суббота, 28 февраля 2009 г.


Thus, the general duration of inspection makes about one and a half hours.

One inspection includes:
Cardiovascular system
Genitourinary system
Locomotorium (inspection of a backbone, intervertebral disks, joints)
Respiratory system
Endocrine system (definition of level of hormones, conditions ultracet 180 pills 550 mg of a thyroid gland, adrenals, a pituitary body, sexual glands, the insulinic apparatus of a pancreas
Nervous system (head and with a brain, brain blood supply)
Visual and a hearing aid
Cистему blood and hemopoietic ultracet organs (without a blood sampling)? An immunity condition, predisposition to an allergy
Revealing of microbes, viruses, helminths, chlamydias, staphilococcuses , trichomonads, etc.
- an intestinal tract
Lymphatic system
System of chromosomes.

The given technique does not demand any preparation for research and can be spent at any time.

The patient dresses ear-phones ultracet which are a source of a constant magnetic field in which bracing of own electromagnetic fields of a human body occurs, the gauges which have been built in ear-phones.

The device radiates nothing, therefore research can be spent ALL. Restrictions and contraindications it is not taped.


1. The diagnostic apparatus allows the doctor ultracet to reduce essentially time the express of an estimation of a condition of an organism as systems as a whole.
2. The apparatus is intended for registration of changes in and histological structures and allows:
- To receive quality standard of a functional condition;
- To check efficiency and results of realisation of the most various methods of therapeutic influence;
- To estimate as an organism reacts to preparations;
- To carry out the analysis of dynamics of changes of a functional condition of an organism during treatment;
- To establish primacy of the centre of functional disturbance;
- To estimate character of a pathology, using expert systems;
- To estimate homeostasis key parametres;

The apparatus design provides an absolute patient safety and attendants.
For pathology finding-out, the ultracet doctor investigates separate, constantly decreasing cartographical squares , constructed by the computer on the screen until localises the pathological centre with limiting degree of accuracy.

The Hardware-software complex "Oberon" allows not only to fix and decipher the information of electromagnetic fields of live organisms, but also to present it on the screen of the monitor of the computer in the form of virtual dynamic model of organs in certain colours.

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четверг, 26 февраля 2009 г.

zanaflex organism

Protecting from destruction zanaflex nonsaturated fat acids, vitamin E helps at the most various diseases: at a hemophilia and a diabetes, at allergies and low resistibility to infections. Thanks to ability to reduce a cicatrisation, it is useful at retinas and, certainly, at all conditions when oxygen entering - is limited at an asthma, an emphysema, a tobacco smoking and obliterating ("occluding") diseases of vessels complicating it. Here really vitamin for zanaflex 2mg all occasions: eliminates intertrigoes at babies and an eruption at teenagers, deduces warts, improves state of health at a lupus erythematosus and a scleroderma, causes mental revival in older persons.
Typical sign of destruction of Adepses in an zanaflex organism are senile maculae on arms. These are clumps the substances oxidised by free radicals. At women such pigmentation quite often appears with the menopause beginning when and without that the requirement raised in this period for vitamins zanaflex increases owing to hormonal treatment even more. They, practically, do not manage to be eliminated.
Same maculae arise in lungs, in nervous system, a brain, kidneys, fatty cells, muscles and other tissues. At an atherosclerosis along with cholesterol adjournment in arteries the rests of the oxidised nonsaturated fat acids in a kind pigmentations are found out. pigments interfere with dissolution of vascular thrombuses by enzymes because of what treatment of varicose illness is complicated, a phlebitis, a stenocardia and other cardiovascular diseases. pigmentation happens is especially expressed at the diseases accompanied by disturbance of mastering of Adepses, for example, at a pancreatitis and a pancreatic fibrosis.
Basic "workplace" of vitamin E is on is oily-damp membranes of cells of a body. This protective cover draws to itself billions molecules of nutrients or hormones which through surprisingly debugged and branched out system of channels get in cells. And on membranes of cells trap the extraction free radicals, because it to taste just all is oily-wet, for example, "tasty" cholesterol of which the cover of cells half consists.
At insufficiency of vitamin E of special danger erythrocytes are exposed, or red bloody little bodies, whose covers are especially sensitive and fragile. If red bloody little bodies are not surrounded by vitamin E molecules, they are attacked by free radicals, damaging them. Their structure in this case changes, fiber of zanaflex a cover hardens, and red bloody little bodies lose ability to transfer oxygen to cells. The structure of our blood varies hourly depending on that, how many vitamin E or other protective substances we accept with nutrition.
If we after cheerfully spent night with a considerable quantity of alcohol buy cialis online and cigarettes feel broken the reason of it consists in billions lost red bloody little bodies. To prevent the worst consequences, the organism switches functions of all organs of a body in an economic regimen, and instead of cheerfulness we feel weariness, instead of pleasure - apathy and indifference. One table spoon of the red palm-oil containing of many vitamin E, will help to feel better.
Transfer of nervous impulses is carried out in is oily-damp medium of cellular membranes, therefore the balance of humidity should be supported necessarily at constant level. Otherwise there will be a feeling of a numbness in arms and the feet, accompanied by a pricking and. The Same occurs and in the event that there is a deficiency of vitamin E.
Vitamin E prevents or eliminates circulation disturbances as reduces coagulability of blood and does not allow to be formed to thrombuses.
Vitamin E is necessary for synthesis and DNA and consequently participates in formation zanaflex of kernels of all cells of a body. Irreplaceable nonsaturated fat acids are used not only for formation of cellular membranes and internal structures of cells, but also for strengthening of intercellular communications. For lack of this vitamin fat acids are oxidised, and cellular structures are blasted.

вторник, 24 февраля 2009 г.


Updating and organism restoration
The human body is constantly updated. Every minute the basic structures of an organism wear out and replaced with new tissues and biochemical components. All osteal tissue is updated for 10 - 12 years. About 98 % of a body it is completely updated within a year. An initial material, which our bodies use to orlistat restore itself, arrives buy hoodia almost exclusively with nutrition. It means, that our bodies consist, basically, from eaten by us for previous year. Good thought, isn't that so?
Energy formation
Process of "burning" of nutrition under the influence of oxygen occurs in the basic structural elements of an organism - cells. The body consists of billions cells, each of which soaks up molecules of alimentary substances and uses them in the chemical reactions providing manufacture of energy.
In a body of the person alimentary substances orlistat from hoodia a foodstuff will be transformed to structural elements of cells of our organism: enzymes, hormones and other regulators of metabolic processes.
For effective course of these processes all is necessary for an organism - irreplaceable fat acids, carbohydrates, high-grade fiber, vitamins and mineral substances. And the disadvantage even one of nutrients can negatively affect efficiency of cellular reactions and maintenance of an organism with energy.
Today already to all it is clear, that normal work of an organism cannot be without a proper correlation of all nutrients necessary for it.
Change of a food of the modern person
It is clear, that in an ideal all nutrients should arrive in an organism only with nutrition. As it was in the last centuries. But we live in the conditions which have changed in relation to the previous centuries.
Global pollution of superficial waters and land, local radiocontaminations, agriculture chemicalixation, wide manufacture and use of tinned products causes ubiquitous pollution of foodstuff hoodia and reduces power and their information value.
It leads to depression of adaptic abilities of a human body, does by its more acquisitive to diseases, causes more serious and long current of illnesses, reduces efficiency of medical influences.
All illnesses come through a mouth -
Young men, not thinking, eat all successively, satisfying orlistat alimentary predilections, and consider, that with them - everything is all right. But already after 30-35 years at the young man «the bouquet of diseases» starts to be shown. In the morning - there is no vivacity, in the afternoon - drowsiness, in the evening - weariness. And it becomes a normal condition of the mature person what to be - should not!
Life expectancy of the man's population, for example, hoodia makes now Russia the little more than 57 years. 55 % of the population of the country (50 % of men, 60 % of women) are more senior have 30 years superfluous mass of a body, adiposity.
From here - a bouquet not infectious, mainly hardly proceeding chronic diseases: an atherosclerosis, ischemic heart disease, a myocardial infarction, strokes, a diabetes. As you see, it those diseases which give 55 % of a mortality.
What to do? Where to search for an exit?
Certainly, to change an intense rhythm of a life not always in our forces, but we can bring a lot of advantage to own organism, activly moving, refusing from hoodia bad habits and adhering to eutrophy laws. After all the eutrophy is a necessary and first condition of a life.
Old true: «You - that you eat», - in the XXI-st century buy orlistat became even more actual. Fortunately, necessity comprehension to watch the food and in our country last years gets the increasing popularity.
That who shows consideration for the organism and carefully provides with its all necessary alimentary substances, vitamins, he answers with beauty, a youth, activity and pleasure of a life.

среда, 18 февраля 2009 г.

Sated Adepses

Sated Adepses. (from vpxlshop.com)
Or - "bad" Adepses. This butter, palm and peanut oils, oil of a coco and pork Adeps. And after all the butter and pork Adeps - are most claimed in our country. Their buy what is ultram basic harmful property - to raise cholesterol and in blood. It conducts to risk of diseases of cardiovascular system. Depression of consumption of "bad" Adepses will help to avoid heart attacks and strokes.

Polynonsaturated Adepses.
Between "good" and "bad" Adepses toradol not so good Adepses ultram concerning injection group of polynonsaturated Adepses have hidden. This group of Adepses also is unhealthy the person that causes risk of diseases of cardiovascular system, promotes rising of a blood pressure and formation of thrombuses.
These Adepses concern: sunflower and toradol corn oils, margarine and oil. The matter is that in the course of manufacturing sunflower-seed oil is exposed to strong refinement that conducts to rising in it to the maintenance of Transadepses. From here risk of diseases by warm illnesses and a cancer.
Transadepses in a considerable quantity toradol contain in Adepses, toradol passed a chemical treatment promoting transformation of liquid Adepses in the firm. It to all of us known margarine, culinary Adeps (remember?). These Adepses are used at manufacturing of cookies, cakes etc. A lot of "bad" Adeps is used in ultram manufacturing of chips and crackers.
Transformation of liquid Adepses in firm economic: firm Adeps is more longly stored and then manufacture of margarine is much cheaper than butter manufacture. The polysated oils in the course of hardening turn to artificial cholesterol. Such product can harm an organism only. If on a label as a part of a product you injection have seen a word Adepses, will put it back is that other, as Transadepses. Such product the enemy you will not wish.
In corn, sunflower and cottonous oils the considerable quantity of fat acids 6 contains.
Too big consumption 6 will cause the same problems, as Transadepses: risk of warm diseases and a cancer.

How to us to eat, that the nutrition toradol pleased not only our stomach, but also our organism?
Eat nuts, especially and almond. Scientists have drawn a conclusion, that the regular use in nutrition of nuts reduces risk of disease by diabetes, reducing cholesterol in blood.
Walnut oil is very useful for ultram an organism. Having included in the daily ration of 5-7 nuts, you supply the organism, let small, quantity 3. Too to be zealous it is not necessary - walnuts very high-calorie.
The following - fish! Some doctors consider, that after forty, in general it is better to refuse meat, completely having replaced with its fish. It is noticed, that the people regularly using in nutrition fish, are ill less often. By the way, depression is not inherent to them. Fat grades of fish, as are especially shown: sturgeon, a salmon, a mackerel, etc.
Further: exclude from the use sunflower and corn oils, having preferred the olive. The olive oil use is capable to normalise pressure, thanks to positive influence on blood lipids. From time to time add in salad oil. If at you is not present some oil add in nutrition seeds. Do not forget and about linen oil. Besides in it contains 3, it has the most salutary influence on work of a gastroenteric tract.

The person often name a creation wreath thereby, assuming its ultram exclusive place among all live on the earth. Why so it turns out, what we own arms, for own money day by day toradol injection we blast our health and a life? Such state of affairs is absurd. After all any animal will not eat that will blast its organism.
Let's turn the knowledge received by us into the blessing to itself and the relatives.
Remember: we - THAT we eat! Eat correctly, and good luck!

среда, 11 февраля 2009 г.


It is preliminary necessary to clear bones of soft tissues and well to wash out cold water for excision of haemoglobin in order to avoid the subsequent pigmentation. Soda is used in the form of of the solution which has been warmed up. It dissolves substances owing to hydrolysis and a peptization of gels It-ions. Degreasing is reached by gasoline, an Aether and others . Bleach a solution of peroxide of hydrogen, a solution of a chloric lime or on the sun. It is possible to apply to preparation of osteal preparations and even skeletons a biological (microbic) way , specified prof. P.P.Djakonovym. The way ultracet consists that or its parts place a corpse in well aired place (better on a grid in a court yard under a canopy) and from different directions the cut straw, time layer in 4 more thickness of a corpse. Straw wet urine in the moderate portions of time 4 a day. At low temperature destruction of fibers occurs more slowly, than at high . Term of processing of 5-20 days. Appreciable allocation of badly smelling gases does not occur.
The smell of the decayed urine appears at its excess. Process of decomposing of a corpse can be stopped at any moment, it use for skeleton reception on ligaments. After the termination of process of decomposing of a bone wash water. They get natural colour and are deprived a deathly whiteness and the fragility arising at application of chemical substances. Sorokin suggests ultracet to add in water, where matseri-ruetsja a crude skeleton, culture . For analysis of not opened skull in it after excision of a brain, a maceration and boiling down fill dry peas through an occipital aperture which then pawn a chip. At skull immersing in water peas inflate and move apart its bones. The skin also can be kept in a dry kind after bracing by formalin and Glycerinum.
It should be released from a fatty tissue. On a way a skin fix in a following solution. After bracing a skin spend for degreasing through alcohols - and absolute - and dry up at a room temperature.
Produce these preparations for studying of ultracet vascular and lymphatic vessels, bifurcations of a bronchial tree and so forth For this purpose at first pour in in them special masses, and then blast an organ by corrosion, wash from the rests of tissues and mount. As injection masses use various hardening admixtures. Instead of the Canadian balm it is possible to use fir balm. Or: Add to this admixture of a few turpentine. It is necessary to make preliminary assay on fragility. For this purpose fused admixture pour on the moistened glass. If the received plate is fragile, it is necessary. for wax if it is soft - colophoniums. Use also fusible metals. It is the most convenient to use celluloid dissolved in acetone or in an admixture of absolute alcohol with an Aether. Metals and celluloid can be entered through a funnel. Paints are used oil (for painting): cinnabar, chrome. Corrosion of celluloid preparations make the concentrated hydrochloric acid, gradually washing tissues a thin stream of water. Corrosion of metal or pitch ultracet preparations make a maceration and weak solutions caustic . It is possible to apply and a biological microbic way. Preparations produce on a way Shpal-tegoltsa or . At first pour in in vessels mass (or any another).
Read other here cheap ultracet

воскресенье, 1 февраля 2009 г.


Therefore it is necessary to do smears from a surface of a cut of lungs for bacterioscopic research and to make microscopical research of the slices taken from various places of lungs, and in particular from their zadne-bottom departments. At research of a liver pay tegretol attention to possible ruptures, subcapsular hematomas that is sometimes observed at cluneal predle-zhanii. The lien very weakly reacts at children, therefore its density and absence not and with to a sepsis. Flabbiness of a lien at newborns tegretol arises posthumously owing to cadaveric decomposing is more often. At mors from an asphyxia sometimes tegretol in cerebral and partly in a cortical layer of adrenals hemorrhages which need to be distinguished from sharp vessels (capillaries and veins) are observed. It is recommended to make in each case a face-to-face section a small post-mortem knife of the bottom epiphysis of a hip for measurement of a kernel of ossification and definition on it of age of a foetus. In norm an ossification line equal and direct. If it wide - to 2 mm, rough, jagged, rozovato-white or zheltovato-grey at leaky bond of a cartilage with a bone it is possible to think of a syphilitic osteochondritis. In this case it is necessary to investigate a liver, a lien, easy and other organs, and also to make a Wassermann reaction. . the diagnosis is recommended to be avoided expressions: " impractical, an underdevelopment of organs congenital delicacy though the true tegretol cause of death at modern level of our knowledge not always can be established. If the diagnosis "asphyxia" it is necessary to specify its reasons among which can be an aspiration of tegretol amniotic waters, a placental detachment, a cord encirclement, long labours that it is necessary to note in and to and which should be made together with the clinician is made. If to or during opening there is a suspicion on a violent death it is necessary to suspend, inform opening investigatory organs and to arrive depending on their indicatings: or to transfer a corpse in a forensic medical examination, or to finish opening in a medicolegal order'.Methodical letter on pathoanatomical opening died newborn and mortinatus the main pathologist of Ministry of Health of the of the prof. See. And. M and at about in and. It is confirmed on, and also: tegretol. Section of corpses of foetuses and newborns. -i both medicolegal diagnostics and technics. Pathoanatomical technicians At extraction it is necessary to spare a postmediastinum and to dissect back mediastinal leaves of a pleura and a leg of diaphragms at the backbone. It is impossible to tear off organs of a thoracal cavity as the duct can tear and its part remains in a corpse.
To keep a cervical part of a duct, it is necessary to take neck organs together with neurovascular fascicles, dissecting tissues as it is possible . Taken stack a back surface up on a little table. First of all investigate a thoracal duct. Having found it between an aorta and an unpaired vein on the right in the form of a thin white cord of 2-3 mm in a diameter, from-preparovyvajut it in the parties of abdominal and cervical its departments. The abdominal duct in the form of the tank or some thickening lays between diaphragm legs on a back wall of an aorta more on the right. Further it is buy toradol possible from-preparovat tegretol both roots 1 (trunci lumbalis) and lumbar plexuses with lymph nodes. a duct to a neck, it is possible to track its top cervical part behind an tegretol esophagus and between an esophagus and the left subclavial artery. Further it lays to the left of an esophagus, then, forming an arch, turns to the left, passing behind (over) a neurovascular fascicle. If to work and carefully a venous angle and veins forming it, left subclavial and internal bulbar it is possible to see a place of a confluence of a duct in this angle. To open a duct it is necessary small blunt-ended (not pricking) scissors. Normally in a duct the transparent, colourless liquid - a lymph contains. Its appreciable filling is observed at the general edemas. Sometimes the lymph happens is painted by blood to some extent, up to formation of red parcels. It is more often observed in a cervical part of a duct, is more rare - on all tegretol extent; in this case it can be accepted for a vein. 178 The most frequent reason of entering of blood in a thoracal duct is, as believe, venous stagnation in the agonal period that attracts a vasodilatation and arising thereof insufficiency of valves in a place of a confluence of a duct. Probably also blood entering in a thoracal duct through limfo-venous anastomoses with an unpaired vein, intercostal veins, hollow, renal, ileal. In a duct thrombuses can be observed. The purulent lymphangitis of a duct meets very seldom, at a carcinoma of the stomach and an esophagus. The trauma is more often observed in a cervical and thoracal part of a duct. The mors thus comes kept away owing to the attrition caused . Damage of cervical department of a duct can tegretol occur at an extirpation packages of lymph nodes, at excision of the bottom cervical sympathetic knot and at other operations. For definition of a place of damage it is possible to pour in a duct ink on a lymph current. Against a current it will be interfered by valves. Thus it is better than it not prepa-rovat as it is possible to cut imperceptibly fine boko-iye branches and they will leave ink that will mislead the researcher. Sometimes in a duct find out cancer metastasises, a lymphogranulomatosis, a tuberculosis and so forth Even before opening it is necessary to examine attentively a corpse and to describe its addition and development - correct, proportional or not, whether there is a backlog in growth of all body as at opened a duct, whether there are no developmental anomalies as a hypospadias tegretol.

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Those - 6 AND . The scheme of updating of opening of a skull on Fisher's method (an explanation in the text). an osteal plate it is possible to raise and turn on as a cusp that gives the chance to examine a surface of a hemisphere of a brain. If at and the osteal plate shows resistance, it it is necessary 173 Face-to-face cut on the middle (rice, 43, In,). The fingers entered into a longitudinal sulcus, shift a brain hemisphere a little, and at a head inclination from top to bottom it is buy generic ultram displaced from top to bottom and a hemisphere and there is visible a corpus collosum which dissect is longitudinal, Also it is longitudinal cut a brain part, then an optic nerve and a leg of a brain from each party. If now quickly to incline a head towards the opened hemisphere it drops out on the substituted palm. With other hemisphere arrive as. After excision of hemispheres it is possible to examine well all crescent process and to open a sine, and on the basis generic ultram of a skull - a cerebellum which dissect in the middle or in two places. It gives the chance to take a cerebellum and an oblong brain, and also to open sigmoid both cross-section sine and a tympanic cavity. Upon termination of research a skull cavity close the osteal plates kept on the places. A skin return into place and sew up. The head form at this method does not change almost. If osteal plates sink down, it is necessary to prop up them from within rags, cotton wool or the crumpled paper. Opening of cavities of an ear make in the usual way. If pus is thus found out, do smears and investigate . Spinal cord opening is recommended to be made in all cases as hemorrhages epi-dural, subdural and in substance of a brain are observed quite often and can serve as generic ultram a cause of death. at children it is more convenient to open the channel in front, after opening of cavities of a body and extraction of all organs of a neck, a breast and a stomach as it is described on p., with that only a difference, that for a section of handles and vertebra use not a gouge, and scissors to which they easily give in.
Take a spinal cord the same as and at opening the channel behind. Body cavities open with a midsection from a chin to a pubis, bypassing a belly-button at the left, as usually. Pos it turn on the right half of abdominal wall and examine umbilical vessels. Note their thickness, tortuosity, contents (liquid blood, convolutions, thrombuses). For finding-out of a condition of umbilical vessels of newborns the basic cut finish, not reaching on 2 sm to a belly-button, and from here conduct two slanting cuts to each inguinal area. In generic ultram a direction of these cuts of a skin dissect also an abdominal wall, and in the bottom part of a stomach the triangular dermo-is muscular-peritoneal flap is formed. Having grasped its forceps for an umbilical funicle or for belly-button area, raise up. Thus the umbilical vein going in a direction to a liver, stretches and is well visible. It from a covering peritoneum, make an incision, but do not cut at an umbilical ring and open generic ultram with small blunt scissorses on all ultracet online extent to a liver. Having investigated a vein, cut it at a belly-button, and a triangular flap reject from top to bottom and examine its internal surface where the umbilical arteries going from an umbilical ring to epigastri? arteries of a basin are visible, and between them on an average line lig. vesico-umbilicale medium - the rest urachus. Them also examine on cuts. It is recommended to do smears of contents of umbilical vessels and to investigate them even when there are no visible changes. At suspicion on generic ultram an umbilical sepsis it is necessary to make microscopical research of the slices which have been cut out from vessels of a cord and a belly-button with a skin. For this purpose it is necessary to cut out a dermal flap together with a belly-button and to fix in the straightened kind, then to make some cross-section sections of umbilical vessels and to take from them slices on various distances from a belly-button and one slice from a belly-button with a skin. Now survey a locating of organs of an abdominal cavity and write down their condition. Further open a thorax, but not on costal cartilages, and on ribs for wider generic ultram opening of pleural cavities. Examine and note position and a condition of organs of a thoracal cavity, contents of the pleural are hollow - 175 , open a warm shirt, allocate a gland, measure it and weigh. To define, whether the born child breathed or not, it is recommended to dress a trachea before thorax opening, and generic ultram then to take organs as it usually becomes, and to open lungs under water. Occurrence of blisters of air in water will say that the child breathed, their absence - that the child did not breathe. However it is necessary to remember, that at late opening and the come processes of cadaveric decomposing in a lung there can be gases. At research of lungs it is necessary to define their buoyancy together with heart, then each lung and its shares separately, and also the cut out large and fine slices. Buoyancy of lungs or their slices specifies that the child breathed, so, veins. However it is necessary to mean thus measures of revival of the child (artificial breath) and putrefactive decomposing at which gases are formed. At opening of heart and vessels note a condition of an oval aperture between auricles, a duct, underdevelopments, developmental anomalies and measure a circle of large vessels (a pulmonary artery and an aorta) over valves. For bacteriological research and a Wassermann reaction take blood from heart before its opening by rules of bacteriological technics. At research of organs of breath pay attention to contents of a larynx, a trachea and bronchuses (an aspiration of amniotic generic ultram waters, milk), and also a nose and a mouth. Pneumonia at newborns meets often, and is diagnosed hardly.

male yeast infection

male yeast infection
Them also open and register. Mortinatus with weight less than 1000 and length of a body less than 35 sm concern to in to and and m. Do male yeast infection not register Them and allow not to open. The history of sorts, history of development of the newborn and its illness should be represented in together with a corpse for acquaintance with them before opening then they should be immediately returned. At studying of history of sorts, and illnesses of the newborn it is necessary to pay attention of development to a state of health of mother to, during time and after sorts: on foetus position (a head presentation, cluneal predle-zhanie and so forth), on a current of sorts, their duration, a pathology; for the sizes of a foetus and a basin of mother; whether obstetric operations, a narcosis, anaesthesia during sorts were applied; when there was a mors of the child - to, during time or after (through what is the time) sorts; whether there was an asphyxia, what (white or dark blue) and as longly it proceeded; what measures were applied to revival re-benka and in ' time. If the child was born dead or the mors of the child has come immediately after sorts, it is necessary is-follow a placenta and to describe it, having noted weight, the form, the sizes, a condition of its tissues, a condition of covers and the sizes, a place of an attachment of a cord, a condition of a cord and its rest (juiciness, a thickness). At external examination of the child note in the report degree of its maturity, weight and length of a body, a head circle, a cephalohematoma if it is, a condition of integuments of a skull, its integrity, the sizes of fontanels; a skin condition - a down, greasing, damages; degree of development of cartilages of a nose and ears, fingernails; an underdevelopment and anomalies of genitals (a cryptorchism, gipo-spadija and so forth) and a proctal aperture. After that open the bottom epiphysis of a hip and define the male yeast infection sizes of a kernel of ossification Be-klara. Now open a skull on Fisher. For this purpose recommend to do not circular skulls, and cuts by scissors only on each side skulls, and finish them, not reaching to a median line on 1 sm in front and behind, with one and on the other hand. After that by scissors do a cut of a roof of a skull from both parties in parallel to a sine So that over it there was a stria of a roof of a skull in width 2 see The cut out lateral parts of a roof delete together with a firm cerebral cover and bare a brain.. Opening of a skull of newborns on Fisher's method. Take now each hemisphere separately, cutting a corpus collosum, a trunk and brain legs .At this method remain in an integrity Cerebellar , a crescent process of a firm cerebral cover and sine. Them examine and write down anguishes, hemorrhages and so forth Ruptures a cerebellum give quite often lethal hemorrhages in a skull cavity. In view of that completely separated male yeast infection osteal plates of a skull at mending of a skin of a head are easily displaced also a head is deformed, that causes fair discontent of parents, M.K.Dal has offered the following updating of opening of a skull on Fisher. After a usual face-to-face cut of soft tissues of a head and their usual unit from a skull make horizontal or a cut scissors of bones of a skull together with a firm cerebral cover from both parties. In front this cut does not reach the frontal bone middle on 1-1,5 sm, and behind reaches an occipital seam. From the forward extremity of a horizontal male yeast infection cut of a skull of times - 172 scissors a frontal bone to a frontal fontanel. From the back extremity of a horizontal cut do a cut upwards to a sagittal seam.... Read about male yeast infection