Adnations with a cerebral cortex is better define at putting off of soft covers from gyruses of a brain a forceps, preliminary having made an incision them. Further note a brain consistence, a condition of its gyruses ( or a thinning) and sulcuses (delection or their expansion and so forth) Then move apart hemispheres and examine a corpus collosum. Having made buy orlistat xenical corpus collosum cuts over lateral ventricles, collect a cerebrospinal liquid in the substituted vessel or a puncture of a corpus collosum a syringe needle receive a liquid for bacteriological research by rules of bacteriological technics. In order to avoid a designation skulls under a forehead skin (after cleaning of a corpse) it is possible to arrive, as is shown in fig. 9. BRAIN EXTRACTION Having advanced index and average fingers of the left arm between frontal lobes of a brain and a firm cover, cautiously take away frontal lobes of a brain from the skull basis together with olfactory tracts and bulbs. There is enough having rejected frontal lobes of a brain from the skull basis, cut as it is possible more close to a bone both optic nerve and carotids, then third cranial nerves and a funnel of an appendage of a brain (pituitary body). If a pituitary body wish to take out together with a brain a scalpel cut a firm cover covering it at a place of its attachment to a backrest and a Turkish saddle and the fine vessels feeding a pituitary body. The brain thus gradually departs from the skull basis, and becomes visible cerebellar (tentorium cerebelli). It cut off from both parties a scalpel from the top sides temporal bones,
adhering as it is possible more close to a bone not to wound a cerebellum. Further from both parties cut nerves: trochleariform, trigeminal, taking away, facial, acoustical, jazykoglo-exact, wandering with additional () and sublingual. After a section cerebellar the brain itself, owing to force of own gravity, deviates back, can cause rupture its parts. 46 For preventions of this rupture it is necessary to support a brain a palm of the left arm behind and from below. Now cut a spinal cord together with arteries, entering a scalpel as it is possible more deeply through an occipital aperture in the channel. The spinal cord is better to cross a myelotom (fig. 10), holding it as the writing feather, thus turns out strictly a spinal cord cross-section. After that the brain usually freely falls out on a left arm of the prosector supporting it. If the cerebellum does not leave a back cranial fossa it cautiously allocate with fingers of the right arm. Fig. 10. The Peak myelotom. The taken out brain put on a dish the basis up. Now examine a firm cerebral cover of the basis of a skull. Open its venous sine: cross-section, sigmoid, the cavernous, top and bottom petrous. Take an appendage of a brain (pituitary body) if it has not been taken together with a brain. For this purpose cautiously a scalpel cut round it a firm cover, a gouge force down a dorsum sellae and, having grasped a forceps maxalt 10 mg a firm cover the left arm, reject it in one and other party and separate a scalpel. For research of the additional pituitary body laying between a mucosa of a dome of a nasopharynx and the basic bone, and gipofi-zarnogo a course sometimes remaining in the form of islets of epithelial cells, recommend to cut a narrow saw a part of the basis of a skull, grasping all body of the basic bone together with a nasopharynx mucosa. The taken bone fix formalin, decalcify and after that investigate For survey of bones of the basis of a skull separate a firm cerebral cover, having grasped it for edges fingers or a strong forceps. Examine a surface of bones, seams, cracks, gas-serov the knot of a trigeminal nerve laying on a lobby on - 47 a temporal bone, knots jazykoglotOjA-nbgo of a nerve Laying in a jugular foramen, a vagus nerve with the additional. Chapter 5 BRAIN OPENING The surface of hemispheres has been already investigated on a place. Now investigate the-brain basis, a configuration of its parts, soft cerebral covers of the basis of a brain, noting their transparency or , , an exsudate which happens gelatinous as at a tubercular basal meningitis with , serous or purulent as at an epidemic lepto-meningitis and so forth Attentively examine area , olfactory tracts, sulcuses, and also an artery: sulcuses, circulus arte-riosus Willisii, a. basilaris, a. vertebralis and their branches. Now ^ put the basis from top to bottom and measure by its ruler in three directions: (length), face-to-face (width) and vertical (thickness) also weigh. After that a brain open, for what use various methods. Thus it is necessary to pursue three aims: 1) research possibility-full, 2) possibility of conservation of a brain as museum preparation and 3) possibility of the subsequent histological research. It is recommended to fix for detailed and exact research a brain immediately after extraction in 10 % formalin solution. For full bracing 8-10 days, but already are necessary and in a day it can be opened with smaller risk it to damage. The most simple, accessible under any circumstances, not spoiling a preparation and allowing in detail to investigate a brain the way of its horizontal cut is. 48 ON METHOD For this purpose a brain put on a little table the basis from top to bottom both frontal lobes to the right and cerebral knife (fig. 11) or amputating, preliminary smochen. - . 11 cerebral knife . Fig. 12. A kind of a surface of the bottom part of a brain at a cut on a method water (that the substance of a brain did not stick to a dry knife), spend a horizontal cut through both hemispheres of a brain on two fingers over a table. Cut it is necessary to conduct an iodine a corpus collosum immediately over a worm of a cerebellum. 4 Pathoanatomical technicians 49 This cut does not break brain topography, opens lateral and III ventricles and dissects the central ganglions (fig. 12).
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