воскресенье, 1 марта 2009 г.


The disorders of temperature, painful and tactile sensitivity which are quite often falling outside the limits rashes (except for tactile sensitivity) become perceptible. Ulnar, radial, fibular nerves that is shown in diffusive or their thickening and morbidity are most often amazed. Gradually it leads to development of paresises, paralyses, contractures of fingers, an atrophy orlistat 90 pills 60 mg of fine muscles, skins, fingernails, a mutilation of brushes and feet: The seal paw hanging down brush the monkey's paw falling foot , etc.
Decrease reflexes. The uncertain type of a lepra is clinically characterised by occurrence on a skin only spotty rashes: hypochromia, erythematic, admixed, with geographical outlines. In an initial stage of a lesion of peripheric nerves are absent, and then the specific polyneuritis leading to disorders of sensitivity in distal departments of extremities, amyotrophias of fine muscles, to contractures of fingers, orlistat 30 pills trophic ulcers gradually develops, etc.
The dimorphous type of a lepra is characterised by enanthesises and the mucosas, typical for lepromatous type, and the broken sensitivity, as at tuberculoid type of a lepra. In development of all types of a lepra distinguish progressive, stationary, regressive and residual stages. Transformations 90 pills of one type of a lepra in another, for example tuberculoid in lepromatous type with formation of boundary forms are possible.
At all types of a lepra, but more often at lepromatous, internal organs are amazed: a liver, a lien, adrenals, testicles. As a result of proteometabolism disturbance mg probably development of a visceral amyloidosis to that also promote is long not healing trophic ulcers complicated by a secondary infection, chronic osteomyelites. Are possible at a lepra of a lesion of osteal system: osteal lepromas, ossifying periostites of tibial, ulnar and other bones, a resorption of distal phalanxes of fingers of brushes and feet.
For leprose change of organs of sight lesions of eyelids in the form of diffusive infiltration or lepromas are orlistat characteristic, are less often observed an episcleritis - diffusive or nodous (lepromas), a keratitis with a characteristic sign - a leprose pannus (occurrence in a cornea of the vessels which have sprouted from a conjunctiva of an eyeball); an iritis accompanied by a pericorneal injection of vessels, a photophobia, a dacryagogue, pains and adjournment on a surface of an iris of a fibrous exsudate that can lead to an adnation of edges of a pupil, having caused a secondary glaucoma.
The condition reactivities of mg a macroorganism in relation to the lepra originator is characterised by leprominic assay: 0,1 ml of suspension of micobacteria of the lepra received at homogenization 60 pills of a leproma (integrated ), enter intradermally. Specific reaction develops through 2-3 in a kind or knot with a necrosis. At sick of lepromatous type this assay negative, tuberculoid (as well as at healthy faces) - positive, and at a dimorphous or undifferentiated lepra can be both positive, and negative.
Assay is used for differential diagnostics vpxlshop.com of various types of a lepra and definition of groups of the population with the raised risk of disease (the person with negative assay), requiring constant observation or preventive treatment depending on an epidemic situation.
The diagnosis in late stages of a lepra usually buy does not represent the big difficulties and can be put on the basis of characteristic clinical symptoms. However 30 pills at early stages of a lepra the clinical picture can be erased, atypical. In these cases are necessary careful studying of the neurologic status, including a condition painful, tactile and a thermoesthesia, for revealing of characteristic disturbances for a lepra, statement of functional assays: histaminic, with nicotinic acid, with Sinapismus, on a diaphoresis.
These functional assays help to tap 20mg cialis characteristic for a lepra early lesions of the peripheric nerves shown still before disturbance of sensitivity by various vasculomotor, secretory and trophic disorders, allow to tap more accurately hardly noticeable sites of a leprose lesion (for example, assay with nicotinic acid). For lepra diagnostics bacterioscopic research from a mucosa of a nose or from the amazed sites of a skin for what by a scalpel do a skin cut on depth of 1-2 mm from which walls take is important and transfer on subject glass.
Smears paint on Tsilja-Nilsen's method. Doubtful cases carry out histological research of a skin from the lesion centres. The differential diagnosis spend with a syphilis a toxidermia, a tubercular lupus, etc.
Treatment complex, is spent in leprosoriums. Simultaneously apply 2-3 antileprotic preparations in a combination to fortifying agents (vitamins A, With, groups In, pyrogenic preparations, Methyluracilu, hemotransfusions, lipotropic agents, etc.) .

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