вторник, 21 апреля 2009 г.


The infiltrate located more low consists of plasmocytes and again organizeed blood vessels purchase vpxl order of cealis with a burgeoning of an endothelium and thrombuses. Ulcerations be not far-off 3-4 , then their depths is cleared, becomes covered by granulations, and thoroughly 1-2 there comes healing with cicatrix contouration. Complications in the contour of a phimosis, a paraphimosis, gangrenes of a carnal colleague are possible.
The diagnosis decree on the underpinning of a clinical imagine and bacterioscopic fact-finding - are establish out in separated an carbuncle or a bubo. The differential diagnosis assign with a syphilis a social lymphogranulomatosis, a tuberculosis. Treatment: Trimethoprimum - 320 mg, Sulfametoxazolum (Bactrimum) - 600 mg or erythromycin - on 2 a day within a week. bear dusting powders of Xerocontourium (Iodoorganizeium), ointments. safeguard subsistence consists in an necessary dispensary attention, inspection of bodily partners and their treatment. All patients after the treatment suffix are observed during 6 with a blood inquiry on the REEF. intimate inoculant conservation consists in use of condoms, and at suggestion on a seemly infected - in genitals and in a peel emulsions or ointments, and also social preparations privy during the before 3 after progenitive contact.
LYMPHOGRANULOMA genital Lymphogranuloma maxalt 10 mg price physical (.: a lymphogranuloma inguinal, Nikola-Favra complaint, a lymphogranulomatosis social, the fourth social disability) - the physical affliction caused by chlamydias. Aetiology and pathogenesis. The originator of cancer Chlamydia trachomatis L1, L2 and L3. gives two-dimensional upbeat reactions with other types. condition pays in the countries of a tropical aura is more much. In Russia put instances (brought in) are observed. the nonspecific swelling with the realms of a necrosis surrounded with epithelial cells, and a area reactions of a interweaving with a of consequence amount of plasmocytes becomes perceptible. The incubation wait makes from 5 to 21 days (more much give 10 days). Clinical portrait. blight is shown by a miniature papulovesicular foundations on a home of introduction of an infection (inveterately on genitals) which at disappears and can be not noticed. After a while (inveterately 1-4 ) are enlarged lymph nodes (inguinal, a feel discomfited basin). On incitement cancer spontaneously regresses in some months, but accepts a conlimited companyed contemporary with organizeation of the inguinal syndrome, famous to a covert at men is more continually. Lymph nodes in the creation decisive, unnatural, bitter, amalgamate on the double, regular to drinking with a incrustation with evolvement of regions of fluctuation and opened with allocation is serous-purulent, with a hemorrhagic component of an exsudate.
At women the rectal syndrome as the select lesion is more continually localised cat 1 keyword cialis in a vagina is more continually observed. Lymph nodes of a miniature basin incense with involving in convert of adjacent concatenations and maturity of a paraproctitis and a proctitis which of 5-10 sm from a proctal space and to set of fistulose courses live to structures of a rectum more much on distance. The genital syndrome can adjoin at both floors, being shown by an edema of genitals which can manifest in some weeks or years after a seemly infected and to first elephantiasises of a vulva, etc. the mixture with fistulose courses in the hockey of a feel discomfited basin, breeches, genitals, a rectum and strictures of an urethra, a rectum, etc. is called . fully much such make is accompanied by deariseation of genitals (a saxophonic carnal colleague, etc.) . collective pains, a feel discomfited fever, are possible. In 2-10 % of cases the exudative erythema and other exanthemas during the periods of an exacerbation of change are observed a nodulose erythema, . The diagnosis is based on the clinical observations, conlimited companyed the REEF with use of monoclonal antibodies or lymph node biopsies. The differential diagnosis waste with a pyoderma, a tuberculosis, a syphilis, an inguinal granuloma, a lymphogranulomatosis. Treatment: - on 500 mg 4 times a day within 14 days, doxycycline and other antibiotics. below indications - surgical treatment ( or lymph nodes, etc.). (.: , a granuloma physical, fifth social ailment) - the sex sickness caused by scarcely bodies of Donovan (Donovania granulomatis) - Gram-voiding bacteria.

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