воскресенье, 15 марта 2009 г.


We do not wish you to frighten, but also to joke we do not gather.
To us it will be really insulting, if though one of our readers casually departs in the world other of that its liver has turned to a rotten sponge. So read buy viagra 10 pills 100 mg all material and try not to upset us. 1. Real danger of a cirrhosis is strongly exaggerated by doctors and mass media.
A usual horror story for from excesses bad. Unfortunately, in expression has spent on drink a liver there is no exaggeration. The facts of its destruction from abusing alcohol have been fixed still by doctors of ancient India. And the term "cirrhosis" (a red liver) has appeared in medicine in the beginning of a century before last and then the clinical picture of disease has been described. Since then a little that has changed. A chronic drunkenness - the reason of half of all cases of a cirrhosis.
Every third alcoholic, usually in 10-15 years after the abusing beginning is ill on the average. Among these sufferers twice there are more than men, than women (guess why). Cirrhosis short - destruction of a tissue of a liver because of a necrosis and a fibrosis of hepatocytes (that is mors of hepatic cells and replacement with their collagenic fibers). Therefore the tegretol 30 pills liver ceases to be factory on clearing of blood and becomes a useless clump of a connecting tissue.
The cirrhosis threatens those who drinks any muck, after all alcohol, and toxicant fusel oils is harmful not. Drink qualitative vodka - and your liver only thanks you will tell. Leave this statement on conscience of manufacturers of alcoholic production. The liver ruins ethanol in itself, even the cleanest and the highest quality. It possesses unpleasant ability to activate a fibrogenesis in liver tissues. In other words, under its influence of a cell start to develop collagen and there is a replacement of a capable hepatic tissue by absolutely useless connecting. Dangerous dose of alcohol for a long time and well-known - 40-80 ethanol (200-400 vodka) in day - depending on organism specific features. It is known also, that probability of a cirrhosis after 15-year-old drunkenness in 8 times above, than after 5-year-old. Though the truth share in judgements of fans of qualitative vodka nevertheless is: if to ethanol any toxicant muck is added - the risk is enlarged.
Who does not drink - from a cirrhosis will not die. Alas... The Nondrinker is not threatened precisely only with one of primary factors of development of a cirrhosis, and all them about ten. Diseases of cholic ways, action of toxins, an overdosage of the medicines, some parasitogenic and infectious diseases (for example, an echinococcosis, a toxoplasmosis) can be the reasons of occurrence of illness a virus hepatitis. Conclusions do.
The cirrhosis is a destiny, and to struggle with it is useless. Without a liver longly you will not live. But also it is impossible to surrender ahead of time. Duration cialis 20mg and quality of a life depends on a parentage of a cirrhosis, degree of destructive changes of the liver, spent treatment and, certainly, a disease stage - than earlier the diagnosis is made, the forecast is especially favorable.
At an alcoholic cirrhosis lifelong refusal of alcohol at early stages and modern treatment lead to recover, at virus - stop development of process and promote long remission.

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