четверг, 18 декабря 2008 г.

Within one kind, including

Within one kind, including at the person, all hormones contain same or very similar a-subedinitsu whereas b-subedinitsy these hormones differ, giving to them biological specificity. However within a kind exists appreciable and b-subedinits; for example, 50 of amino acids as a part of bull ?-subedinitsy and b-subedinitsy either buy levitra online are identical, or differ only on so much, on how many it can be defined by change of only one pair the bases in a genetic code [32]; the person is contained Lg-beta and in addition by 30 amino-acid rests on the S-end [33, 35]. Both a - and b-subedinitsy possess and expressed interspecific : a-subedinitsy the person and a bull are identical on 70 , and ?-subedinitsy a corresponding hormone th of 90 [36].
Not surprisingly therefore, that hormones do not possess specific specificity and that hormones of large or fine horned livestock show biological activity at the person. Separately are deprived biological activity of an intact hormone though it is not excluded, that own activity is inherent in them. Biological action of a hormone defines ?-subedinitsa as its association almost with any homologous heterological a-subedinitsej leads to formation of the hybrid molecule possessing biological activity of a hormone. Preparations from separate pituitary bodies differ a little, that is bound, apparently, to differences of carbohydrate components (microheterogeneity}. Some researchers assume, that character cosecreted (with the various carbohydrate component causing different biological activity) can vary depending on endocrine medium. Though possibility of secretion of the changed forms of this or that a hormone was assumed, but proofs of it at any specific disturbance of secretion of these hormones are not received (see further). Biosynthesis It is considered, that linear sequences buy decadron now are synthesised separately, and the carbohydrate component joins after synthesis end chains. As concentration free a-subedinitsy in a pituitary body much more exceeds level b-subedinitsy, believe, that synthesis hormones is regulated mainly at a synthesis stage b-subedinitsy. THE HORMONE Action Influences on a thyroid gland are appreciably similar to that of Adrenocorticotrophinum on a cortex of adrenals. After linkage of Thyrotropinum with the receptors of a cellular membrane possessing high affinity, adenylatecyclase that leads to maintenance rising , to acceleration of transport of iodine and its linkage by fiber, synthesis augmentation and thyroid hormones and to proteolysis intensifying with liberation of thyroid hormones is stimulated. Synthesis and the squirrel that leads to augmentation of the sizes and thyroid gland blood supplies is besides, stimulated. More in detail effects are discussed in other publications. Definition Biological methods. Widely applied biological method is based on liberation registration is radioactive thyroid hormones a mouse thyroid gland in blood. Though it is rather useful method and he has allowed to find out for the first time is long an operating thyroid stimulator (LATS or immunoglobulins), nevertheless it is a little sensitive and does not give possibility quantitatively to estimate level in plasma of the healthy person. the method and especially cytochemical method of definition possess the larger sensitivity, allowing to measure quantity of a hormone in plasma, and the data received by means of these methods, will be compounded with results of use of radio immunologic definition. However owing to technical difficulties cytochemical definition still remains now the procedure applied only in the research purposes. Radio immunologic methods. Working out of specific radio immunologic methods of definition has allowed to define the hormone maintenance in plasma. The most reliable antibodies to are referred to its antigenic determinants b-subedinitsy and consequently practically do not give two-dimensional reaction with others hormones. Now the radio immunologic method serves as an agent of a choice for routine clinical analyses. Radio immunologic methods of definition free a-subedinitsy, and also TtG-beta which find out rather insignificant two-dimensional reactance in relation to an intact hormone are developed also, that allows to obtain data about the maintenance free in a pituitary body and plasma. Hormone level in a pituitary body and plasma Pituitary body. Maintenance in a pituitary body, judging by results of biological definitions, makes approximately 0,4 ME [37]. Though great bulk collects in the form of an intact hormone, at a pituitary body are present also free a-subedinitsa and TtG-beta, and concentration of the first exceeds level of the second.

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