First of all the attention has been concentrated to a hypothalamus owing to its unique role in neuroendocrinal regulation (see chapter 6). Later it has been established, that disturbances of endocrine functions accompany also lesions of extrahypothalamic areas of a brain, and also diseases which does not have accurate localisation. Clinical buy pyridium implications of endocrine disturbances of an extrahypothalamic central-nervous parentage can be indistinguishable from implications of a subthalamic pathology as they are often mediated by a hypothalamus. Like it hypothalamus dysfunction can imitate primary a pathology though quite often thus there are distinctive clinical or laboratory signs. Many disturbances of a central-nervous parentage which will be described in this chapter, are discussed also in connection with differential diagnostics of disease of a forward and back share of a pituitary body (chapters 7 and 9 see) and disturbances of function of peripheric endocrine glands. HYPOTHALAMUS PATHOLOGY From the anatomic point of view, the hypothalamus has the mesh organisation. As well as in other sites of a brain constructed similarly, some functions of a hypothalamus can be localised in strictly certain anatomic areas (for example, vasopressin synthesis occurs only in macrocellular neurones and kernels) whereas others are distributed in the big territories (for example, the neurones sensitive to changes of temperature, and also taking part in regulation of functions of a forward share of a pituitary body, are disseminated on big areas of a forward hypothalamus).
Besides, the neurones located in one area, can take part in many functions of a hypothalamus (neurones kernels participate as in sympathetic regulation of hepatic production of a glucose, and in an induction of secretion of a hormone of growth). In this connection the volume of endocrine or metabolic disturbances is defined by not so much sizes, how many localisation of damages to a hypothalamus. Hypothalamus functions can be parted raspingly on two kinds participation in regulation of secretion of hormones of forward and back shares of a pituitary body and participation in regulation processes. The last concern a cycle a dream - wakefulness, informative ability, emotional sphere, independent nervous system and the control over a metabolism (alimentary both drinking behaviour and a caloric homeostasis). The detailed reviews devoted to aspects of function of a hypothalamus [1-3] are recently published. Slowly developing damages of a hypothalamus usually do not cause clinical symptoms, will not reach yet the appreciable sizes (though from this rule there are exceptions) whereas quickly enlarged buy cheap ultram damages, even still small enough, depending on the localisation can be shown by sharply expressed clinical picture. Acute damages of a hypothalamus define in most cases disturbances of consciousness of a subthalamic parentage, long hyperthermia, and also serious disturbances of functions of cardiovascular, digestive and respiratory systems which can be bound to a hypothalamus pathology. Chronic damages of this department of a brain are shown usually by change of informative ability and difficult homeostatic functions, including metabolism regulation. The neuroendocrinal control also suffers basically at chronic processes in a hypothalamus though it meets and at its acute damages (for example, a trauma), blasting the general final way of regulation of functions of a pituitary body (for example, a median eminence or a pituitary body leg). So difficult functions of a hypothalamus demand its integration with other areas of nervous system and form mechanisms in system of neuroendocrinal and independent nervous regulation of an organism. Though separate components of this system remain even at the amazed hypothalamus, but its functions in these conditions appear irreplaceably lost. As a result at a chronic pathology of a hypothalamus usually there are disturbances of processes of regulation, instead of acute and serious disturbances of consciousness, a thermoregulation or a condition of independent nervous system. Subthalamic projections of neurones at the person (except for efferent sympathetic ways) have no unilateral localisation that is characteristic and for the neurones which are taking part in sensory and motor function. In this connection unilateral damage of a hypothalamus seldom causes considerably expressed or long semiology. On the contrary, disturbance of subthalamic function is most often observed at or the inflammatory processes diffusively amazing the whole areas, at the median tumours growing in both parties and mainly amazing structures, located about III ventricle ( areas), or at the diseases extending on a median eminence - area of the general final ways to a pituitary body. ETIOLOGY OF SUBTHALAMIC DISTURBANCES
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