decreases at action of glucocorticoids that testifies to regulation of rate of formation of molecules by them the precursor [100]. The similar effect of glucocorticoids is observed in culture of cells of a tumour of a pituitary body, though acute suppression of secretion under the influence of glucocorticoids is represented too fast to be the depression of synthesis caused only [101]. Except for this form the control which, possibly, has a general meaning for effects of steroid and thyroid hormones on a feedback mechanism on secretion corresponding hormones, the majority of influences of steroid hormones on fiber synthesis is initially realised, apparently, through a derepression of specific genes.

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