четверг, 26 марта 2009 г.


Aetiology and pathogenesis.
There are some concepts of a parentage of a psoriasis. The cores from them - the virus theory, genetic (genetic mechanisms of the raised ability of cells to reproduction), neurogenic ( the predisposition mechanism), a hypothesis of congenital instability of lysosomes and congenital buy Cipro 500 mg structural defects of capillaries of a skin, primary disturbances of a keratinization and an exchange of lipids. at a psoriasis tap a sharp acanthosis with presence extended thin epidermal in a combination to a papillomatosis.
The cash tops of papillas of a derma a false skin , sometimes consists of 2 3 layers of cells. The parakeratosis is typical. In advance in a layer the exocytosis with formation focal a clump of neutrocytes which, migrating in a cornual layer or sites, form so-called microabscesses becomes perceptible.
In basal and bottom departments a layer often 6 mitosises. In a papillary layer of a derma note a trichangiectasia an inflammatory infiltrate from lymphocytes and hystiocytes with an impurity of neutrocytes. Clinical picture. Distinguish some clinical forms of a psoriasis: the Psoriasis ordinary, exudative, seborrheal, ladonno-PLANTAR, pustular a psoriasis erythrosis. The basic place on frequency occupies an ordinary psoriasis. The psoriasis ordinary (vulgar) is characterised by occurrence flat papules of rose-red colour, the consistences, a little towering over level of a healthy skin.
Almost from the moment of papule occurrence are covered by fine, quaggy flakes of silver-white colour which easily disappear at and even at clothes putting off. For psoriasis rashes following diagnostic phenomena - a psoriasis triad are characteristic: 1) a phenomenon Amoxil 180 pills of stearin maculae: ecdysis intensifying at even smooth papules, thus appears some similarity to stearin maculae; 2) a phenomenon of psoriasis Membranula: after full excision of flakes further the most thin gentle appearing through Membranula covering all element exfoliates; 3) a phenomenon of bloody dew (phenomenon ): at further after tearing away of terminal Membranula on the bared wet surface there is a punctual (drop) bleeding.
Having appeared, papules start to grow quickly enough, reaching the sizes of lentil ( papules) or coins ( papules). Further as a result of proceeding peripheric growth and merge of the next papules there is a formation of larger elements-plaques which sizes can be about a palm of the person and more. For large plaques are characteristic edges.
Thus, the psoriasis eruption, as a rule, consists of various papules on size which can settle down on all integument. However their favourite localisation - surfaces of the top and bottom extremities (especially elbows and knees), a pilar part of a head, loin area. In a psoriasis current allocate three stages: progressing, stationary and regressing.
For a progressing stage proceeding growth of already available papules, bright colouring of an eruption are characteristic occurrence fresh the rashes. The ecdysis of papules is especially expressed in the central part, and on periphery there is a border - a growth crown ( ), often new elements arise buy cialis generic online on places of fine traumas, - positive isomorphic reaction (phenomenon ).
Usually in these cases of a papule settle down linearly, specifying to the localisation a boring place. Isomorphic reaction speaks presence of the expressed hyperergy, readiness for inflammatory reaction.

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