вторник, 16 декабря 2008 г.

One of distinctive features

One of distinctive features of some endocrine diseases is absence of normal periodicity of secretion of hormones. It is fair concerning both a hydrocortisone at illness and syndrome and for concentration of a hormone of growth in plasma at an acromegalia. Such observations along with other signs of disturbance of regulation order ultram hydrocodone soma of hormonal secretion from party TSNS at these diseases have allowed to assume, that at the heart of their occurrence (and developments finally a hyperplasia or even an adenomatosis) lay functional shifts in , bound, possibly, with action or maintenance change . At syndrome Shtejna-Leventalja stably high level with absence of its maximum rising in the middle phases and an anovulation that reminds a condition neonatally rats-females is observed. It is considered, that at the heart of this disease the "masculanization" of a hypothalamus leading constant, instead of cyclic secretion lays.
Deeper understanding of a basis of such hormonal rhythms could frame preconditions to successful therapies of the corresponding diseases characterised by disturbance of rhythm of secretion of hormones. Chapter 7. DISEASES of the FORWARD SHARE of the PITUITARY BODY L. AND. (L. A. FROHMAN) PITUITARY BODY ANATOMY The pituitary body settles down in the skull basis in the saddle-like osteal cavity named a Turkish saddle which is a part of the basic bone. The forward department of a saddle consists from laying on an average line a saddle and the forward rejected processes which are back projections of wings of the basic bone. Behind the saddle is limited by a saddle backrest, which lateral angles form the back rejected processes. The saddle roof is formed by a diverticulum of a firm cerebral cover a-diaphragm of the saddle attached to rejected processes. The external layer of a firm cerebral cover enters in a saddle, forming a periosteum fossas. Through an aperture in this membrane which can be not continuous or trellised, there passes a leg of a pituitary body with accompanying blood vessels ( 7-1). The pituitary body form varies from when cross-section diameter exceeds longitudinal, to completely spherical. The pituitary body configuration is defined by the form of a Turkish saddle, that in gives to the sizes of a gland some variability. Dependence of a structure of a Turkish saddle on buy pyridium age and a floor is noted also. In this connection 10136 mm it is necessary to consider its sizes quite often accepted for norm as averages. On radiological data, the average volume of a pituitary body makes nearby 600 3 though this size can essentially fluctuate [1]. The pituitary body mass varies from 0,5 to 0,7 , and at women it is a little bit more. Than at men. During pregnancy the mass of a forward share of the pituitary body, usually making 75 from mass of all gland, can be enlarged twice. BLOOD SUPPLY AND INNERVATION Modern researches with use of a scanning submicroscopy of corrosion preparations of vessels along with straight visions behind a blood flow direction on vessels of portal system and concentration definition hormones in them have led to revision of former representations about pituitary body blood supply. The pituitary body receives arterial blood from internal carotids through anastomosing network of branches a circle (an arterial circle of the big brain) both the top average and bottom arteries of a pituitary body ( 7-2). This network of vessels forms the unique portal circulation binding a median eminence and a pituitary body. Branches of first three vessels, anastomosing with each other, form capillary loops (an external plexus) on an external part median eminences (funnel) and the top part of a leg of a pituitary body. These loops together with capillaries from inside layers of a median eminence (an internal plexus) pass in some long portal vessels which cross a pituitary body leg, mainly on its forward surface and terminate in a dense network of sinusoidal capillaries in a forward share of a pituitary body. The average and bottom arteries of a pituitary body providing blood supply of a leg of a pituitary body and its back share, do not get on a way to substance of a forward share. Thus, the forward share of a pituitary body, obviously, has no direct arterial blood supply, and all arterial blood passes in the beginning through a plexus of portal vessels [2]. Venous outflow from a pituitary body can occur on several ways. Rare veins, apparently, do not play an essential role in a drainage of a forward share of a pituitary body. Other veins merge with veins of a back pituitary body and are referred to a cavernous sine. They, however, have the insufficient sizes to provide outflow of all blood arriving in a pituitary body. Venous blood of a forward pituitary body arrives in a capillary bed of a back pituitary body which is bridged both with long, and with short portal vessels on a back part of a leg of a pituitary body. In these vessels the retrograde blood flow from a back pituitary body in a median eminence is observed, and concentration of hormones of a forward share of a pituitary body much more exceeds their level in system circulation.

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