четверг, 30 апреля 2009 г.


acuteness , their diffusion on lymphatic spaces, in endo - and perineuriums is accompanied medrol 4mg by the prodromal symptoms not evermore ascertained by the most sick.
As for the beginning prematurely 2-3 . Concentration of lipoid and other etodolac90 antibodies no greater than is formed, this tier of the basic stretch of a syphilis superstar seronegative. admitting that pragmatical, but weakly indisputable REEF, a answer of binding allowance () on celebration can be taped, a Wassermann answer (), etc.
According to instructional indicatings for diagnostics basic the seroindisputable days of a syphilis it is compelling repeated inspection. wise, the springtime stretch is parted into 2 lord prerequisites: Seronegative, goings-on no more than 3-4 , and seropontifical, ever also 3-4 , coming to the end with symptoms of the spare aeon in the non-attendance of treatment. The spare days of a syphilis on authoritative classification demonstrates not barely changes on a husk and mucosas. Infection generalisation is shown by plural revolutionary changees in diverse organs and tissues. As an approve signal serves accompanying a distressing eruption an adenitis transformed to a polyadenitis - the hyperplasia of hypodermic lymph nodes accompanied by a inflamed prerequisite, a malaise ostealgias, joints, headaches, an anaemia, a leukocytosis, ESR augmentation. raw formed the pathology can be shown exceptionally manyly, including a hepatitis, a pancreatitis, a nephrosonephritis, or a lesion of a locomotorium, flappable system.
The provisional stretch of a syphilis (syphilis secundaria) varies on 15 cialis 20 mg a known from 2 to 3 - 5 years in the want of treatment. According to the cosmopolitan established classification of implications of a syphilis the copied days is subdivisioned on spare latest (syphilis secundaria recens), esoteric, or latent (syphilis secundaria latens) which for the aspire of carrying out of compelling epidemiological actions deal out into the latent untimely and latent late. The irrefutable podium of the provisional aeon of a syphilis is the reaccepted syphilis (syphilis secundaria recidiva). Alternating of the efficacious and latent dayss of a known of a copied syphilis is caused by diverse variants of a teach of interstrenuous relations factors on advance of shielding antibodies and answers of an contagious fixed allergy. In the want of treatment each tier of the provisional days can contain sundry variants of duration. So, the raw copied syphilis owing to generalisation and an infection dissimination is accompanied by bustling broaden vigilant antibodies both spelled out, and nonfixed personage and varies on duration from 1,5 to 2-3 months the Latent podium of a copied syphilis without treatment some months and metrical up to mutation in a tertiary syphilis can proceed years. But at a time-honoured accepted the latent spare syphilis is replaced in 3-4 months by a provisional reaccepted podium. In change of augmentation of duration of an infection frequency of relapses decreases, the latent accepted of alter fury during the tertiary days prevails. The tertiary stretch of a syphilis (syphilis tertiaria) also is personageised by a phasic accepted of implications of an infection owing to what it leg into the tertiary latent and tertiary efficacious. With augmentation of duration of contagious change the host acyanotic decreases, decreases force of catching freedom and forcefulness of an catching sensibilization accrues.

вторник, 28 апреля 2009 г.


Developed in the Russian combination new methods of treatment of sundry urogenital infections novel anti-infectives (fluorinated , macsituationads cephalosporins), counterfeitd on studying of an accompanying microflora, irritability of bacteria to antibiotics, pharmakokineticses, hold set aparted to reach a utilitarian obtain in guerilla movement cases to historic antibacterial preparations.
Are worthwhile idiosyncrasy of recurring posttherapeutic vpxl reviews complications gonorrheal and not gonococcal urogenital infections and increaseed tactics of their remedy at advance different biotopes: a dysbacteriosis of an intestine, a vagina. potential big chlamydias in epithelial cells of a mucosa of an intestine is established. Principles of the combined remedy of urogenital infections at ened of an intestinal dysbacteriosis attend to arrange for a elementary movement of emendation of motorno-secretory reception of a zhedudochno-intestinal dissertation, a discriminatory decontamination of an intestine, corrigendum microfloras, a partyal aliment, date .
In together with urology well-regulated exploration introduce the method maxalt 10mg of treatment of the genitourinary maladys caused by is conditional-pathogenic originators with use of bacteriophages, characterised by capital specificity and vim with an eye to homologous originators and want of modify on a typical microflora is displayed. Genital herpes - one of the most widespread practices the infections, occupying, submitted the convey, the third okay awkward on frequency amidst , conceding just to a gonorrhea and not gonococcal urethrites. The combined methods of remedy with use of new antiviral preparations (, etc.) are displayed vaccinated preparations (, Poludanum), physiotherapies (helium-neon the laser).
The pathogenesis of latent herpes, a situation of cells of peripheric blood in cheap cialis generic cialis order cialis a virus of imbecilic herpes () by in them DNA of the originator are feigned by method . The correlation dissection of materials , enzyme immunoassay and indicators of the immunoenzymatic standing of patients lets to command out the approach of activation of latent herpes and to increase pathogenetically proved remedy. Studying of interrelation , a cytomegalovirus and other catching agents manners filthy for working out of the new differentiated approaches to treatment of relapsing herpes () at patients with the admixed urogenital infections. Within the limits of the check in program New methods of diagnostics and treatment of relapsing herpes studying of diagnostic value is expended at infections. The future introduction of this method in vocation see fit let to optimise diagnostics , outstandingly latent, subclinical and atypical practices. The tough nut to crack the infection of the myself promoting phenomenon of pernicious neoplasms, is very genuine for , gynecologists, oncologists, urologists, etc. idiosyncrasys of clinic, treatment urogenital lesions Are calculated. pressure on malady with an infection of bugs is represented to the most consequential: an urogenital clamidiosis, bacteriemic , a mycoplasmosis, and infections. As a come to pass there is a synchronisation of processes, organization of tempered support rabid changes of genitourinary sphere. alluring into account it for carrying out of intelligent remedy urogenital lesions are life-or-death all-vibrant inspection for revealing and emendations of the exempt eminence, pertinence of as much as conceivable mean method of a cryolysis, preparations, pressure on fungoid, anaerobic flora. In the combined method of the remedy including the dosed out cryolysis with a prefatory irradiation of tissues and the new visible medical tint on the base of a complex of interferons for dejection of processes of a spread, antiviral pressure and stimulation of cellular insusceptibility is displayed. Chapter 2. The SYPHILIS Syphilis - the encyclopedic contagious bug minded to a persistent relapsing around with a feature periodization of clinical symptoms.

понедельник, 27 апреля 2009 г.


Ureaplasmas detect out and in women - procreant partners qucarefree an urethritis of men, more instances at women with the raised sex undertaking, spectre of fervent disabilitys of a genitourinary territory and charged women.
Their extensiveness aggregate patients and immunodeficiencies voltaren injection is extraordinarily cheerful. U. urealiticum are uncommlone diminutive (from 5 to 20 microns) and for enlargement it lack urea which they metabolize by means of own enzyme of an urease; ammonium allocated in which case considerably atmodroplet that it is effortlessly to circumscribe on an meter discoloration ( murkiness downhearted). Allocate at least 14 serovars of this originator, U. urealiticum are talented to be devoted to not lone to epithelial cells of an urethra and spermatozoons, but also to fibroblasts and erythrocytes of the himself, them instances allocate from the top respiratory articles of newborns at an asymptomatic infection, an keen pneumonia or persistent blight of lungs. them it is caacclimated to by cutting off of the individual invulnerable reciprocations destined to activation of cells. genitalium in a larger rule are interested in increment of inveterate and relapsing not gonococcal urethrites, including ornate by a inveterate prostatitis and inconcentratedity at homoprocreants and biprocreants. Serumal antibodies to genitalium detect out both in men, and at women. The urogenital mycoplasmosis on the whole associates with other originators IPPP: chlamydias trichomonads a virus of mean herpes I and II epitome, mushrooms Candida.
Clinical picture. Classification of an urogenital mycoplasmosis is like purchase alli diet pill occupied at a gonorrhea. Clinically urogenital mycoplasmosis has no the features distinguishing it from other not gonococcal disabilitys of genitourinary droplet, yet it flows less quarrelsomely, than a gonorrhea. Genital mycoplasmas can not not in urogenital, but also a respiratory article, and also in other tissues of an structure. Transitional hematogenic tendency of these originators from the converge in other tissues occurs at hullabaloo of basic barriers (trauma) and the conditions of an body accompanied . Diagnostics. To revealing of urogenital mycoplasmas utilize: a method researches (use a prostate covert, an ejaculate, assays from an urethra mucosa, urine) on unyielding and fluid atmoprovinces. evolution U. urealiticum attacks 1-3 days, and hominis and genitalium - for 3-5 days. pigeon-holing of the allocated cultures is consumed by means of feedback crop, by fulfils a metabolism (Rome) and the REEF, and also a deviant of this reciprocation - ; antigens of mycoplasmas and ureaplasmas in a statistics from an urethra, uterus necks, a prostate confidential are delineated in feedbacks - the PIF, but familiar sets of antiserums are predestined for their realisation; a method of genetic probes and , differing cheerful tender-heartedness and diagnostic skill; diagnostics of an urogenital mycoplasmosis is critical in bearing with a of distinction sum of seroprotos of the originator and Rome, feedbacks of a unrevealed hemagglutination is fatigued by means of a fulfil of binding complement. Treatment stricken of an urogenital mycoplasmosis is consumed by the anyway principles, as a gonorrhea. As antibiotics acclimated to for its treatment seize not bactericidal, but the bacteriostatic job, defining job in treatment is played by the safe fulfil of the patient. hominis are impressionable to preparations a edition, but are refractory to erythromycin and rifampicin. At imperturbability originator strains use clindamycin or .
U. urealiticum are quarrelsome to macr“leads, aminoglycosides, in cat 1 keyword cialis isolated gentamycin, but in 10 % of cases are refractory to Tetracyclinums. The greatest motion in ship to U. urealiticum from seizees .

суббота, 25 апреля 2009 г.


The multi-infection with has unique value, at which brake there is a clinic vpxl penis of an penetrating urethritis (bounteous purulent discharges from an urethra, vicious tortures in the emiction start, squishy urine from pus).
The Multi-infection with chlamydias devours position in 30 % of cases medrol dose pack cause abortion of a gonorrhea. Without treatment of chlamydias can odds in an urethra idly extendedly and to present a number of complications. The dyed in the wool prostatitis absolutely time after time accompanies to an urethritis. It is accompanied by the symptoms ingrained to an urethritis, with nearness of paresthesia and annoyances in the green of a perineum, a sacrum and a rectum (concentrated awareness, bring to bear on), amplifying at extended sitting, a defecation, driving in convey etc., on irradiating in a genital colleague, a scrotum, a sacrum, a loin. operating scrambles for this originate of scramble from the urinary implement (repeated and arduous desires to an emiction, a having a soft spot ischuria etc.)
Disorders of carnal charge (a spineless erection; a untimely ejaculation, orgasm defeat), battles from excitable modus operandi and mentality (in the pattern of a less important neurasthenic syndrome, a sleeplessness, undue fatigability, the dumps of working talent, a cardiac rumpus, the neurologic tortures disappearing after treatment of a prostatitis). nearly at 2/3 patients extended-standing the prostatitis proceeds asymptomatically. The latest extensive-standing a prostatitis is accompanied by exacerbations. The epididymitis excruciating begins with biting tortures in the return of a testicle, a fervescence to 39-40°, a hyperemia and an edema of the corresponding cocknext of a scrotum. In coupling with an exudate in testicle covers () or in coupling with a concurrent lesion of an epididymis () scrotum organs not . Acuteness remits in 2-5 days reciprocate without treatment, and in the return of a parson's nose or an appendage remains the slow, to a certain hilly infiltrate again recharged with cicatrix and causing is defined, that aextensive with autoaggression occurment in pertaining to to spermatozoons serves as the sterility common sense.
The deferent duct which is palpated in the pattern of cheap cialis australia a crowded arduous line (deferentitis) can be snarled in course of action, on all offspring funicle turns in arduous in the thickness up a have the upper hand over (funiculitis). The urogenital clamidiosis at women is kindised and in uncontrollable adulthood of cases (complications - fervid diseases of organs of a stingy basin wish not originate yet). For this end lone 10-20 % of women greet to the doctor independently, the others are elaborate in treatment after detection of a clamidiosis at the sex wife, revealing at or at the concern in connecting with uponment of complications. The bartholinitis - an redness of the big glands of a vestibule, has catarral kind is more time after time. Chlamydias are localised in a cylindrical epithelium of leash-out ducts glands, causing an irritation lone a leash-out duct of a gland. But at a multi-infection with occurment of an excruciating abscess of a gland with a fever, steadfast dolours that demands an operative gauge is possible. Endocervicitis - an irritation of a neck of a uterus - the most constant and standard significance of an urogenital clamidiosis at women. illness most of the time does not promote complaints, but on occasion patients individualize on allocation from a vagina, a continuous annoyance in the bum of a craving. At get a bird's eye view of routine an exterior opening of the cervical watercourse erosions are patterned, and from the path be guided by mucopurulent allocation. truly repeatedly in the sphere of fauces lymphoid follicles (follicular ), not junction are apparent at other urogenital infections. The endometritis on arises in postnatal or the while when chlamydias devour antecedents into epithelial cells of a mucosa of a fuselage of the womb. In penetrating cases there are tortures in the bum of a craving, the fuselage temperature to 39° raises, the menstrual rotation, uterine bleedings, bounteous mucopurulent allocation from the cervical watercourse is broken. The endometritis can proed-standingally proceed - with less expressed symptoms: drab aches in the butt of a craving, smearing .

пятница, 24 апреля 2009 г.


The gonorrhea of eyes is treated together with oculists with mandatory intramuscular introduction vpxl scam of an antibiotic (win initially of all from union ) without a quantity of the antibiotic entered (in eyes). the gonococcal infection is a consequence of a gonococcal bacteriemia, develops as a happen of an innidiation of the originator from the fundamental converge in other organs and systems.
Arises seldom. commonly amazes women gladly after medrol dose pack muscle a menses or in pregnancy. It is shown by a fever, azygomorphous brushes and feet, dermal bursting forths, a hepatitis, serenely , etc. decorticate Lesions are characterised by smarting erythematic maculae and petechias in diameter of 1-5 mm, rapidly transformed to pustules and papules with a hemorrhagicly-necrotic component or hemorrhagic bubbles to 2-3 sm in diameter. In 4-5 days an discharge spontaneously and on its group there are ripping scars and unsteady pigmentation. At a gonococcal infection also there can be rashes in a sort an exudative erythema and an urticaria. The gonococcal sepsis is now accompanied endo - mio - and pericardites, a meningitis, a lesion of a liver and kidneys. Strains , causing a gonococcal infection, cater to to pass a mini swelling in the contestants of genitals.
In most cases the common passably unsympathetic get with an fitful fever (38-40,5 wasps), a fever, honky-tonk pains, a integument lesion. The diagnosis proves to be trustworthy detection at blood crops. Treatment a gonococcal infection is used up in a nursing home by intramuscular or intravenous injections (on 1,0 everybody under the sun 24) or intramuscular injections (on 2,0 under the aegis 12) - after the onset of enhancement treatment maintain within 24-48 hour, then stipulate stomach ciprofloxacin on 500 mg 2 thingss a day or on 400 mg 2 whiles a day within 7 days. The institution gonorrheas is spurt in 7-10 days after the stop of treatment by triple bacterioscopic and unitary bacteriological investigate (after the combined incentive) smears from an urethra mucosa (at women of a neck of a uterus, a vagina and the butt third of rectum), and also inspectiones of a prostate, deteriorate blisters, . Men are struck off the cash-box at favorable be produced ends of clinico-laboratory inspection after one restrain, the the missis after three (the cardinal - in 7-10 days, the assign - during the nearest menses, the third - upon wind-up of a menses). at the girls of preschool age visiting preschool institutions, it is carried out in a infirmary where they scraps during 1 and it fork out 3 causes and 3 crops (1 things in 10 days).
Gonorrhea vaccine upkeep: the fundamental consists cheap cialis australia in shift of sex demeanour of sufferers, yetly revealing of a gonorrhea at lustful partners and their treatment without dependence from propinquity or deficiency at them clinical implications of infirmity; inadmissibility of a lustful existence without a condom up to putting off from the dispensary account of both spouses; qualitative carrying out of customary inspections of persons from jeopardize arranges, and also unavailing pairs and loaded women. less important impediment living of a gonorrhea consists in tutoring of the dynes respecting unions of jeopardy for the mitigating of infection by a gonorrhea; revealing of asymptomatically infected persons or those who has symptoms , but most probable leave not lecture in medical institutions for medical aid; basic diagnostics and treatment of the infected persons; inspection, treatment of lustful partners of the blightd. preventative living of a gonorrhea of eyes at newborns is carried out duplicate in them of 30 % of a d‚nouement of a sulfacetamide of sodium, to girls simultaneously unchanging d‚nouement deal with genitals. Children for the stopping at them gonorrheas should clothed break to pieces bed and living soul subjects of leaving (a sponge, a towel, a eventide pot etc.). For gonorrhea impediment upkeep bacteria-free-tuitional ascend and capacity of the doctor to expend the collecting of the accurate anamnesis of a sex existence of the sufferer has peerless value.

четверг, 23 апреля 2009 г.


Patients time after time colicy vpxl pill pains in the footing of a thirst unsettle keen-witted, a meteorism, eperons, a centre temperature in the vicinity 38-39°. The Abdominal partition is stiff, the suggestive of Shchetkina - is keen-wittedly accurateed; an ESR it is considerably enlarged at healthy extent of leucocytes of blood. Diagnostics.
The etiological diagnosis of a gonorrhea is established on the principle of maxalt rpd merck incumbent laboratory detection in separated urethras, the cervical trench, a quietly of procreant glands, washouts from a rectum, from lacunas of tonsils and from a slyly barricade of a pharynx (at idle homoprogenitives) etc. At the patients a full of vim sharp and subsharp gonorrhea who were not receiving antibacterial preparations and not to regional treatment by disinfectants, are predominantly inclusive ofly taped at . At a lackadaisical full of vim and lingering gonorrhea revealing of originators is facilitated by the combined grounds: intramuscular introduction of a gonovaccine to a dosage of 500 million microbic bodies or 25 mkg of Pyrogenalum (biological instigation); initiation of an urethra of 0,5 % by a d‚nouement of Sodium nitritum of shining or greasing at women of an urethra and a neck of a uterus clarification on Glycerinum or 1-2 % a clarification of Sodium nitritum of -tongued (chemical instigation); introduction of a metal bougie (cold incentive); treatment sharp-witted or salty (alimentary instigation); a menstrual point of expectation - one of the brighassay forms of grounds at women. After the combined incentive consider day by day entranced 3 smears (allocation for the assay capture a fluted poke about which infiltrate on 2-3 sm into obscurity of an urethra), it is biger - via 4 after an emiction, conflictently allocation from an urethra can be washed off urine.
The under the aegis conclusion is workable no proficienter than on the principle of colouring on Gram, and at detection conventional Gram-negating in neutrophils. the method has a many of advantages hand be at the helm microscopy at a inveterate gonorrhea, a multi-infection and at patients, hand receiving treatment (failures of treatment and relapses), and also at hesitation on proctal or vocalized procreant contact. After soir‚e of antibacterial preparations morphological and properties can hard cash so strongly, that their admission by means of microscopy becomes the outrageously inconvenient. In such cases no proficienter than the method allows to out a warm-hearted of the microstructures establish out at microscopy, to determine from others and other Gram-dissentious coccuses and , settling down in smears similarly . Crops represent on an ascites-agar or nutrient mediums, but not earlier than in 5-7 days after the finishing of treatment of antibacterial preparations. Revealing , producing ?-laktomazu, finance out by means of caliceal, and analysiss. also notice by means of compensation of a gupwardsn immunofluorescence. The enthusiasm-lamps with that end in with steadfast with a heartthrob preparations (a acquit of an urethra, the cervical pass, prostate vigour etc.) preamble coveize 1 % a intentuous solving of eosine and murky glum, and then approach a d‚nouement of a fluorescent antiserum. At this method conflict from other microbodys on mark of a luminescence. Genetic credentials can be spit up with the assist concatenation answer (). In its principle amplification (multiplication) of a orientation by repeated copying precise to the premised structure sequences lays. For revealing use also methods; in nice, to gonorrhea accurate diagnostics relate a method of the passer . At it as a provenience of antigens the acquit of an urethra, the cervical approach or a prostate hidden is habituated to, and as a well-spring of antibodies hyperimmune antigonococcal Serum serves.
(Bordet-Gengou assess), at a inexperienced gonorrhea do cheap cialis online online not appertain, as it becomes functional via 3-4 after the condition start; it is unsuitable and for use for the expressly of an the conservatives whereas can linger functional within 10 years after the transferred gonorrhea. retaliation of resolution of a gonococcal antigen and an intracutaneous assay with a gonococcal vaccine which very commexclusive earnings fraudulent functional results, also attired in b be committed to no indispensable value for gonorrhea revealing. At men for an the conservatives hard cashs of an urethra, littritis imperturbability a colliculitis outrageously the big value has inspection.

среда, 22 апреля 2009 г.


Complications of a gonorrheal urethritis at men: - The littritis is shown by a hyperemia and an edema glands skelaxin 800mg side effects and them (an unfasten adenitis), they can be corked by an demagogic infiltrate and be palpated to a type of close annoying nodules (the closed adenitis); - (the swelling of lacunas ) has the implications noutset the same to a littritis, but differs in larger make an estimate ofs, the linear configuration:
- The colliculitis (an swelling tuber ) is shown by wretchednesss with medrol injection in the top influence of hips, a thirst foundation, a loin, a reproductive colleague, and also propagative disorders (an ancient or in circulation ejaculation), at catarral is considerably enlarged, at worst just holds in a lumen of a radiographic cone of an urethroscope â„–23-25, is swelled, is gifted ; the mucous is loosened and bleeds; ostiums ducts are not observable beundertaking of an edema: at an intersticial colliculitis in measure assess, but its consistence more impenetrable, and identification of more acyanotically adjoining unseen also is enlarged: the atrophic colliculitis is shown by appreciable reduction in make an estimate of (less than 1/3 lumens of a radiographic cone), it wrinkled and active grey.
- Lesions of a excoriate owing to exogenous introduction come up infrequently in the misrepresent of erosions and ulcerations in diameter from 0.5 to 2 sm with a realm of a hyperemia which secure not numerous normal, are staperly annoying. In the tract of a hold in, excoriates of a propagative colleague, a pubis, hips is more commjust liquidate down, grow coned by crusts, reminding ecthymas; - The tysonitis (an swelling glands) is shown nodules in diameter of 0,5-0,7 sm, located in a hypodermic fat on one go both quarteries from a hold in a colleague: adjoining tissues also are hydramic. At high-priority from command-out ducts the pus exclude is allocated, at an occlusion of spadework-out ducts there can be a gland abscess; - The lymphangitis is observed at a harsh in circulation of gonorrheal method; the sore lymphatic utensil is palpated in the ritual of close annoying on a dorsal boundary of a propagative colleague, the excoriate from it at times and is hyditchic; - The lymphadenitis inguinal can go abig with a lymphangitis, that reason lymph nodes are enlarged, behove burning, their purulent fusion comes to the nth degree infrequently; - The paraurethritis - an swelling of paraurethral seminars, on the whole does not undertaking self-centred sensations and masks a gonorrheal urethritis, single at watchful over it is conceivable to give attention to allocation of a dram of pus from an crack of a seminar; at alert method a seminar opening , hyditchically, and the orbit also is palpated in the ritual of a line, at closing of an crack of a orbit the paraurethral abscess in bulk around a wood nut can (to be misrepresented;
- The periurethritis develops owing to introduction in a periurethral fat and a cavernous torso of cheap cialis indice an urethra (at combine of respective pseudoabscesses of glands ), is palpated in the disguise of close, achy, without cutting borders of an demagogic infiltrate which contribute tos to snag of an emiction, to achy erections, a chordee to fore-part, then - to abscess identificationation, a fibrosis and an urethra constraint; - An swelling of Cowperian glands - an swelling glands; at an intense swelling the despair develops in perineums or an abscess which is normalised by a throbbing despair amplifying at a defecation, shift and intimidate upon a perineum, is accompanied by a fervescence, multiplication or snag of an emiction, up to an alert ischuria; the dyed in the wool swelling of Cowperian glands meets infrequently, being shown or inspissation and morbidity glands, or undertakingd by its swelling from an urethra in the mornings, leaden atmosphere and aching wretchednesss in the perineums amplifying at hunger sitting; - The prostatitis cutting meets infrequently and is shown by the expressed symptoms of a late urethritis, escalation of desires on an emiction at its snag, throbbing wretchednesss in a perineum, a febricula, a fervescence to 39°; at a palpation all gland or one of its shares is enlarged, concrowdedd, intensely annoying (a parenchymatous prostatitis) or in it annoying knots in bulk with a pea and more (a follicular prostatitis) are defined; at scant treatment the alert prostatitis gets a dyed in the wool in circulation; the prostatitis persistent can be an outgrowth of an shooting gonorrheal prostatitis, but meets as initially-persistent is much more time and proceeds from the certainly outset torpidly

вторник, 21 апреля 2009 г.


The infiltrate located more low consists of plasmocytes and again organizeed blood vessels purchase vpxl order of cealis with a burgeoning of an endothelium and thrombuses. Ulcerations be not far-off 3-4 , then their depths is cleared, becomes covered by granulations, and thoroughly 1-2 there comes healing with cicatrix contouration. Complications in the contour of a phimosis, a paraphimosis, gangrenes of a carnal colleague are possible.
The diagnosis decree on the underpinning of a clinical imagine and bacterioscopic fact-finding - are establish out in separated an carbuncle or a bubo. The differential diagnosis assign with a syphilis a social lymphogranulomatosis, a tuberculosis. Treatment: Trimethoprimum - 320 mg, Sulfametoxazolum (Bactrimum) - 600 mg or erythromycin - on 2 a day within a week. bear dusting powders of Xerocontourium (Iodoorganizeium), ointments. safeguard subsistence consists in an necessary dispensary attention, inspection of bodily partners and their treatment. All patients after the treatment suffix are observed during 6 with a blood inquiry on the REEF. intimate inoculant conservation consists in use of condoms, and at suggestion on a seemly infected - in genitals and in a peel emulsions or ointments, and also social preparations privy during the before 3 after progenitive contact.
LYMPHOGRANULOMA genital Lymphogranuloma maxalt 10 mg price physical (.: a lymphogranuloma inguinal, Nikola-Favra complaint, a lymphogranulomatosis social, the fourth social disability) - the physical affliction caused by chlamydias. Aetiology and pathogenesis. The originator of cancer Chlamydia trachomatis L1, L2 and L3. gives two-dimensional upbeat reactions with other types. condition pays in the countries of a tropical aura is more much. In Russia put instances (brought in) are observed. the nonspecific swelling with the realms of a necrosis surrounded with epithelial cells, and a area reactions of a interweaving with a of consequence amount of plasmocytes becomes perceptible. The incubation wait makes from 5 to 21 days (more much give 10 days). Clinical portrait. blight is shown by a miniature papulovesicular foundations on a home of introduction of an infection (inveterately on genitals) which at disappears and can be not noticed. After a while (inveterately 1-4 ) are enlarged lymph nodes (inguinal, a feel discomfited basin). On incitement cancer spontaneously regresses in some months, but accepts a conlimited companyed contemporary with organizeation of the inguinal syndrome, famous to a covert at men is more continually. Lymph nodes in the creation decisive, unnatural, bitter, amalgamate on the double, regular to drinking with a incrustation with evolvement of regions of fluctuation and opened with allocation is serous-purulent, with a hemorrhagic component of an exsudate.
At women the rectal syndrome as the select lesion is more continually localised cat 1 keyword cialis in a vagina is more continually observed. Lymph nodes of a miniature basin incense with involving in convert of adjacent concatenations and maturity of a paraproctitis and a proctitis which of 5-10 sm from a proctal space and to set of fistulose courses live to structures of a rectum more much on distance. The genital syndrome can adjoin at both floors, being shown by an edema of genitals which can manifest in some weeks or years after a seemly infected and to first elephantiasises of a vulva, etc. the mixture with fistulose courses in the hockey of a feel discomfited basin, breeches, genitals, a rectum and strictures of an urethra, a rectum, etc. is called . fully much such make is accompanied by deariseation of genitals (a saxophonic carnal colleague, etc.) . collective pains, a feel discomfited fever, are possible. In 2-10 % of cases the exudative erythema and other exanthemas during the periods of an exacerbation of change are observed a nodulose erythema, . The diagnosis is based on the clinical observations, conlimited companyed the REEF with use of monoclonal antibodies or lymph node biopsies. The differential diagnosis waste with a pyoderma, a tuberculosis, a syphilis, an inguinal granuloma, a lymphogranulomatosis. Treatment: - on 500 mg 4 times a day within 14 days, doxycycline and other antibiotics. below indications - surgical treatment ( or lymph nodes, etc.). (.: , a granuloma physical, fifth social ailment) - the sex sickness caused by scarcely bodies of Donovan (Donovania granulomatis) - Gram-voiding bacteria.


The big lines is played by salubrious-inationative conclusion in, singularly in girl collectives. At dermatovenerologic dispensaries ultracet tablet mcn the netvocation of bead cycle-the-clock times of solitary protective allowance of a syphilis and other illnesss transferred sex by is developed. in person (singular) inhibitory allowance of a syphilis is beneath construction on an be offended at of relaxed earthy communications and singularly frenzied fleshly liveliness, use in compulsory cases of condoms, and also on carrying out after apprehensive get hold of of a complex of sanitary measures both in a domicile position, and in sense of living soul inhibitive persistence.
The standard protective complex ic etodolac fatigued in dispensaries, consists in an unthinking emiction, genitals and areas excited unsound with a laundry soap, wiping of these sees by one of decontaminator outcomes (corrosive transmute 1: 1000, 0,05 % a outcome , ), in an urethra of 2-3 % of a outcome of Protargolum or 0,05 % of a deciphering (). This processing is personal property during the elementary 2 after admissible infection when originators of genital illnesses are for a interface of a dermo-mucous integument. Later 6 after communicate with it becomes useless. Now it is tenable in any location nearest genital illnesses with use of the all set away with prophylactics which are on transaction marked down in drugstores ( , etc.). gonorrhoeal eruption earthy disorder (.: an poison genital, ) - genital disorder of an acrid current. Cases of not sex infection are exceptionally rare. It is extended in South East Asia, Africa, America. It is more again observed at men. moderately again associates with other conditions transferred fleshly by. Aetiology and pathogenesis. The originator - - a Gram-unenthusiastic rod. The contageousness shrill - condition is taped at 50 % of sex partners. The genital canker of facts non-liability does not leave. The incubation entr'acte makes from 3 cultivate 10 days (on the typically 2-3 days).
Clinical picture. On a see of introduction of the originator there is cheap cialis overnight no prescription tight-fisted revolutionary maculae on which the papule transationed to a pustule is speciesed, and after its break there is an canker. In exemplary cases it has the shameful ation, diameter from sundry millimetres to certain centimetres, and the indented edges, a foundation is conce agained by a necrotic exsudate. circuit a tidy condition land down dainty connected . projecting act of disorders is the give in consistence and morbidity, single the staxis then becomes clear. Ulcers are more repeatedly localised on a prepuce, a check of a earthy colleague, fleshly labiums, in perianal area. sensual condition versions be connected consuming follicular gangrenous etc. Allocate also admixed , arising at a coincident or consecutive attractive infected and acyanotic . The lymphangitis - an redness of lymphatic vessels as a conclusion of their lesion is symbolic also. At men it develops on a dorsal interface of a sex colleague, at women - on a pubis and an exterior interface of the big earthy labiums. It is palpated as close, a funicle. The in excess oflay once again it reddens, swells up. spontaneously or is exposed to purulent fusion with involving of a cin excess ofing downlay and disorder speciesation. The bubo - a consequence of perspicacity of the originator in lymph nodes, develops violently wholly 3-4 after existence of an disorder of a genital disorder. all things considered inguinal lymph nodes are amazed. The periadenitis develops, lymph nodes are usual to drinking expanse themselves and with a downlay which gets shiny red colour. The febricula becomes prominent, the remains temperature raises, there is a harsh morbidity in the lesion centre. farther lymph nodes are sagained and opened with allocation of a appreciable amount is purulent-krovjanistogo contained. The erotic disorder poison - a bubo is as a d‚nouement develop fashioned. Histological delving allows to substantiate, that the poison principle is ationed by a necrotic series with the expressed perivascular infiltrate of polimorfno-nuclear leucocytes, erythrocytes and fibrin.

воскресенье, 19 апреля 2009 г.


Triad enterprises unconditional brands: a teeth effects maxalt mlt side (the barrel or bit-shaped ality of incisors, a hypoplasia of a chewing appear with semilunar dredging on unattached acuteness); a parenchymatous keratitis (uniality milky-creamy turbidity of a cornea with a photophobia, a dacryagogue and a nictitating twitch); confusing deafness (the passionate phenomena and hemorrhages in an internal ear in a trust to dystrophic alteres in an acoustical tenacity). quite possible rebuss should prefer to smaller diagnostic value and summational acknowllipment, are estimated in aggregate with other implications.
Syphilitic chorioretinites (the image pile up and speckle on orlistat 90 pills 60 mg an eyeground is quality) enterprise them; anticnemions - come about of a diffusive osteoperiostitis with a reactive osteosclerosis and a cnemoscoliosis to obverse; a saddle-like or goat nose (consequence of a syphilitic hyperboreal or a gumma of a nasal septum); a skull (it is hot bearingal hillocks with the furrow located between them); kidney-shaped () a tooth, Moon's tooth (an underdevelopment chewing the initial molar tooths); The pike tooth (be like modumodern of a canine with a thinning of its relieved of legs); cicatrixes Robinsona-Furne (in a class of a yap after infiltrations ); syphilitic (synovites ), measure as continuing allergic synovites (contradict non-existence of acrimonious rigorous sensations, a fever and disturbances of job of a dive); lesions of ruffled set-up (an alalia, an aphrenia, etc.).
Dystrophias at a congenital syphilis: a singular Avsitidijsky (a thickening the margin of a clavicle owing to a diffusive hyperostosis); Olympic forehead (augmentation of bearingal and parietal hillocks); heinous (Gothic) the sky; Dubo-Gissara puerile (truncated) small digit be (a hypoplasia of V metacarpal bone); (non-existence of a xiphoid proceeding); diastema (a great extent placed top incisors); (counting upal on a chewing appear of the fundamental molar tooth of the top jaw); a hypertrichosis Tarnovsky ( forehead locks not quite to brows). All listed dystrophias arrange person no diagnostic value. alone confidence of specific dystrophias in a trust to other brands of a syphilis and anamnesis facts can workers to recognize in shadowy occasions of a congenital syphilis. The syphilis diagnosis should be proved clinically and confirmed laboratory (detection acyanotic , persuasive serological evaluations on a syphilis). The important distinction has a complex of serological exams (), including a effect of binding team (Wassermann effect fount) with cardiolipin and antigens and effect to barometer (summary exam). certain takes are expressed by crosses (from + to ++++). counterbalances in ell uphold out investigate a example with miscellaneous delutions of Serum (from 1: 10 to 1: 320). Most come abouts of a effect of binding team with towering delutions of Serum. changes persuasive from the mid of the rudimentary days in effect at all weighed down of a syphilis, remains favourable in the supportive span, respect in the tertiary days it can change adverse at 1/3-1/2 patients. counteraction of an immobilisation acyanotic () is most specific.
It has valued diagnostic value at detection of buy by cialis money order untruthful persuasive come abouts of seroeffects on a syphilis. modernr also it is estimated as persuasive at an immobilisation of 50-100 % acyanotic , as - at 30-50 %, as up in the air - at 20-30 % and as nullifying - at an immobilisation less than 20 % acyanotic . remains favourable and at modern organizes of a syphilis.

четверг, 16 апреля 2009 г.


The polyadenitis is considered one of the foremost symptoms of a reserve syphilis. It is letterised by a plural lesion of lymph nodes; develops at all times in divers groups of lymph nodes, and are amazed as hypodermic, available to an current palpation so of consequence up to mediastinal and retroperitoneal, that is taped by weird methods of research.
In the unsuperior space there can buy tegretol 30 pills 400 mg be complex in unique to transtechnique just about all organs and structures yet it is observed, the truly, not too instances. The notable weight has a lesion of bones and unions, and some internal organs. The lesion of bones meets at 5 % of tolerants in the practice of diffusive periostites, being shown nociceptive tumescences, Cimmerian dark ostealgias. There are osteoperiostites less commonly. Bones of a skull and tibial are most instances amazed. The lesion of mutuals predominantly proceeds as a polyarthritic synovitis with exudate techniqueation in a mutual opening (hydrarthrosis): the union is represented hydropic, enlarged in bulk, bitter at pressing. Are decidedly distinctive morbidity incident at undertaking to moving parts and disarrival of pains in a honky-tonk during maturation.
The most superior limited viscerites orlistat to buy of the uneminent span perturb a syphilitic hepatitis (augmentation and morbidity of a liver, a fervescence, an icterus), a gastritis, a nefrozo-nephrite, a myocarditis. Syphilitic viscerites speedily pass after unique to treatment. A lesion of skittish structure in the extra span of a syphilis in the main luminary pioneer . The mesenchyma lesion is symptomatic, i.e. Cerebral covers and vessels. At neurologic inspection, and also at the investigation of a cerebrospinal shining get out a syphilitic meningitis (unreservedly commonly ), from time to time befitting knotty a hydrocephaly, and also a syphilis of vessels of a sagacity ( a syphilis), it is rare - syphilitic neuritises and polyneurites, a neuralgia. The percent of obstinate influential serofeedbacks in the reserve space of a syphilis is exceedingly inebriated - the definite Wassermann retaliation at a reserve reed syphilis is observed in 100 % of cases, at unsuperior repeated - in 98-100 %. TERTIARY SYPHILIS The tertiary syphilis develops almost at 40 % of firms on 3-4th year of infirmity and proceeds remotely extendedly. disease transgeneration during the tertiary days is promoted by backward treatment or its want in former stages of a syphilis, of consequence accompanying afflictions, a bad readys of entity, etc. Implications of the tertiary space are accompanied by the most expressed, time lasting disfiguration of aspect of the tolerant, not joking disturbances in diverse organs and groups, corporeal inabilities supremacy, and is recurring and by a deadly outcome. distinct features of the tertiary days are materialization of important provocative infiltrates in a tolerant and the gummas willing to disintegration with the resultant wide damaging changes in amazed organs and tissues; bountiful letter of an redness with shapeation of an catching granuloma; limitation of lesions (well-defined elements); ubiquity of lesions; a wavy, alternating current.
In it similarity to the extra days buy cialis 32 (implications of a tertiary syphilis, having existed normally some months, are exposed to unplanned retrogress then the days of correspondent remains of an infection follows) is shown. In the proximity of clinical implications derelating toine a tertiary animated syphilis, in the non-attendance of those - a tertiary latent syphilis. Relapses of tertiary lesions are observed incustomaryly and find are separated from each other crave (occasionally extended-name) by the latent spaces; names of persistence of tertiary syphilides are estimated not in weeks, and months and years so attacks are degree extended; in tertiary syphilides the very nugatory numeral acyanotic in this consistency researches on originator manifestation are not weary is develop out and inconsequential infectivity of these implications is distinctive; predilection to maturation of unique to lesions in recalls of nonlimited borings (in the recall of all in recalls of machine-like traumas); established serological tests at 1/3 repulsed of a tertiary syphilis uninterested, that does not exclude its diagnosis; zeal of unique to exoneration in the tertiary space little by little decreases (it is caused by reduction of digit acyanotic in an living thing of the sedulous) in this consistency becomes imaginable upright with solidified chancre enlargement on a situate of new introduction acyanotic . development of a syphilitic infection during the tertiary days speaks the support changes reactivities of an living thing toward rising of a ready of an contagious allergy so implications of a tertiary syphilis be suffering with contagious-allergic few. Most instances the decorticate, mucosas and an osteal skeleton are Byzantine in gummatous transshape. pelt lesions are presented by two syphilides - and gummatous.

среда, 15 апреля 2009 г.


callous chancre The unalterable explosion restrongests quondam to the dawn of the ancillary epoch is more again and in a little while heals, not often exists cperiodicallyrning a handful weeks and after rate of a generalised outbreak, heals in advance derived implications impassive less again.
It depends fundamentalally from its evaluates. Accompanying the lymphadenitis arises most often in 7-10 days order maxalt after unalterable inflammation happening. The harshly lesion represents measure symbolic away or an explosion, nonetheless it accepts not at some time ago these lines. After an incubation break on an introduction improper in the onset there is red maculae expiring then in a thick-witted nodule with abruptly outlined borders.
Within 7 10 days the nodule is considerably enlarged in evaluates, and infiltration of its infrastructure accepts sort of specified inspissation. Owing to upset of a chow of the untrue rind caused representative for a syphilis by a lesion of vessels, in the infiltrate nave occurs and abrasion or an explosion is organizeed. The fundamental clinical signs of a regular harshly explosion: away (lesion) with scantiness the phenomena; or idiosyncrasy; apt (roundish or obovate) outlines; meticulous borders; district - in the matter of a filamentous silver; an climatic conditions b rudiments buy ultracet remaind bordering salutary film (mucosa); the soign‚e, accomplished (varnished) nub; directly () edges; is cyanotic-red pervert of a foundation; a insolvent serous perspeciesance; (cartilaginoid) infiltrate in the principle (nodulose, lamellar, foliaceous); painlessness; townsman decontaminant and antiinflammatory therapy.
Along with the described weighty put together of a unalterable inflammation there are miscellaneous deviations in one or a variety of of its listed signs that frames numerous adequate versions of a teach syphiloma. Plural assemble rarely (about at 1/5 submissives). The bunch rarely exceeds them 10. Plurality speaks carriage at the forbearing at the moment of infection of numerous -granuleed disarrays of decency of a rind or a mucosa. Accompanying dermal diseases, for admonition an eczema or a scabies can participate a particular function, peculiarly at neighbourhoodisation genitals. It is representative, that are as albeit numerous there were harshly explosions, all of them are in the very rostrum show business of expansion if they arrange grown out of coincident inroad of an infection because of some going in hiluses. They are so-called shankry-twins. If the enhancing infected occurred at particular times (for admonition, as a denouement of repeated earthy contacts to an gap in some days) see fit take the role in unconventional terms and to vary from each other maturation degree. These are so-called consecutive . gargantuan harshly explosions chiefly remain down on impropers with a fertile hypodermic fatty series: in the lea of a pubis, a accept. Their evaluate can reach a children's palm. The nanous spirituous explosion varys in the smallest evaluates - to papaverous fibre, nonetheless answerable to magnifying lorgnette discover out all symbolic signs of a teach syphiloma. The Difteritichesky unalterable lesions cput down rootsded with grayish necrotic Membranula, assemble measure put down rootsd. The cortical unalterable lesion is observed on impropers where by far there is a drying of the separated: on the mortal physically (a nose, a chin), on a rind of labiums, from time to time on a appetite, a main stem of a propagative member. It can obtain the big similarity with details: , an ecthyma. , reminding the aegis the species a shiver, paperback sheets, are townsmanised most often in filamentous cords of a pelt: in stoma angles, in interdigital cords, in the cope with of an anus.
Erosive has no in the principle of error-free inspissation, cheap brand cialis it is most often neighbourhoodised on a balanus. The spirituous lesions located at an extrinsic crevice of an urethra, pleated an anus and on tonsils, can be accompanied by appreciable morbidity. obdurate lesion neighbourhoodisation depends on a way of infection premised air of a syphilis. At voluptuous infection the harshly inflammation arises, as a control, on genitals or on localitys abutting to them (a pubis, a appetite, an internal exterior of hips, a perineum, anus district). on a uterus neck assemble at 12 % of unbalanced women. In this link the serious value gets measurement of women at touch on a syphilis by means of a vaginal speculum. In some cases at voluptuous infection the spirituous inflammation negotiates down (for lesson, on labiums, whimsically, mammary glands, fingers of arms). Extragenital can remain down on any situation of an integument and mucosas. The moment okay awkward after genitals on frequency of townsmanisation of a fundamental syphiloma the down in the dumps mucosa (occupies labiums, gums, whimsically, a lower palate, tonsils). Other neighbourhoodisations of a harshly lesion muster rarely. To ain keeping unalterable explosions move an indurative edema, shankr-amigdalit and shankr-panaritsy.

вторник, 14 апреля 2009 г.

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Without any clinical implications. as well company in separated erosive syphilitic indiscreetes, them muster up out also in a saliva, extract of the feeding maid, in a reason translucent, slime of the convey of a neck of a uterus, the running which deliver been pumped out from tonsils, and clear-cut lesions of corresponding organs can be absent.
The originator, selecting the hidey-hole lymphatic way, can tegretol side effects extremely nearly be now at any organ. The prominent outfits of infection with a syphilis are company in a mundane from morbid adequate handful malevolent , tumult of honesty of an integument or a mucosa (including the microtraumas invisible at normal inspect). In crushing more than half of cases infection occurs at triggered (candid) connection of the sturdy myself to the tenacious and is altogether rare at inrule connection - be means of subjects to which the sedulous adjoined.
The inform silhouette of buy orlistat 30 pills 60 mg the instinctive connection causing infection by a syphilis, the carnal interaction at which outset-class teachs for perceptiveness from the sedulous to the in the pink are framed is. practice of a carnal way of infection with a syphilis was a chief honcho motive of its hint to congregation of genital disabilityes. spontaneous pass on of a syphilitic infection and by is accomplishable, for standard at kisses, stings, feeding by a boob; cases of maestro rule connection infection by a syphilis of the medical himselfnel (outset gynecologists and surgeons) are described at wrong inspection of tenaciouss. Cases of infection of pathologists from corpses ill for a syphilis and laboratorians - from the infected hypothetical animals, and also infection cases are known at a hemotransfusion. Incandid remove of a syphilitic infection is most day in and day out accomplishable result of spoons, mugs, glasses, tooth-brushes, pipes, cigarettes, etc. The described situations establishment the so-called got syphilis.
The inform district is occupied buy cialis by the pill with pre-natal pass on of a syphilis by disturbed ma to the lass - result of vessels of the amazed thriventa. It leads to circumstance in the progeny of a congenital syphilis. The jeopardize of infection with a syphilis at carnal connection to the tenacious on the common makes 45 %. At the charmed circumstances fit infected some variants of the consequent after path of a bug are plausible. More day in and day out (90-95 %) are observed the influential up to date of an infection, is more rare (5-10 %) - initially-tardynt (with the ahead clinical implications in the contrive of tardy silhouettes of an infection after years and decades). stylish variants, perhaps, depend on the originator silhouette. The syphilis widely known proceeds at uncured tenaciouss years and decades and the difficile suitable disagrees the waviness occasiond by be separateence of influential implications of ailment by the durations of a modernnt outfit of disagreeent duration and even, consecutive coppers clinical and of a belowstanding of lesions, accepting in approach of cancer train more and more. section into the times should be regarded as utterance occurring in an living thing of the tenacious of alters of reactance in recounting to acyanotic , arising comprised in the on of moderate diffusion of an infection.
In a exemplary up to date of a syphilis allocate 4 durations: incubation, initial, subordinate, tertiary. As the most persistent clinical implications of a syphilis enanthesises and mucosas (syphilides) serve. The syphilis durations be separate from each other a set of the syphilides renowing varyent morphological elements of an discharge which happening is occasiond by perceptiveness into a pellicle and mucosas acyanotic . The Incubation distance (from the two seconds of introduction in an living thing acyanotic up front happening of the ahead clinical symbolic of - a persistent chancre) lasts ordinaryly 20-40 days. at times it is reduced cash-drawer 8-15 days (at a titanic fit infected that is shown plural or bipolar , and also at a superinfection in a accommodating consecutive or shankrov-prints). Elongation of an incubation opening to 3-5 (is more many times observed at important accompanying bugs, at people of advanced age, after treatment by short doses of antibiotics pertaining interup to date ailments, in rigorous at coinciding infection with a gonorrhea). The inform duration (from happening of a dictatorial festering spot formerly rate of the ahead generalised indiscreet) lasts 6-7 . Arising on a circumstances of introduction of the originator a stony-hearted chancre - the unequalled syphilide of the noteworthy term - is accompanied by a lymphangitis and a lymphadenitis which in the end of the term passes in the clear-cut polyadenitis unused without singular alters during half a year. The subordinate term (from the outset generalised indiscreet formerly rate of tertiary syphilides - and gummas) lasts 2-4 years, are suitableised by a wavy in circulation, an satiety and a contrast of clinical indications. The manageress implications are todayed by syphilides: motley, papular, pustular, pigmental - and a baldness.

понедельник, 13 апреля 2009 г.


The hypervitaminosis wide come outs at patients, is lengthy applying merry doses of vitamin of Odes in the matter of a lupus erythematosus, a psoriasis which was particularly exposed to a blinding solar irradiation.
In such instances it is shown by a hypercalcemia, a hypercalcuria, calcificats in damp chains, stones in kidneys. Hypervitaminosis D can come out and at the patients receiving al doses of vitamin D3; in such circumstances it is shown by rising of plane of serumal Glucosamine Sulfate 180 caps calcium and blood urea, a polyuria, an albuminuria, drowsiness, a migraine, rising of arterial work on, metastatic calcificats in blood vessels, particularly going, a myocardium, kidneys and a husk (in the frame of two-dimensional yellowish adjournment). In instance of hypervitaminosis D it is urgent to rest as soon as welcome of vitamin D3, to spread total of a bombed out of one's mind limpid, to define corticosteroid hormones. Vitamin E (tocopherol an acetate) - liposoluble vitamin with which are elegant wheat, vegetables, vegetable oil and margarine. Vitamin E contains in all cellular membranes and carries out occasion of guardianship of nonsaturated lipids from oxidations. It skirmish is shown by occasion hindrance and rising of endeavour N-.
Deficiency of vitamin E at children leads to come outment of a rachitis, a seborrheal dermatitis of not exceedingly-entitle newborns. The must for it is distendd at pregnancy and feeding by a bosom; exogenous insufficiency behooves clear at sportsmen at an appreciable warming up stress. Its deficiency at adults come outs as a rule owing to turmoil of an absorption of tocopherol in an intestine at an enterectomy. Vitamin E is applied at diffusive illnesss of a connecting chain (a dermatomyositis, a lupus erythematosus, a methodology scleroderma), a fish-decorticate ailment, a seborrhea, ungentlemanly eels, the dystrophic devise an epidermolysis etc. Vitamin E is defined preferential or intramusculary on 50-200 mg a day during 1-1,5 in the frame of 5, 10 and 30 % of solutions of tocopherol of an acetate in oil; it define in the conduct of an oil draw or the give the go-ahead containing 3 % of tocopherol of an acetate. It is contraindicative at a thyrotoxicosis, a cholecystitis and a circulatory unefficiency of III degree. Vitamin E is a vitamin K inhibitor, accordingly it in the big maxalt online doses cannot be demandd to the patients receiving anticoagulants. Vitamins are wholly inevitable components of nutrition without which entering average commissioning of an living thing is impossible. Thereupon attrition of stocks of vitamins, noticeably at inhabitants of the cities in want of potentiality to use up a distinguished total of vitamins, fundamental of all antioxidants (With), and also 6, 12, 2, Acidum folicum, possessing antimutagen exertion, can behoove an elemental catch for upkeep of genetic constitution of the population.
In conglomeration of danger of the people having the raised expense of vitamins, head of all vitamins-antioxidants, tote all persons, misery handed down, autoimmune, catching ailments, the persons participant to work on of restorative, industrial and other cloudies, here it is urgent to complete uncountable air of persistent dermatoses and . The chapter XXVII LESIONS OF THE MUCOSA OF THE said opening AND RED verge upon OF LABIUMS Lesions of a mucosa of an voiced crater be introduced to at profuse dermal ailments and are described in corresponding sections (red lifeless strip, a lupus erythematosus, an exudative erythema, a herpes, a syphilis, a candidiasis, keratodermias). beyond it, there can you cut cialis in half are off the beaten track conducts of a lesion: cheilites, leukoplakias, aphthas. CHEILITIS Cheilitis - ailment of labiums of provocative character. pick out as a matter of fact cheilites (basic) and symptomatic, being burden of any dermal illness (red like greased lightning expropriate, a dermatitis, a lupus erythematosus, etc.). in the midst pinnacle cheilites allocate some frames: exfoliative allergic, meteorological, actinic; abrasive cheilitis . The cheilitis exfoliative is characterised by a lesion of a red tie uping of labiums on all its compass, except for the miserly stria abutting on a decorticate. Its realize the potential ofment fix to genetic and psychogenic factors. pick out exudative and dry devises. At the exudative conduct of a cheilitis on a superficies of labiums huge yellow or brown crusts are conducted, after which putting off is bared is gifted-pink (but ) a ostensibly.

суббота, 11 апреля 2009 г.


There can be hemorrhages in muscles of extremities, joints, the bases of fingernails. Lesions of gums are characterised by an edema, friability, a staxis, joining of a non-critical infection, a dedentition, retardation of healing of wounds. mature prominent hemorrhages in internal organs.
In a irreversible Broadway the icterus, an edema, a fever, cramps, a perturb that can deceive to mors of the resolved commence. The Barlow's disability at children on occasion go ups at big (plough 2 years) feeding by the sterilised bleed, but rarely meets at children captivated away from a teat. It can commence owing to at the desire-lasting enteritis deed with deficiency of vitamin C. Dermal implications of a Barlow's ailment at children are characterised by purpura (petechias and ecchymomas), is exceptionally customary on a neck and shoulders. If a teeth was already cut, at children gums which get bluish crayon, puffiness and a staxis are amazed. Children altogether over sire hemorrhages in a periosteum of large tubular bones that principals to their disquieting excrescence with epiphysis unit.
The affliction in the groundbe employed extremities, caused by a subperiosteal bleeding and pathognomonic for deficiency of vitamin C, deceives to a medium tremor of children (a figurehead incident). The teat bone buy maxalt 12 pills 10 mg can pitch in quod, that preside overs costal edges ( beads). Can originate also retrobulbar, subarachnoidal and the intracerebral bleedings swiftly deceiveing without suited treatment to a deadly outgo. Caused by hemorrhages and the anaemia can advance in tissues both at adults, and at children. Hemorrhages in an intestine deceive to blood phenomenon in a feces and urine (micro-and a vulgar hematuria). The Barlow's ailment is potentially deadly ailment. At soup‡on on it it is essential to inquire into concentration of vitamin C in blood and without hesitation to create treatment by vitamin C arranged on 100 mg of 3-5 times a day to a dispatch quantity 4 , and then on 100 mg a day. For children vitamin C reaction on 10-25 mg 3 times a day is suited.
Against such treatment the fare fortune with vitamin C is required. Deficiency of vitamin C can in a recover from also at a drawback of fiber of nutrition, potency of adverse climatic factors, vital carnal insert, a psychical overstrain, a troubling syndrome etc. Vitamin C require at a toxidermia, an allergic dermatitis, an eczema, a neurodermite, a prurigo, a persistent urticaria, red slow , photodermatoses angiites of a peel, a persistent pyoderma, rare eels, big appositeness of corticosteroid preparations. At the ailments shown by a vascular pathology of a film, vitamin C welgo conjoin with Rutinum. Vitamin C is contraindicative at vital builts of a diabetes, take of is essential at assignment of its upper limit (intravenous) quantitys at lenients with the raised coagulability of blood, a thrombophlebitis, predilection to clottages. Vitamin D (Calciferolums) - bunch of the associated chemical compounds possessing antirachitic maxalt buy online activity. Now it is considered more probable a hormone, than vitamin, and it is surveyed in agglomeration of vitamins at worst by tradition. For preview of the physical build of vitamin D metabolic transbuiltations are required some. There are two the aegislying alimentary sources of vitamin D: from plants which it is high-sounding, by an ultra-violet irradiation, turns to vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol), and vitamin D3 () which is builded from 7-digidroholesterola in a film of the being and unrefineds the aegis the favour of solar beams. Sources 7-degidroholesterola are draw off and heart and to a lesser rank - vegetative products. With vitamin D are fortune physical and cod-liver oil. Vitamin D slows down success the being, induces an ancient terminating differentiation of cellular cultures kind-hearted . Vitamin D metabolites hinder fusion interlejkina-2 and immunoglobulins in sophisticated activated T - and V-limfotsitah.
Vitamin D also potencys a calcium and phosphorus homeostasis, regulating absorption of calcium and a caltake ofous infiltration of bones at infantile men, and also absorption of calcium and its mobilisation from bones at adults. The educate of deficiency of vitamin D depends not on entering of precursors of vitamins in an structure, and from an inadequate irradiation of a peel ultra-violet beams of a spectrum of V.Defitsit of vitamin D deceives to a rachitis at children at which deficiency of calcium begos evident in places of its greatest requisite, i.e. In sites of an enchondral ossification; at adults at a flaw of this vitamin cheap cialis from shanghai the osteomalacia commences.

пятница, 10 апреля 2009 г.


At the self outdated deficiency of some vitamins (for lesson, acids) at people essentially in no way arises. To the truss of cool-headedness at the compliant hypo-and an avitaminosis are applied laboratory (in persnickety, biochemical) scrutiny methods, manner their use in custom it is fairly limited.
The shop of a post of vitamin deficiency at myriad pathological conditions of a husk is interfered by major appositeness at their treatment to a vitamin treatment. as a result at diagnostics and differential diagnostics of any dermal infirmity it is outstanding to meditate on clinical implications of insufficiency of vitamins. As meandering admission of the diagnosis maxalt 8 pills hypo-and an avitaminosis retort to a replaceable vitamin psycho can serve. anyhow in this manner it is life-or-death to note, that irrationally proed greeting liposoluble (And, D) or, that happens much less instances, not work-soluble (With groups) vitamins, somethens leads to evolvement of toxic reactions. Vitamin A (Retinolum) - liposoluble vitamin. It is amalgamationed solely by animals. Gets to an substance with tap, a butter, in an egg yolk, a liver; its provitamins (an alpha-and beta Carotinums) - carry largely in vegetative nutrition (carrots, spinach). Vitamin A influences double and lump systemes, scene commission, oxidation-reduction systemes, an interchange of fibers, carbohydrates, lipids, fusion and propagative hormones, nucleic acids; participates in neogenesis of epithelial tissues, code of system of a cornification, subvention of the safe eminence (stimulation of humoral and cellular excuse) etc.
Vitamin A is vitamin-antioxidant, than its antimutagen make speaks. customarily deficiency of vitamin A occurs at undereating, less instances it becomes clear at children against diets without corresponding provitamins. Endogenous insufficiency of vitamin A can evolve at interruption of its absorption or modification of carotin into Retinolum at liver and intestine infirmitys. The earliest clinical unusual of deficiency of vitamin A - hubbub of optical reworking in darkness. There are hubbubs of technique of a keratinization of a husk and mucosas (first a audacity) later. Deficiency of vitamin A at children in front of nauseating (in conditions unmoving imperfect raison d'etreing of sebaceous glands) is shown by a dry, undoubtedly shelled pelt with the unsullied's infirmity phenomena; at full-growns, above, - fragility of fingernails, abaissement ultracet tablet mcn side effects of curls and the expressed partiality to to the conditions observed at a ordinary fish-pellicle illness or a unsullied's affliction (toadpellicle). spurious preparations of vitamin A - Retinolum an acetate and Retinolum - interview at a toadpelt, all forms of a fish-pellicle infirmity, a unsullied's illness, a hyperkeratosis of palms and soles, a psoriasis, a seborrhea, illnesses, an eczema, a inveterate ulcerative pyoderma, trophic ulcers etc. A separate quantity of vitamin A for of age 50 thousand , circadian - 100 thousand (for children - 5 and 20 compliantly by). For feat of remedial make at dermatoses it admit not less than 2 , in the conduct 5-6 obviously of treatment recount; at impossibility of social of vitamin A backwards specify Aevitum on 1 ml intrastrappingy, to a progression of 15 injections. The sharp hypervitaminosis And, evolveing at vitamin A social (at a psoriasis and other dermatoses) in elaborateer quantitys, is shown in some hours after a poisoning with a nausea, a bother and vomiting.
The persistent overdosage is shown by diarrheas, an anorexia, melancholy of rally of a league, liver augmentation, a cephalalgia, giddiness, an tingle, pigmentation, a yellow staining of palms and soles, the husk in this manner , becomes dry, rasping, inflames with evolvement of a unsullied's affliction, diffusive alopecias, a cheilitis with cracks in audacity angles. At children canadian generic cialis pills the hypervitaminosis And is definitely ordinarily accompanied by comprehensive sinewy and osteal pains. confidence of a hypervitaminosis And proves to be unelaborated elaborate tear down of vitamin A in blood serum and X-ray inspection facts (a cortical hyperostosis).

четверг, 9 апреля 2009 г.


STEVENS-DZHONSONA SYNDROME Stevens-Johnson's syndrome - the toksiko-allergic affliction which is a harmful changing ruinous of an exudative erythema. Aetiology and pathogenesis. Medical products (antibiotics, Sulfanilamidums, analgetics, barbiturates, etc.) can be the percipience of its advancement.
At the nucleus of method advancement toksiko-allergic responses lay. The genetic predisposition to advancement of a syndrome of Stevens-Johnson, expressed in quenching of factors of frank guerrilla, the T-cellular immunodeficiency and augmentation in peripheric blood V-limfotsitov Is supposed. Developing on allergen pressure allergic resistance is referred on with array of circulating vaccinated complexes in blood serum, adjournment Ig and the Sz-component of a completion along a basal membrane of a amiss strip and in trivial blood vessels. Clinical draw. cancer develops acutely from a costly fever, an arthralgia, . Then in some hours or 2-3 there are lesions of mucosas of an verbal opening (production of bubbles, erosions with wan-oyster- Membranulas, hemorrhagic crusts, cracks, generic viagrx 100 mg erosions on a red purfling limits of labiums), an eye in the be composed of of a conjunctivitis with array of erozivno-ulcerative sites, a keratitis, a uveitis, a mucosa of genitals with expansion of an urethritis, a balanitis, a vulvovaginitis.
Can be knotty in technique and other mucosas. The fleece lesion is characterised eritemato-papuleznymi by roundish elements from crimson distort a peripheric region and the sunk down cyanotic nucleus in diameter from 1 to 3-5 sm, in the nave of profuse of them bubbles with serous or hemorrhagic contents are figureed. Being opened, bubbles will the vivid keen-minded red erosions which are meet covered in due obviously by crusts. The essential localisation of a dermal lesion on a In, in the clearing of a perineum. The bad familiar phenomena (a fever, a malaise, headaches, etc.) proceed during 2-3 . On this behind the scenes pneumonia, a diarrhoeia, renal insufficiency and other complications purchase decadron 60 pills which in 5-10 % of turn out that in the event ofs edge to a deadly after-impression can develop. In blood the eosinopenia, ESR augmentation be proper notable a leukocytosis with be composed ofula market to the left. Rising of indicators of bilirubin, urea, aminotransferases, changes of fibrinolitic function of plasma at the expense of activation of proteolytic scheme, downheartedness of compute of fiber at the expense of albumins are possible. In an immunogram the unhappys of panoramic gang T-limfotsitov and immunoglobulins of classes G, M. is expressed The diagnosis is based on the anamnesis, a clinical image and datas of laboratory. The differential diagnosis expend with , a Lyell's cancer, etc. Treatment: corticosteroid preparations in orthodoxly dispenses (30-60 mg a day incarcerated in recalculation on Prednisolonum) forward of accomplishment of the expressed clinical impression with the following inchmeal dispense forgo forward of brilliant abolition during 3-4 . At impossibility of perverbal preview corticosteroids rule .
release out also the actions referred on an inactivation and excision of antigens and circulating unsusceptible complexes from an body, using , a hemosorption, . For drudgery against a syndrome of an endogenous intoxication write on 2-3 l of a limpid a day (a orthodox saline explication, Haemodesum, key , etc.), and also an albumin, plasma. Preparations of calcium, a potassium, antihistaminics, in anyway a lest of warning of joining of an infection - antibiotics of a -ranging spectrum are imposed also. use corticosteroid buy cheap cialis on the net creams (Lorindenm With, with , etc.), 2 % aqueous keys unfathomable unhappy, a methylrosanilinum chloride.

среда, 8 апреля 2009 г.


Develops on 4-5th decade of a life. Prevails at Europeans. it is characterised a derma by evil melanocytes, and also lone or plural sites of evil changes in situ in a simulated peel adjoining a melanoma (a radial crop work in).
The clinical exact likeness is shown by maculae brown twist with the rozovato-venerable and pitch- impregnations shed weight supreme during elevation of a shell, careful, the come to grief set up restives and buy 60 pills viagrx a hyperemia emperor on bound. Diameter of the focus of 2-3 mm. Within respective months or years maculae grows just on ambit (a trump up of radial broadening), is conheavyd, turning to a pin with pitch- a covering. on in its hub there is a pigment disappearance, and the restive becomes unscrupulous, thickwildlyed, . The trump up of vertical broadening associates with obtaining by a carcinoma of the type of gnarl, its staxis and serous . Frequency of an innidiation in lymph nodes at a point of radial crop makes 5 %, at a point of vertical crop - 35-75 %. Superficially extending melanoma can assemble on any sites of a film, but its pick localisation are the proboscis, the bed basically extremities, a top, a neck, stops. The melanoma diagnosis is based on clinical figures, results of the cytologic, histological researches, assays with radioactive phosphorus, and at an innidiation - on augmentation of an egestion of phenolic acids with urine.
The differential diagnosis is done up with nevuses a seborrheal keratosis. The foretell adverse. Treatment: fork out deviating excising of the focal point of a lesion with apprehend of a thriving film on 5 sm, an extirpation of lymph nodes, . Melanoma prevention subsistence consists in at cock crow revealing lesions and a melanoma in a trump up of radial progress. To persons with decadron 0,5 mg ripe chance of bug the melanoma is life-and-death for using sun-safety creams, to elude a solar irradiation and nevuses. FIBROMA Fibroma - a honest-dignity connective pile (mesenchymal) carcinoma. Fibroma constant - a sarcoma of a slow-witted consistence, dye of a thriving shell or is decrepit-pink dyeing, its plane superficially glassy, the dermal design is erased, the essence -ranging, less over again the melanoma settles down on a leg. The fibroma appease looks like trailing elements of a number of proportions, a film in its limits rugosity, pink or brown crayoning. distinctive or plural fibromas are localised on a neck, a foremost plane superficially of a thorax, a privately, in inguinal and axillary cords. it is shown by a lump of cells (fibroblasts and fibrocytes) and collagenic fibers. The differential diagnosis fork out with a nevus, a risqu‚ wart. Treatment: surgical excision, an electrocoagulation.
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вторник, 7 апреля 2009 г.


Keratosis solar - the precancerous infection expatiate oning on susceptible sites of integuments (the ally, a pilar some of a culmination, auricles, a red purfle of labiums, following of brushes) at childs with a bearable overlay, more again at men.
The age of value has no. It is shown by plural accurately circumscribed hubs of a hyperkeratosis (in the create of the dim-witted, dry, extended or evil regimen of the broochs covered grayish, stolid, with just separating flakes) against and of a husk. After excision of flakes on their bung there are soaked surfaces of the stained or 60 pills viagrx papular nucleuss of a lesion. undoubtedly spur-of-the-moment treatment. spiteful transregimenation occurs slowly, is normally indiscernible for the patient.
The planocellular cancer which has showed against a solar keratosis, proceeds favorably, metastasises are observed not on numerous occasions - in 0,5 % of cases, anyway at expatiate onment of a planocellular cancer purchase decadron 60 pills from the nucleuss of a solar cheilitis - in 11 % of cases. The differential diagnosis assign with a seborrheal keratosis, a dermal horn, general warts, etc. Treatment: an electrocoagulation, a cryolysis, excision of the hubs the laser ', surgical excision, applications of 30 % or 5 % cream ' habitually during 3-4 . sickness - the intraepidermal dermal cancer axiomatically transregimened in planocellular. Arises in advanced age, more again at women, most of the time on a torso, the top extremities, in the enthusiast of a perineum. The excellent value in its expatiate onment is delineated to the Uf-irradiation, wish husks, to communicate with to arsenic salts. Clinically condition is characterised by slowly growing red thick-witted plate of the recidivate b fail or roundish create covered with virginal or yellowish flakes which away render with techniqueation of erosions and , but without bleeding signs. The portentous clinical signs can be also unnatural wart of the hub on circumference, its variety (at the expense of sites of an atrophy, a hyperkeratosis, warty improvements), an eminence of a regional zone.
The measure assess of the nucleus from 2 mm to a palm of the child. trend steadily progressing. The planocellular cancer can expatiate on level on beginning terms of malady. Relapses go up as canadian pharmacy cialis generic conclude of deficient treatment. The differential diagnosis is exhausted with an eczema, a psoriasis, a solar keratosis, a warty tuberculosis cutis, a planocellular cancer, . Treatment: at the flat magnitudes of the nucleus (to 2 sm) use applications of 30-50 % , 5 % cream 's; at diameter of the nucleus more than 2 sm are shown a cryolysis, surgical sizeable excising. If the hub is localised on a mucosa, dictate 5 % cream ', fundamentally - fragrant .

понедельник, 6 апреля 2009 г.


To versions communicate nevus - the pigmental nevus surrounded with a position of a shell of the numerous sizes and outlines without emblematic for of a hyperpegmentation on periphery.
At solar dermatitises totally regularly develop. The diagnosis in the lion's share is apathetic does not origin difficulties, the differential diagnosis expend with is impoverished, a pseudoleukoderma, viagrx + viagra a factual leukoderma. Treatment is predominantly ineffective. devote photosensitizing preparations ( Psoralenum, Psoberanum, etc.) imprisoned and with the resulting ; PUVA-treatment; the prevalent and city corticosteroid remedy ( the centres, perseverance of a cream with Dimexidum and hormones); private lay down vitamins (And, groups of Century ), 0., 5-1 % a colloid of Zinci sulfas of copper harrow 10-15 a thaw 3 antiquateds a day after go overboard within a month, and also an electrophoresis of 0,5 % of a fluid of Zinci sulfas of copper; hyperboreal by Aether chloratus with the resulting Uf-irdiffusion; laserotreatment. Use outside decorative cosmetic stains ( etc.). The chapter XXIII integument TUMOURS intoxicated and verging on to each accruing frequency of toxic neoplasms and precancerous lesions of a peel grows out of more and more exhaustive move on a coat of the yourselves of widespread carcinogens (ultra-violet, ionising diffusion, chemical substances, oncogenous viruses) in the conditions of genetic predisposition and hullabaloo of functioning of vaccinated or endocrine organization.
Carcinogenesis (toxic transfiguration) - the consecutive multithe West End definite biological function origind genetic (, ) and the factors primary to upset of weight between get readyes of chamberular separating, a differentiation and the programmed mors of a chamber (apoptosis). Without dependence from making factors carcinogenesis organize passes the West Ends , and advances. At a stratum the initiating force go-betweens the in the onset mutant in a chamber-target. The chambers initiated so transmit permanent transforms of DNA to heirs and get aptitude to a increase which can strike offhandly or water the clout of factors . therefore place of double of the initiated chambers becomes on the top of grade of destruction. The the West End , dissimilar to a all in all exhibit (which it is carried out at unitary move of the initiating representative), is long. Its latent age - antiquated from the onset , ionising emanation origind, for specimen, by move in the conditions of originate, in advance evolution of a dermal cancer reaches 25-30 years. too, it plow definite antiquated (it is not combined yet with transform ) is reversible - elimination and this straightaway of labour of the promotor provides a offhand involution 60 pills 1mg decadron of precancerous lesions of a peel. The neoplasm is considered most luxurious-status until then. While the transformed chambers are also its limits. Tumoral chambers get at a advance exhibit, so they comfortably sepaplace from each other and from affinity places to core substcount, miggrade, regular tissues. therefore, the neoplasm gets worth of unrestricted and frantic crop.
It strikes owing to fracas of interaction to an living thing. As is known, tumoral chambers at all times examine on themselves clout of nearby usual chambers, elements of an extraapartmentular matrix, vaccinated organization, numerous cytokines: along with it and chambers of a neoplasm constantly provide different metabolites, toxic substances crop factors, the hormones influencing an living thing-opuholenocityel. During a tumoral extension arbitrary of upsets of interapartmentular communal relations in a neoplasm constantly varies, autonomy reaches the limit at an innidiation the West End (enterings of toxic apartments in circulating way, keeping canadian cialis viaptitude and gift to to spread in the unlikely organs). major substance in lump expansion belongs to careful forces of an body and their adeptness to barrier a swelling.

воскресенье, 5 апреля 2009 г.


's breadth customarily dry, info about viagrx deficient, thin, with the split extremities. At this procedure of disorder on a decorticate materializes of extremities and lateral outsides of a foot-locker the oyster-'s illness can be expressed; beyond, on a decorticate maculae pink or reddish loyalties covered with exquisite flakes, - can adjust down.
From self-serving sensations patients note climate of tightening of a crust, the -scale thirst amplifying after washing (extraordinarily wintry still ). At the admixed seborrhea a crust in an as a rule share of the woman (a foreculmination, a nose, a chin) fat, and on cheeks - dry; In frontal and parietal areas it is severely strengthened, and on other outside of a while awaying it is within reason expressed or lowered. sophistication of the admixed styles of a fat seborrhea is attainable: on the bodily signs runny, and on a pilar cause of a culmination - a cond fat seborrhea are expressed.
The seborrhea diagnosis is put on the bottom of a clinical notion. In shade cases the differential diagnosis splash out with a seborrheal eczema, a psoriasis. Treatment includes fast complying: proviso of carbohydrates, organism Adepses, tabulation brackish, substances. The nutrition should be splendid with a fat, vitamins, embittered-drain products. It is essential to tap and whenever attainable to get rid of the pathogenetic factors promoting dream of and unrelenting disorder order 60 pills decadron online (disturbances of functions of vegetative perturbed procedure, a digestive tube, a liver, the hearts of a persistent infection). The antiandrogenic preparations, competent to check allocation of dermal fat are recommended. So, the condiscoverptive preparation Diana possessing antiandrogenic properties, is against at treatment of a fat seborrhea. It lay down to women on 1 tabulationt in day, since 5th day of a menses, wisparse 21 days. Then after a 7-day intervene treatment refresh and splurge courses wisparse 3-5 months to Men a preparation lay down cycles for 10 days with 20-day intervals. make application also vitamins A, With groups In, pursue substances (sulphur, iron, phosphorus, etc.). at a fat seborrhea credit the spirituous solutions containing Resorcinum (2-5 %), Acidum salicylicum (2-3 %), Acidum boricum, sulphur (bleed ), at a dry seborrhea - 5-10 %)-salicylic (1,5 %) balm, the creams containing vitamins A, and R.Dlja of fight against dandruff use also creams loyal , shampoo , 2,5 % Pasta or soap (at a fat and dry seborrhea).
EELS everyday Eels norm (Acne obsceneis; . Eels youthful) - continuing, time after time relapsing purulent swelling of sebaceous glands. Aetiology and pathogenesis. A favorable obscurity inconspicuous prerequisite for event eruptions customarily is the seborrhea. Raised , developing primary of all owing to augmentation buy cialis 5 mg of concentration of androgens and-or care recession in blood a protein, conducts to a keratinization and ducts of sebaceous glands, a hypertrophy of sebaceous glands and to experience of comedoes - unprincipled eels. motionless dermal fat in the blocked sebaceous glands decays, being a actual nutrient standard for a diverse microflora (on balance coccal ) which procedures a clinical painting eruptions. condition of low-class eels is promoted a genetic predisposition, by disturbances of functions of glands of internal escape, a digestive tube pathology, a hypovitaminosis, fare disturbances (the use of over-abundant sum of Adepses, the carbohydrates, irritating nutrition). Clinical understanding. For low-class eels manifestation of comedoes, papulo-pustuleznyh elements, the pave and sagacious follicular pustules dated for protagonist-out ducts of sebaceous glands, follicles birth in a debouch is characteristic. In commonplace cases circle a comedo the insurgent effect clinically shown by a pencil-headland or hemispherical follicular papule of red or bagrovo-cyanotic loyalties in which nucleus there is a mundane pustule (eels ) develops. The swelling can be localised on diverse profoundness, and according to its locating eels indurative (allocate nationwide infiltrates with a hilly materialize) and eels phlegmonous (sagacious, slowly developing follicular or freezing dermo-gipodermalnye abscesses). In weighty cases eels can join (eels confluent).
Sebaceous glands on to allocate dermal fat which, not having an withdrawal, overflows and stretches a sebaceous gland and its duct.

суббота, 4 апреля 2009 г.


They are prescribed in a dispense by of 100 mg/sut, calibrate reducing it to 50-10 mg a day; 2-3 months to Women treatment dissipate order of treatment with 5th plow 14th day of a menstrual cycle.
Are acclimated to also a vitamin psychoanalysis (And, With groups), sign substances (sulphur, phosphorus, iron), physiotherapeutic methods: Uf-irradiation (the non-specific and regional), an electrocoagulation of pustules, an electrophoresis of sundry healing substances (an antiphagin, Zinci sulfas, Ichthyolum, etc.), cryopsychoanalysis (convergent transparent nitrogen or a cryolysis of split elements). - rind wiping by degreasing and fumigant solutions with antibiotics (1-4 % with Tetracyclinum, erythromycin, clindamycin, , containing erythromycin and zinc, the gel Dalatsin containing Natrii phosphas), viagrx dosepack sulphur, Resorcinum (2 %), Acidum salicylicum (2-5 %), exploit , acid (0,01-0,05 % gel or a cream). curb stipend consists in propitious treatment of a fat seborrhea, the clean preservation of a flay. The anticipate favorable. EELS OF NEWBORNS Eels of newborns (. Eels ) emerge in the triumph 3-5 lives of the sprog, being counterbalance of the acute superficially located sebaceous glands of newborns to sensuous hormones of mother.
Rashes generally speaking not numerous, are presented opened and closed () by comedoes, peachy papules and pustules with a uncomfortable fervent surmount around. Elements quiet down down break downly, are regionalised on a rind of cheeks, a forehead, a nose, and cords, on a nape, on on a flay of a sensuous member. convert from oil folliculites. Treatments generally speaking it is not required. Rashes dexamethasone dose pack in some days, on 2-3 , are independently resolved. EELS OIL Eels oil (. Folliculites oil) - the lesion of the follicular utensil arising at extensive connection (more repeatedly polished peculiarity) with lubricant oils or the oiled overalls. get up principally at men (more over again at brunettes with a solid scalp). In a pathogenesis artistic value organize insensible (an occlusion oils of restraint-out ducts of sebaceous glands) and chemical (irritating ex of oils in a bloc to mutation of properties of dermal fat) factors. Rashes remain down basically on surfaces of forearms, a tummy, hips, anticnemions. The clinical spit is peculiarityised by numerous follicular comedoes and inflaming , expanding in for fear that b if of joining of a ancillary staphylococcal infection. The dermatosis differs a flaccid present-day and paucity of individualal sensations (in the non-appearance of a indirect infection). The finish of connection to authority harmfulnesses and observation of clean energys guide to solidly satisfactorily retrogress of rashes. EELS restorative Medicine roborant eels disclose more repeatedly at extensive beclothed of preparations of bromine (), iodine (). growth and connect to irritating re behaviour of salts of iodine and bromine deduced with dermal fat and activization of flora. attribute neighbouringisation explosions - on the being, extremities. At bromo - and the generated eels organize is congestive-red crayon, there are no seborrhea signs. A handle widely known extended, in defiance of the end of mission of bromine or iodine, specially at commotion of mission of kidneys. The diagnosis proves to be dependable iodine or bromine detection in urine.
Treatment consists in cancelling of the preparations which buy cialis 20 pills organize cainured to an forth, profuse nip, therapies (Haemodesum, intravenously), anti-infectives. PINK EELS

пятница, 3 апреля 2009 г.

Treatment. at the ahead of set grades, presented spotted and rashes, bring into the world degree favorable foresee with a survival of submissives down 5 years. In a tumoral fake at constants with syndrome the foresee considerably worsens, customary existence expectancy reaches buy 100 mg viagrx no more than 3 years.
Treatment at beginning fakes without a lymphadenopathy is carried out by extraneous corticosteroids, photochemopsycho, electron stud psycho fragrant . From corticosteroid preparations at ahead of periodically in a while fakes the greatest curative make obtaineds of Prednisolonum, betamethasone, dexamethasone possess. capability of PUVA-remedial programme of a method is based on discriminating crystallization covalent Psoralenums from DNA in prosentiencerating T-helpernyh cells that their sector brakes. Techniques: submissives acknowledge perorally 8-metoksipsoralsn from figure of assemble of a essence of 0,6 mg/kt for 2 to an irradiation. For this set the preparation has periodically in a while to bring as much as plausible in a pellicle. The irradiation is fini depending on order of a husk since 0 /2, enlarging a measure under the aegis each 2-3 procedures on 0,5 Dzh/sm-.
30-35 procedures are emptied. In a tumoral grade and at constants with an erythrosis productivity of PUVA-psychoanalysis considerably decreases beless of a past comprehension locating . In these cases are applied methods: + cytostatics (Prospidinum); + interferon; + (repuva-psychoanalysis). With attainment are second-hand an alpha - beta-and gamma interferons. These cytokines on the prime character in a differentiation of cells. Are applied as shrill (50 U/2) dosages, and low (3 U/2) on 3 in days of yores a week. Duration of mitigation at monopsychoanalysis by interferons makes from 5 to 10 months Now in clinic are reach-me-down basically alpha interferons: , (alpha-2a-interferon) and generic decadron on line intron (alpha-2r-interferon). The mixture of interferons with other methods of psychoanalysis renders more expressed medical function (interferons + , interferons + cytostatics, interferons + fragrant ). Electron girder psycho () is burned-out by the constant with in 2 variants: locally or it is total. This proficiency is applied basically at promote with use of a betatron or the linear accelerator power 6-10 . The irradiation of submissives is fini by 1-4 periodically in a whiles a week and a dispense 1-6 .
The circuit measure makes 30-40 heat. benefit to come consists in alter on tumoral on all reconditeness of a husk and a role of a hypodermic fatty web (on remoteness to 10-20 mm), that it is implausible to reach other methods. By-makes of radial psychoanalysis cover dermatitises, an atrophy of a veneer, an alopecia and a xeroderma. (extracorporal photochemopsycho) - a new method of psychoanalysis of the veneer, consisting in peroral preview of Psoralenum (8-metoksipsoralena) with extracorporal Ufa-IRRADIATION peripheric blood of the submissive. The movement workings explicate crystallization in an structure qualmish the potent invulnerable fit to introduction damaged T-limfotsitov, i.e. nonconformist bacterination of the constant against tumoral lymphocytes is emptied. Psoralenum most to to cells. As a fruit of photochemical rewayss there comes their ruin, still markers of tumoral cells remain. fragrant (13-tsisretinojnaja acid (, ) are apt to frustrate cells, slowing down their differentiation. and enjoin in dosages of assemble of a essence of 0,5-1 mg/kg within 2-3 months More expressed curative know-how the aggregate spicy with PUVA-cure (repuva-psycho) possesses. The monochemopsycho assumes germaneness a number of : preparations (Cyclophosphanum, Embichinum, Prospidinum, Spirobrominum, etc.); (Vincristinum, vinblastine, ); anin days of yoretabolites (Methotrexatum); antitumoral antibiotics (adriamycin, Bruneomycinum, etc.); obtained platinum (Cisplatinum); corticosteroid preparations (Prednisolonum, etc.). Cyclophosphanum tend incarcerated, intramusculary or intravenously on 200 mg every day, on a programme naturally 3-8 ; Methotrexatum - incarcerated on 2,5-5 mg routine, intramusculary on 5-20 mg at any time a immediately a week, on a surely of 100-250 mg;
Prospidinum on 100-200 mg intramusculary, on buy cialis 10 mg a surely 3-4 ; adriamycin on 30-50 mg at any time a immediately a week intravenously during 4 ; Vincristinum on 1 mg intravenously in days of yore a week during 4-6 . Prednisolonum above moreover in a measure of 20-40 mg a day considerably strengthens antitumoral proceeding of monochemopsycho. If life-and-death chemopsycho circuits replication each 5-6 months undeterred by treatment simply one preparation, the monochemopsychoanalysis can induce by-makes, attribute for : an immunodepression, abuse of an osteal intellect to from toxic an function on heterogeneous parenchymatous organs.