суббота, 10 января 2009 г.

Since one, and then and from other angle

Since one, and then and from other angle, this flap of a skin separate together with a hypodermic fat to a mandible, all organs of a neck which can be more exhaustively investigated thus are easily and well bared. Fig. 22. Cuts on a method Medvedev for neck opening And persons. For research of jaws and the person separate a skin behind an ear, delay it together with an ear to front and dissect external acoustical passage closely at a bone. Further it is cautious by means of a knife bare voltaren emulgel jelly-z at, a mandible, the top jaw, a malar arch, completely separate mucous labiums from jaws from that and other party and cut a cartilaginous septum of a nose. Separating consistently and a forward flap of a skin of a head, for research of orbits it is necessary to allocate and eyeballs, keeping their communication with centuries and cutting optic nerves for 0,5 sm from eyeballs. The huge flap of a skin of a neck, the person and head keeps communication with at about m only in the field of a nose root. At it in this or that party there are accessible persons all to part, forward department mucous a nose and completely both jaws. Thus easily and quite sialadens, lymph nodes can be more exhaustively investigated, 66 Muscles, bones, vessels and nerves. A teeth easily can be are taken for microscopical research. Antrums of Highmore are opened with a gouge outside or from an orbit and can be completely bared and examined. For research can be any parts of bones of a facial skeleton are taken, and their defects are closed by pieces of the hypodermic fat taken from a stomach, or pieces of muscles, a liver and so forth At last, it is possible to take all facial skeleton of a skull, having replaced with its plaster cast! All places of wounds on a face skin, cicatrixes of the begun to live wounds, entrance and outlet openings of wounds, fistulas and so forth remain completely and can be tracked at skins into place and it after orientation. Thus as the mucosa of labiums, cheeks, a mouth can be more exhaustively examined, koto - usually almost never sees. Further, to organs of a mouth and survey of jaws it is possible to make for wider access in case of need exarticulation of the left joint of a mandible, crossing masseters, actually a masseter (m. masseter), a temporal muscle (. tempo ' ralis) both external and internal pterygoid muscles (mm. pterygoideus externus et internus). Now to turn away a mandible in the right party of a corpse, keeping it in this position by a dorsum of a brush or a forearm of the left arm and freely to operate with both arms.
After the termination of research a mandible establish into place.
To warn its lowering, it is possible to strengthen it , made of, about-drag, exhausting the extremities of brackets between molars, and labiums can be sewed a thin thread from within at the turned on flap. Then all dermal flap stack on a place. The skin, possessing the big elasticity, gets quite normal position. Cuts are sewn up and at position of a corpse in a coffin can be absolutely hidden, even if the neck skin will be not covered by a suit collar. It is necessary to do a plaster mask of the person before opening and soon after mors if in it there is a necessity. 5* 67 This method can be applied with success and for issle-dovanija tumours of organs of a mouth, for example, a cancer and so forth If it is necessary to investigate a neck behind, a back flap of a skin of a head, having turned a corpse prone and not making new additional cuts. Offered way we will much easier and easier execute, than a way on which cross-section continue on a back, and it is perpendicular, to it spend the second cut on an average line of a back to a vertex. Thus a skin from a neck from different directions for what it is necessary to turn a corpse that on one, on other side, kneading thus muscles and polluting a table. Independently V.I.Vitushinsky (1940) also under has developed a method of opening what is etodolac of the person. However it before to do cuts from mastoids in the slanting Direction by the top part of a neck to a median line Bodies where these cuts meet with usual a cut. It less conveniently also spoils a neck skin. Eyes at ' , and a line skins At level of eyes it turns out rough. A skin, being kept On centuries, prevents to approach to area of the nasolacrimal The channel, ' The author eliminates this obstacle a section of an orbital septum. From top to bottom the skin separates only to nose wings, and in the bottom part of the person to mouth angles. OPENING OF CAVITIES OF THE EAR For research of external acoustical passage a skin from a temporal bone forward and downwards, beginning from a cut made for opening of a skull the Dermal flap delay for an ear, and acoustical passage cross closely at a bone. It is considerably facilitated at a cut on Medvedev's method for research of the person. Now it is possible to examine cartilaginous (external) and osteal (internal) departments of external acoustical passage. The external cartilaginous department remains in connection with an auricle. For opened osteal, internal department and tympanic membrane research separate on a slice of bonds - 68 a gouge a forward wall of acoustical passage, rabo-thaw rather cautiously not to damage a tympanic membrane, and deleting a forceps slices of bones. Middle ear opening (that has the greatest value that is why and it is desirable in each case) about - Fig. 23. Opening of a bone of the basis of a skull. About, 6, v-meeto orbit openings; , d-cages of a trellised bone; in, zh-bosoms of the basic bone; and, a k-drum-type cavity of an ear. Exhaust from a skull cavity. For this purpose a gouge chop off a roof of a drum-type cavity (tegmen, tympa-ni) from a forward surface of a pyramid of a temporal bone.

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