It observed at a subdural hemorrhage, but localisation of the damage defining disturbance of regulation of level of Saccharum in blood, remains to the unknown person. Chronic disturbances a metabolism Regulation of the caloric homeostasis defining conservation of mass of a body, is basically function and a hypothalamus though the appreciable role belongs also to parcels from extrahypothalamic structures, in particular hoodia diet pill from limbic system and a final brain. Experiences with stimulation and damage of separate sites of a hypothalamus at animals have allowed to establish reliably localisation of the centre of saturation in area and the alimentary centre in areas, though of that plays the basic role: bodies of specific neurones in a kernel or the axons which are passing through this area, - still are available disagreements. Signals, activating forms of behaviour, characteristic for feeling of hunger and saturation, also are unknown. The former hypothesis about a glucose role in these signals is left now and, on modern representations, larger value has a signal reflecting peripheric stocks of Adeps in an organism though its exact nature still should be found out. Presence as insulin, and its receptors in does possible participation of this hormone in such communication, but convincing proofs while are absent. The mechanism of development of adiposity is combined, and the raised consumption of the nutrition, the lowered physical activity and influences mediated by independent nervous system on a pancreas, a liver, a cerebral layer of adrenals take part in it and a fatty tissue. The detailed analysis of regulation of consumption of nutrition and a hypothalamus role in metabolism regulation is resulted in one of the subsequent heads, and also in recently published reviews [3, 57]. Destruction a hypothalamus causes development of a syndrome of adiposity whereas damage a hypothalamus leads to an anorexia and .
The last meets less often as bilateral damage for this purpose is required, and loss of other important homeostatic mechanisms arising simultaneously usually does this pathology incompatible with a long survival. Only at small percent of patients excessive adiposity or attrition it is possible to charge to certain anatomic defects of a hypothalamus. However the impossibility of differentiation of clinical and biochemical implications of adiposity or attrition at patients with a pathology of a hypothalamus and without it confirms a hypothesis, according to which "functional" disorders of caloric balance (i.e. "Essential" adiposity and-or a nervous anorexia) are defined by not found out disturbances of function of a hypothalamus any yet. Subthalamic adiposity. Destruction a hypothalamus a developing tumour, at a trauma, vascular crises, a brain pseudoneoplasm, at an encephalitis or diseases (a leukosis or a histiocytosis X) is accompanied by adiposity [58]. and augmentation of mass of a body proceed until time of consumption of nutrition decreases. Though some authors pay attention to the tendency to Adeps accumulation in the central parts of a body at subthalamic adiposity, the same can be observed at persons with a gross obesity in the absence of a defined pathology of a hypothalamus. It is supposed, alli coupon that at subthalamic adiposity it is more expressed, than at other forms of fatness [58], but the number of the surveyed patients is not enough, that it was possible to draw a definitive conclusion. Between patients with subthalamic and "essential" adiposity the parity of Adepses, fibers and carbohydrates is not found in an organism or a metabolism of a fatty tissue of differences concerning consumption of oxygen. The augmentation of mass of a fatty tissue at subthalamic adiposity is caused basically by a hypertrophy, instead of a hyperplasia . It is usually rather expressed , and diabetes is diagnosed for some patients. Secretion is always broken, as well as at other forms of adiposity. Changes of function of sexual glands and the sexual behaviour, fluctuating from sterility or depression to a true hypogonadism, at serious adiposity are rather extended. At some patients these changes, apparently, are secondary, as disappear after reduction of mass of a body, but at others they remain and are caused, possibly, simultaneous lesion of sites of the hypothalamus supervising secretion LG-RG. Some well-known syndromes accompanied by adiposity, confirm representation about a primary subthalamic genesis its (tab. 8-2). Many of them differ se - Sources: it is adapted from publication McKusick [59], Edwards and co-workers. [60]. Plum, Van Uitert [i]. diffusion though the way of inheritance can vary. They are accompanied by signs and other subthalamic disturbances (the hypogonadism, tolerance disturbance to temperature influences, loss of daily rhythms), are besides, observed also extrahypothalamic disturbances (deafness, a pigmental retinopathy, a delay of mental development).
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