суббота, 10 января 2009 г.


Chapter 6 OPENING OF THE CHANNEL AND SPINAL CORD To open the channel it is better after skull opening, but before breast and stomach opening as At the devastated corpse this operation to make more difficultly, and before opening of the person not to crumple its skin. If necessity to open a spinal cord has arisen after opening of the person it is necessary order skelaxin to put the person in order and to sew up all cuts made at its opening as, turning a corpse, it is possible to crumple a facial flap and to disfigure the person For opening the channel behind a corpse put prone and under a thorax under-kladyvajut . 59 Rice 20-rachitome-double saw The prosector becomes to the right of a corpse, , . Takes of a usual position at a dissecting table. By a post-mortem knife does a midsection of an occipital flap of a skin and further spends a cut from an occipital hillock to the middle of a sacrum or to coccyx. This cut goes closely about acanthas from this or that party Fig. 21. -* forcepses From them. Further separates a skin with a hypodermic fat and muscles from acanthas and back handles of vertebra from both parties. After a denudation of their back handles saw a rachitome - double saw (rice 20) or have a bite coronoid rachitome (rice 21). Having established saw cloths on the distance corresponding to distance between internal and by the extremities of articulate processes of thoracal vertebra 1, put a saw on a backbone so that acanthas were between saw cloths Now, holding a rachitome for the handle the right arm, and the left arm pressing it to bones, Movements saw handles of thoracal vertebra After that saw handles of cervical and Lumbar vertebra for what it is necessary a little bit more widely 1 This distance is on the average peer 2 sm cloths according to larger
Width of Handles and the channel in cervical and lumbar departments Application of a double saw not always conveniently, as Its cloths should be established - strictly paral - * It is efficient, that mismatches anatomic relations Handles of vertebra. At pathological curvatures Backbone using it becomes impossible. Therefore it is much more convenient to use a rachitome ^ - coronoid forcepses (rice 21), perekusy - it each handle separately with one and with another The parties At last, it is possible to make and a usual sheet saw or to cross their gouge handles are cut, bitten or split by a gouge acanthas on all extent become mobile of what it is necessary to be convinced In the absence of mobility of the handle or again split , or break their cautious, but resolute blows of a hammer, putting them sideways on acanthas with that and on the other hand Thus in order to avoid occurrence of splashes from hammer blows it is necessary to cover acanthas with the dry towel folded double on length, And to beat a hammer on a towel on each side acanthas on the right and at the left After that a sheet saw saw an occipital bone from both parties, from a median line on 5 see conduct obliquely downwards - so that it has entered into edge of an occipital aperture (foramen occipitale magnum) the Back handle of an atlas should be had a bite osteal scissors or rachitome - coronoid forcepses.
Now it is necessary ligaments between vertebra. For this purpose it is recommended to dissect them between III and IV lumbar vertebra, sticking between them a knife Further, having grasped the handle II and III lumbar vertebra the osteal forcepses tearing and strong movement up and to the left tear methocarbamol robaxin off acanthas together with handles in the form of a tape from lumbar Department to cervical and on border with an atlas cut off a knife As thus to tear it is necessary up and to the left, that it is impossible to recognise convenient, we apply other way, a small post-mortem knife we cross in pove - 61 River direction lig. nuchae and membrana atlanto-occipitalis posterior. The handle of I cervical vertebra is very narrow, and between it and an occipital bone there is a big space, as facilitates operation. It is necessary to mean, that membrana atlanto-occipitalis posterior on an average line with firm cerebral, a spinal cord cover. On all other extent dura mater spinalis unlike a firm cover of a brain leaky to bones. Having parted ligament between an atlas and an occipital bone on this way, we grasp osteal forcepses acanthas of cervical vertebra and it is broken them, making jerk up and to the right, that is much more convenient. Further, cutting a firm cerebral cover at back edge of an occipital aperture, we separate the cut part of an occipital bone then the channel on all extent appears opened. -After that examine an internal surface of the taken out handles, the channel and a spinal cord covered with a firm cerebral cover. Note position and the spinal cord form, colour of a firm cover, its surface, , a strain and so forth If the spinal liquid was not is taken earlier it is possible to take it now, punctures by a syringe needle a firm cover in a lumbar part. EXTRACTION AND SPINAL CORD OPENING Strong forceps cautiously grasp a firm cerebral cover at an occipital aperture, not concerning a brain. Holding a forceps in the left arm, cautiously delay a spinal cord for a cover that in one in other party, with a scalpel separating from a clivus, and cut nervous roots out of a firm cover as it is possible more close to intervertebral foramens. If cervical department of a spinal cord to delay in the parties more strongly it is possible to extend and spinal ganglions - intervertebral nerve ganglions. If they are necessary for investigating on all extent of a backbone a gouge chop off articulate processes of vertebra from both parties and open intervertebral foramens with ganglions laying in them. 62

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