Allocating a spinal cord, its all time needs to be held for the firm cover grasped once in the beginning of cervical department, cautiously pulling its buy ultracet online left arm up and to a head, lifting the left arm above. To drop a spinal cord thus, to incurvate it, excessively to pull, concern with its instruments or fingers it is inadmissible, as rasping manipulations conduct to deformations and the mixtures of cerebral substance doing a brain unsuitable for microscopical research. At last, at an input in the channel a cross-section dissect a firm cerebral cover and roots of a horse tail. The taken brain cautiously, not incurvating, stack on the dish covered with the wetted towel, a back surface upwards and a cervical part to itself. Keeping a forceps a firm cover, cut its small bellied scissors on all extent and then two mouse-tooth forceps move apart in the parties, baring a back surface of a brain. Having turned thebaic a brain with a forward surface up, such open a firm cover on a forward surface. Now, fixing a brain for a firm cover, cut its one movement of the acute razor in a cross-section direction on a number of segments. Cuts should be spent in intervals between roots that separate segments remained bound at their help with a firm cover. At wounds of a backbone and introduction in a spinal cord of splinters of bones to open a firm cover follows before spinal cord extraction, on a place. Having taken out a spinal cord, examine the channel, a periosteum of a back surface of bodies of vertebra,
Condition of ligaments and so forth it is possible to open the channel and in front after extraction of all organs of a neck, ' a stomach. For this purpose a post-mortem knife dissect intervertebral cartilages of III lumbar vertebra, and a gouge - its handles. Then osteal forcepses tear off a body of III lumbar vertebra. Cartilages and handles of all other vertebra further cross, going on a direction 63 To a neck and osteal forcepses tear off them, baring, thus, the spinal channel This way is technically more difficult, and at it is more often damaged , but it has that advantage, that well opens intervertebral nerve ganglions which to be there and then issledo-vany, and spinal nerves can be taken together with a spinal cord on an appreciable extent And their communication with boundary sympathetic trunks is examined At last, in case of need it is possible to take all backbone without its opening that does not represent special work (For elimination of deformations of a body wedge instead of a backbone a strong wooden stick.) On the taken backbone it is possible to make opening the channel. For this purpose saw bodies of vertebra in ^ Talcum a direction, back handles-on the one hand Such about-at once open the channel and a spinal cord-sideways and find out a parity between a backbone and a spinal cord For spinal cord bracing in a corpse do a lumbar puncture, let out a spinal liquid And enter 1-0 % formalin solution. I.D.Tsyban (1952), then Ampere-second. (1955) have offered the updatings of opening the channel. The first suggests to Cut from bodies of vertebra a sphenoidal tape, doing longitudinal a backbone, on the right and at the left receding on 1 sm from a median line The second suggests to do face-to-face bodies of vertebra at level of an attachment of heads of ribs at forward cheap colchicine edges of handles of vertebra to VII cervical vertebra. Then * the sawn off part of a backbone from cervical vertebra which remain untouched. In that and in other case the spinal channel opens insufficiently, that is obviously shown on fig. 3 at Ampere-second , It zna-chitelno interferes with spinal cord extraction COMPLEX EXTRACTION HEAD AND THE SPINAL CORD Sometimes happens it is necessary to take head and backs ths a brain, not separating them from each other In this case at first make opening of a skull and start to take a brain. However take it not up to the end, and stop on a cut cerebellar . After that a brain stack on a place, and a corpse cautiously turn prone and open the channel. Spinal cord start to take with a horse tail to cervical department. Having allocated a spinal cord, it stack on a place. Then, having raised a brain, cross remained nerves and firm cerebral about - 64 in the field of an occipital aperture then, taking in a palm a brain, cautiously take out it and through an occipital aperture extend a spinal cord. l and in and 7 OPENING OF THE FACIAL PART OF THE SKULL OPENING OF THE PERSON Here it is necessary to arrive especially cautiously. The pathologist should not suppose any cuts of a face skin not to disfigure it. In view of danger of wound of a face skin at its opening and difficulty of approaches the facial part of a skull is investigated not completely and more often its opening is not made at all, for this reason rather important pathological processes remain not studied. For full research of wounds and illnesses of jaws, an antrum of Highmore, a lead and its vessels, nerves and so forth I offer and develop the simple method accessible in any situation and absolutely not not damaging face skin (Medvedev's method). To begin it is necessary from a cut of a skin of a head for skull opening. Spend him, as always, from a mastoid of one party behind an ear, through a cinciput, to a mastoid behind an ear of other party. Further spend a cross-section immediately from the top process (asgo-mion) the left scapula, through a breast in a cross-section direction, an arch turned by concavity to a neck, at level of the second intercostal spaces, and finish symmetrically on acromion the right scapula, than it and differs from cut (fig. 28 see). Now spend a cut from a mastoid behind an ear (as it is possible ) to 5 Pathoanatomical technicians 65 acromion scapulas from one and other party on neck slopes where this cut meets final points of a cross-section. This cut, so, is continuation a cut made for opening of a skull. Thus, the dermal flap having the trapezoid form (fig. 22) turns out appreciable size.
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