воскресенье, 1 февраля 2009 г.


Therefore it is necessary to do smears from a surface of a cut of lungs for bacterioscopic research and to make microscopical research of the slices taken from various places of lungs, and in particular from their zadne-bottom departments. At research of a liver pay tegretol attention to possible ruptures, subcapsular hematomas that is sometimes observed at cluneal predle-zhanii. The lien very weakly reacts at children, therefore its density and absence not and with to a sepsis. Flabbiness of a lien at newborns tegretol arises posthumously owing to cadaveric decomposing is more often. At mors from an asphyxia sometimes tegretol in cerebral and partly in a cortical layer of adrenals hemorrhages which need to be distinguished from sharp vessels (capillaries and veins) are observed. It is recommended to make in each case a face-to-face section a small post-mortem knife of the bottom epiphysis of a hip for measurement of a kernel of ossification and definition on it of age of a foetus. In norm an ossification line equal and direct. If it wide - to 2 mm, rough, jagged, rozovato-white or zheltovato-grey at leaky bond of a cartilage with a bone it is possible to think of a syphilitic osteochondritis. In this case it is necessary to investigate a liver, a lien, easy and other organs, and also to make a Wassermann reaction. . the diagnosis is recommended to be avoided expressions: " impractical, an underdevelopment of organs congenital delicacy though the true tegretol cause of death at modern level of our knowledge not always can be established. If the diagnosis "asphyxia" it is necessary to specify its reasons among which can be an aspiration of tegretol amniotic waters, a placental detachment, a cord encirclement, long labours that it is necessary to note in and to and which should be made together with the clinician is made. If to or during opening there is a suspicion on a violent death it is necessary to suspend, inform opening investigatory organs and to arrive depending on their indicatings: or to transfer a corpse in a forensic medical examination, or to finish opening in a medicolegal order'.Methodical letter on pathoanatomical opening died newborn and mortinatus the main pathologist of Ministry of Health of the of the prof. See. And. M and at about in and. It is confirmed on, and also: tegretol. Section of corpses of foetuses and newborns. -i both medicolegal diagnostics and technics. Pathoanatomical technicians At extraction it is necessary to spare a postmediastinum and to dissect back mediastinal leaves of a pleura and a leg of diaphragms at the backbone. It is impossible to tear off organs of a thoracal cavity as the duct can tear and its part remains in a corpse.
To keep a cervical part of a duct, it is necessary to take neck organs together with neurovascular fascicles, dissecting tissues as it is possible . Taken stack a back surface up on a little table. First of all investigate a thoracal duct. Having found it between an aorta and an unpaired vein on the right in the form of a thin white cord of 2-3 mm in a diameter, from-preparovyvajut it in the parties of abdominal and cervical its departments. The abdominal duct in the form of the tank or some thickening lays between diaphragm legs on a back wall of an aorta more on the right. Further it is buy toradol possible from-preparovat tegretol both roots 1 (trunci lumbalis) and lumbar plexuses with lymph nodes. a duct to a neck, it is possible to track its top cervical part behind an tegretol esophagus and between an esophagus and the left subclavial artery. Further it lays to the left of an esophagus, then, forming an arch, turns to the left, passing behind (over) a neurovascular fascicle. If to work and carefully a venous angle and veins forming it, left subclavial and internal bulbar it is possible to see a place of a confluence of a duct in this angle. To open a duct it is necessary small blunt-ended (not pricking) scissors. Normally in a duct the transparent, colourless liquid - a lymph contains. Its appreciable filling is observed at the general edemas. Sometimes the lymph happens is painted by blood to some extent, up to formation of red parcels. It is more often observed in a cervical part of a duct, is more rare - on all tegretol extent; in this case it can be accepted for a vein. 178 The most frequent reason of entering of blood in a thoracal duct is, as believe, venous stagnation in the agonal period that attracts a vasodilatation and arising thereof insufficiency of valves in a place of a confluence of a duct. Probably also blood entering in a thoracal duct through limfo-venous anastomoses with an unpaired vein, intercostal veins, hollow, renal, ileal. In a duct thrombuses can be observed. The purulent lymphangitis of a duct meets very seldom, at a carcinoma of the stomach and an esophagus. The trauma is more often observed in a cervical and thoracal part of a duct. The mors thus comes kept away owing to the attrition caused . Damage of cervical department of a duct can tegretol occur at an extirpation packages of lymph nodes, at excision of the bottom cervical sympathetic knot and at other operations. For definition of a place of damage it is possible to pour in a duct ink on a lymph current. Against a current it will be interfered by valves. Thus it is better than it not prepa-rovat as it is possible to cut imperceptibly fine boko-iye branches and they will leave ink that will mislead the researcher. Sometimes in a duct find out cancer metastasises, a lymphogranulomatosis, a tuberculosis and so forth Even before opening it is necessary to examine attentively a corpse and to describe its addition and development - correct, proportional or not, whether there is a backlog in growth of all body as at opened a duct, whether there are no developmental anomalies as a hypospadias tegretol.

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