среда, 7 января 2009 г.

Organic damages of a hypothalamus

Organic damages of a hypothalamus can be caused by many reasons which are summarised in tab. 8-1. In each age group the diseases conducting to dysfunction of a hypothalamus, are located in decreasing order of frequency. At a birth subthalamic regulation and (to a lesser degree) functions is insufficiently developed, and consequently certain phentrimine kinds of a subthalamic pathology at newborns can and not have clinical implications. Besides the listed specific disorders, at patients disturbances neuroendocrinal or functions of a hypothalamus for lack of anatomic signs of its pathology can be registered. Many of these disturbances consider as result of change processes though that primary disturbances are thus localised in a hypothalamus, as well as about concrete character of biochemical disturbance, in most cases it is still not enough data. Tumours The tumours of the hypothalamus especially developing from remained embryonic cells or owing to disturbance of development, usually settle down in the field of III ventricle. The disturbances caused by these tumours, depend on their localisation. Tumours of the bottom part of III ventricle or forward a hypothalamus are accompanied by secretion disturbance hormones and nervous regulation of a metabolism, and also disturbances of sense of smell and-or sight. Tumours of a forward and top part of III ventricle can close an aperture of Monroe, leading to an internal hydrocephaly, can cause a dementia, breaking integrity of ways from a dorsomedial thalamus in a frontal lobe and also to cause occurrence of symptoms of rising of intracranial pressure (a papilledema, head Table 8-1. An aetiology of pathological changes in a hypothalamus Pain, nausea and vomiting). Tumours or epiphyseal area of III ventricle break mobility pupillary and muscles, and also cause signs of damage of a brainstem whereas the tumours which are settling down more , often cause a hydrocephaly, paralyses of optic nerves, and also signs of damage of a cerebellum and a tract. It can be observed and dysfunction of sexual glands, especially at metastasises in a bottom of III ventricle. The most frequent tumours of a hypothalamus are cranyopharyngiomas (see also chapter 7)
after which there are astrocytomas and dysgermoinomas. The majority of cases described tumours of a hypothalamus owing to the occurrence in development meet at persons aged more youngly 25 years. The endocrine disturbances bound to subthalamic tumours, are caused usually by a destruction of those nervous elements which are necessary for normal functioning of a pituitary body and which in this chapter will be surveyed more low. Neoplasms in a hypothalamus lead sometimes to premature sexual development. One of kinds of tumours - - deserves special treating as their effects can be a consequence not destructions of a nervous tissue, and development of the rilizing-factor, having stimulating an effect. represent a superfluous clump of partially disoriented glial and ganglionic cells or sites of not changed nervous tissue of wrong localisation. , accompanied by premature sexual development, consist of the bagged nodules attached to a back hypothalamus between a forward part of a mastoid body and back area of a grey hillock. At light and a submicroscopy of a cell of a tumour remind neurones of a hypothalamus and contain the granules bound to a membrane similar on the size and the form what are observed in a hypothalamus depo medrol injection and a median eminence. Usually they are supplied with blood of rather constant branch back arteries. Vessels in have characteristic windowings which are observed and in vessels of a median eminence. These windowings allow neurosecretion products to arrive directly in a blood flow and vessels of a grey hillock provide, possibly, possibility of hit of such products in portal system of a pituitary body. The mechanism with which help these tumours cause premature puberty, still is not known. It is supposed, that some neurones in can stimulate a hypothalamus or that the tumour acts in a role of an additional hypothalamus with the specific communications with a median eminence. Detection in a spinal liquid of three sick rilizing-hormones of luteinizing hormone (LR-RG) [4] has allowed to assume secretion of this factor by corresponding tumours. This assumption has been confirmed recently with the help researches with use of specific antibodies to LG-RG at which considerable quantities of this peptide in most [5] have been found out. Nodous projections of a grey hillock have been found In other research from 121 autopsies made successively in 21 of cases in back parts of a hypothalamus

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