понедельник, 1 декабря 2008 г.

A diarrhoeia

A diarrhoeia suffers about 1/3 patients with syndrome - Allison whom it is peer, as well as a carcinoid syndrome, it can be accompanied by the expressed steatorrhea. At a hyperthyroidism the frequent badly issued chair, but not a true diarrhoeia becomes perceptible. Acute and menacing lives the diarrhoeia dominates in a clinical picture of the pancreatic cholera caused by tumours of an insular tissue of a pancreas, producing buy cipro online vasoactive a polypeptide (). At endocrine diseases appreciable disturbances of function of a liver meet seldom, but at the expressed thyrotoxicosis and a myxedema results of hepatic assays can deviate norm. It is observed also at patients at far come stages of carcinoid tumours. Insufficient indemnification of diabetes can be accompanied by a hepatomegalia owing to fatty infiltration of a liver. HEMOPOIESIS SYSTEM The anaemia happens a sign of many endocrine diseases often. It can be caused by the complications developing at an endocrine pathology, such as the acute hemorrhage or deficiency of iron owing to a peptic ulcer at a primary hyperparathyreosis or syndrome - Allison, but can be also a short-term result hypo-or hyperfunctions of this or that gland of internal secretion. Insignificant an anaemia with a hypoplasia of an osteal brain - a constant sign of the panhypopituitarism, disappearing at replaceable therapy by hormones thyroid, epinephral and sexual glands. In this connection deficiency of a hormone of growth, apparently, does not play the basic role in development of an anaemia of the given type. The anaemia can partially mask simultaneous reduction of volume of plasma. At a hypothyrosis the anaemia of easy or moderate degree often becomes perceptible. For this disease most typical (in the sense that it is caused by deficiency of thyroid hormones) an anaemia with a hypoplasia of an osteal brain.
At the heart of such anaemia at sick of a hypothyrosis depression of production of erythropoetin can lay; it easily gives in to replaceable therapy by thyroid gland hormones. However more often at a hypothyrosis there is an anaemia of other type - a microcytic hypochromia iron deficiency anaemia. Deficiency of iron at this disease is defined by the several reasons: at sick women the menorrhagia is very extended, and cases of development of an achlorhydria and disturbance of an absorption of iron at patients of both sexes reach 50 . Approximately at 10 sick a hypothyrosis find a macrocytic hyperchromatic anaemia which can be a consequence of deficiency of vitamin B12, Acidum folicum or and that and another. Though at such patients often enough observe depression of production of a hydrochloric acid, disturbance of an absorption of vitamin B12 and depression of its level in blood serum, the classical pernicious anaemia meets at a hypothyrosis approximately only in 5 of cases. Appreciable interest is represented by patients at whom are defined both antithyroid antibodies, and antibodies to parietal cells of a stomach, but they meet very seldom. At a hyperthyroidism the anaemia usually is absent, but at patients buy rimonabant online with a serious thyrotoxicosis can develop easy or a hypochromia anaemia. The pernicious anaemia with antibodies to parietal cells meets approximately at 3 of patients illness . At patients with insufficiency of function of adrenals observe easy degree anemias which is often difficult for taping because of simultaneous depression of volume of plasma. At illness the easy erythremia with haemoglobin level a g/l above norm is found out on 10-20; at introduction of pharmacological doses of exogenous steroids it is observed less often. Well-known erythropoietic action is rendered by androgens; their pharmacological doses apply to treatment of various refractory anemias. This action explain a larger haemoglobin content in blood at the men who have reached a sexual maturity, in comparison with boys in the period and adult women. the anaemia meets approximately at 20 of patients a primary hyperparathyreosis, especially at the expressed hypercalcemia; after surgical correction of disease the anaemia disappears. At a hyperparathyreosis complicated by a peptic ulcer and intestinal bleedings, the iron deficiency anaemia can develop. At patients with a pheochromocytoma because of reduction of volume of plasma the haemoglobin content can slightly be enlarged. Probably also immediate influence of catecholamins on erythropoetin production. At a panhypopituitarism the relative leukopenia often becomes perceptible.

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