четверг, 18 декабря 2008 г.

Accumulation of data

Accumulation of data that immunoreactive b-MSG in a pituitary body and plasma of the person actually is not a peptide consisting of 22 amino acids as believed earlier, and larger molecule (beta-LpG, scales a- or. that and another), demands revision of representations about level b-MSG in plasma. Besides, application of the antiserums reacting only from scales a-, but not with b-LPG, has brought mess in representations about dynamics order ultram er of secretion and these peptides. Modern data [22, 23] testify that are present at Serum of the healthy person in concentration from 10 to 40 pg/ml that dynamics of their secretion can be tested by means of the same stimulus which are applied to an estimation of secretion (an insulinic hypoglycaemia, , a vasopressin), and that in reply to. from these stimulus and cosecrete, possibly, in equimolar parities. These observations can speak existence of one molecule of the precursor containing in the structure both , and which is exposed to enzymatic splitting either directly ahead of secretion, or on a course of the secretoriest process.
At two pathological conditions dissociation of levels and was observed. At the patients who are on the supporting hemodialysis, rising of levels LPG-MSG that correlated both with pigmentation degree, and with duration of a dialysis [15] was revealed. This dissociation quite could speak stability (unlike ) in plasma, i.e. Absence of its intravascular enzymatic destruction, and appreciable retardation of its clearance at chronic renal insufficiency. From here follows also, that renders, possibly, rather weak brake (on a feedback mechanism) effect both on own secretion, and on secretion . At patients with illness or a syndrome of Nelson acute introduction of Hidrocortizonum reduces level in ready smaller degree, than level , that besides reflects difference in rates of a metabolic clearance of these bonds [24]. ENDORPHINES AND ENKEPHALINS Opening in a brain of the person of receptors, binding opiates, has caused searches of "endogenous opiates and has led to allocation of [26 two - and a met-enkephalin, buy pyridium now and the structure of the first of them has appeared identical ?-LPG61-65. Then a little big peptides in the sizes, possessing activity, have been found out in a pituitary body [27] in which it was possible to identify such three peptides [28, 29] - a - b - and g-endorphines; each of them partially or completely contains S-trailer sequence b-LPG, since 61st rest ( 6-8 see). Proceeding from data about splitting ?-LPG enzymes, this hormone consider as the precursor of endorphines; at the same time absence of similar enzymes in a brain, and also differences in anatomic distribution of endorphines and enkephalins within separate areas of a brain and a pituitary body do not allow to consider endorphines as precursors of enkephalins. In a pituitary body b-endorphine is localised mainly in cells of an intermediate share and in. degrees in , and by means of immunohistochemical techniques it was possible to show its presence at the same cells which contain . Methods of radio immunologic definition b-endorphine as a result of which use it has been shown, that in some conditions, for example after introduction [30], and also at patients by illness and with a syndrome of Nelson [31] are developed, this peptide cosecretes in blood in parallel The physiological role endorphines remains obscure. At system introduction in the doses much more raising their endogenous level, these peptides do not render analgesic action, and changes of painful sensitivity (hypalgesia) are not characteristic for the clinical conditions accompanied by a hypersecretion b of-endorphine. It is not excluded, however, that its influence on function is caused by immediate hit in a brain on system of portal vessels of a pituitary body. PLACENTAL For many years was considered, that the placenta cosecretes a hormone, possessing-aktg-like activity. Such allowance allowed to explain rising of the maintenance of a hydrocortisone in plasma at pregnancy and especially at approach of sorts. The recent publication [25] specifies in the valid presence of chorionic Adrenocorticotrophinum at placenta extracts, and it was possible to show, that it is formed in primary culture of a tissue of a placenta. Such source tolerant to a normal feedback mechanism, could explain rising of level of a hydrocortisone observed at pregnancy (that concentration augmentations now charge some globulin), refractory to overwhelming effect of dexamethasone. hormones Chemistry To to pituitary body hormones concern (Thyrotropinum, ), luteinizing () and follicle-stimulating () hormones. Owing to structural and biological similarity with in this group include also placental chorionic Gonadotropinum (). hormones consist of two in , each of which contains a kernel and the branched out carbohydrate lateral chains defining 15-30 of molecular mass of a hormone. Sahara include , a galactose, galactoses of -mines, a mannose and the sialine acid, which presence it is necessary for conservation of biological activity of a hormone. Sialine acid reduces rate of a metabolism hormones, but, possibly, does not participate in process of their recognition by receptors of cells-targets

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