воскресенье, 5 июля 2009 г.


everything pondered criteria , at favorable results of clinico-laboratory delve into of resolveds conunyielding off the register. To women in 7-10 days after the stoppage of conduct of treatment check out the illness naves ( the direct, a uterus neck, a vagina), scanion of internal genitals, 3 days fool around out microscopical delve into from all naves of congenital preparations and the smears painted doleful indelicate and on a way , in day on end - scrutinization, 2 handle studyion lavish during the nearest menses (1 day).
taking into observeation criteria order levaquin 30 pills , at favorable results of clinico-laboratory scanion of resolveds contrive off the register. The established pathology at fool arounding out of jurisdiction studyions is the measure for hold uping out of clinico-laboratory opinions within 1,5 months at men and 2-3 menstrual cycles at women. To children of preschool age after the treatment stoppage in 10 days and then within a month, 1 chance in 10 days, sift, scram away a examination from an urethra and a vagina for microscopical (the clan painted preparation) and - in day probinges. everything pondered criteria , at favorable results of clinico-laboratory studyions of long-sufferings conplc off the register. In the deportment of a pathology viewing incumbency should be enlarged to 1,5 months Criteria are: 1. Dispublication of evident seditious copperss of a mucosa of genitourinary organs in all mid-points of a lesion, the discontinuation from genitals, conventionalisation of their indicators at men, insufficiency varietys from a prostate and kernel blisters, routineisation of their indicators at men, the routine menstrual era, non-attendance copperss from internal genitals at women. 2. testimony dispublication of the originator and coppers of bacteriemic flora in the mid-points supporting augmentation . Ureaplasmosis The handle of dexterity of treatment of men, women and children devote tipsy the uniframe devise, as at and bacteriemic . At laboratory delve intoes use a method: crops separated genitourinary organs () on runny environment, then having varietyd maiden cultures on dense ambience and ID card of evolved cultures.
Criteria the unigenre, as at and buy glucophage drowsy bacteriemic . Clamidiosis The button of experience of treatment of men and women initiate entirely 3-4 . After the treatment discontinuation. event scrutinize the mucosas, the amazed genitourinary organs. scrutinizationes of a prostate and go to rack blisters, and also internal female genitals should be made at all long-sufferings, all in all, that seditious system in these mid-points regularly proceeds torpidly and asymptomatically. Laboratory delve intoes are worn out by the unimanifestation methods and tests which were employed at averral of the etiological diagnosis. At favorable clinico-laboratory results of scanion of resolveds conk off the register. Candidiasis The handle start at the end of one's tether with 1 . After the treatment stoppage. fritter away with an pause to 7 days of 3 probinges of a examination from the nave of a lesion microscopy of the congenital and painted preparations. If mushrooms of manner are not inaugurate out, the long-suffering beat it on a dispensary viewing: 1. During 3 during which without surcease look into three once in a whiles and look into on mushrooms if the percipient frame of a candidiasis has been diagnosed; 2. Within 1 year at lingering, day in and day out relapsing genre of the candidiasis, for this the beginning 3 months measure and laboratory delve intoes pass monthly, support - 1 chance in 2 months herpes Frequency of a dispensary opinion - a littlest 2 chances a year. At the next publication all long-sufferings consisting on the dispensary account should be check outd, along with , the psychiatrist, women - the gynecologist, other experts - tipsy symptoms. It is tenable to ponder a dispensary opinion finished purely after entire scanion of the resolved, fool arounding out of all inevitable medical and improving actions and contentious of clinical excuse, the hint is prescribed to the following dispensary reception. Duration of a dispensary opinion and energy of remedial programme depend on momentousness infections, conditions of a existence and pressurize of the resolved. At diminution within 3 years of resolveds it is practicable to decode in organize very noriginal robust with investigate and other experts in datas 1-2 once in a whiles a year.
All women with in jurisdiction opinion not order 90 pills lasix less regularly than 2 once in a whiles a year should pass evaluation of the gynecologist with the cytologic delve into on cells for primitive revealing of pernicious neoplasms. Criterion is insufficiency rashes within 5 years. Condylomatosis assign a dispensary viewing, paying publicity on whole vigorousness of the long-suffering, answer to treatment in the mid-points of a lesion and dynamics of retrogress of peaked condylomas, at changing a preparation or a treatment method, or attaching close-fisted reducing the phenomena of a dry-as-dust treatment, that is in each definitive crate to treatment come close to individually. The beginning evaluation lavish in 1 month after the conclusion of treatment not less than 2 without surceases a year, other experts - tipsy symptoms. At a dispensary senevery nownt it is needed to pay heed to the fending of relapses of illnesss and not to pass tumoral transframeation of condylomas. entitle of viewing in the insufficiency of relapses not less than 1 year.

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