Not changed indicators. At healthy faces the maintenance of Prolactinum not less than in 3 times exceeds initial level, and peak (more than 20 ng/ml) is registered on 15th or 30th minute. At women reaction above, than at men. Interpreting of results. Depression or absence of reaction at patients with low initial level of Prolactinum specifies in insufficiency of reserves of a hormone and testifies about primary pathologies. Depression or absence of reaction at patients with , according to some authors, specifies on a tumour. However the lowered reaction buy avandamet online is observed also at , caused medical products, at chronic renal insufficiency and at patients with idiopathic . Besides, at some patients with tumours of a pituitary body reaction on remains within norm. Thus, the results received at carrying out of this test, do not allow to differentiate with any definiteness patients with tumours and patients with other forms . () assay. Secretion of Prolactinum under the influence of Chlorpromazinum (aminazine) and other neuroleptics amplifies owing to blockade receptors in and a pituitary body. Maximum liberating Prolactinum effect is observed at use of doses of these preparations which it is ready below behavioural disorders applied to treatment. Technique. Chlorpromazinum (aminazine) is entered intramusculary in a dose by of 25 mg. Blood samples for Prolactinum definition take on 0, 30, 60, 90 and 120th minute. Not changed indicators. Prolactinum level should exceed at least in 2-3 times initial, and the reaction peak is registered on 60-90th minute. Interpreting of results. This test has been suggested to differentiate subthalamic disturbances from . However as receptors are present and on , the effect of antagonists of receptors of Dofaminum is defined partly by their direct action on a pituitary body.
Depression or absence of reaction to Chlorpromazinum (aminazine) is registered not only at subthalamic disturbances, but almost at all patients with tumours; therefore the given test it is rather limited. Risk. Drowsiness and a hypotension are moderately often observed, but they are usually unsharply expressed and short-term. Similar rising of level of Prolactinum can be reproduced by means of two other blockers receptors - Sulpiridum (100 mg intramusculary) or Metoclopramidum (10 mg inside or intravenously) which do not cause such disturbances. Now, however, these substances are applied only in the research purposes. Insulinic hypoglycaemia. The mechanism with which help the insulinic hypoglycaemia stimulates Prolactinum secretion, is unknown. Prolactinum level define in the same time intervals, as level . Usual reaction consists in rising of level of a hormone on 10 ng/ml or more and is observed at 70 of healthy faces. Depression or absence of reaction is observed at patients with tumours of a pituitary body and a hypopituitarism, but this test has no differentsialno-diagnostic value. Assays on suppression of secretion of Prolactinum Now to suppress Prolactinum secretion it is possible only by stimulation receptors. It it is possible to reach introduction either Dofaminum, or its agonists. Most buy decadron now widely applied agent is the precursor of Dofaminum L-. The test with L-. A technique. Doses and terms of sampling of blood are specified in the section devoted . Not changed indicators. At healthy faces on 2nd and 3rd hour Prolactinum level decreases not less than on 50 . Interpreting of results. Suppression of secretion of Prolactinum is observed at the majority of patients with . At some patients with tumours secretion suppression appears insufficient, but at research prolongation usually it is possible to observe its normal suppression. Thus, the test with L-, like other tests, does not allow to allocate patients with tumours. Similar suppression of secretion of Prolactinum observe at Dofaminum infusion (4 mkg/kg in 1 mines intravenously) or at reception (2,5 mg through a mouth). At patients with chronic renal insufficiency L-, Dofaminum, do not lead to sharp depression of level of Prolactinum. Risk. The section devoted see. Chapter 8. The ENDOCRINE DISTURBANCES CAUSED by DISEASES of the CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM L. AND. (L. A. FROHMAN), D.T.KRIGER (D. KRIEGER) Within many decades it is known, that lesions are often accompanied by change of secretion of hormones. Careful inspection of patients with disturbances promoted revealing of new neuroendocrinal disorders, finding-out of a pathogenesis before inexplicable diseases, and also the characteristic of endocrinologic implications of neurologic both behavioural disturbances and an estimation of influence of the changed hormonal secretion on function
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