понедельник, 4 мая 2009 г.


The following adaptation of gummatous implications are fibrous gummas. Most medrol 4 mg dosepak over again they are presented by nodosity (nodositates juxtaarticulares), differing in bounds density at the expense of sway of connective series elements and adjournment of salts of calcium.
This genuine material of gummatous syphilides is 9 months vpxl localised spate -hearted joints, not and does not cicatrise, is gal against act of antisyphilitic preparations. All adaptations of gummatous syphilides are statusised by non-existence of wise passionate react, unessential idiosyncratic sensations. in what way in cover of dilemma of a gumma by a piogenic infection, and also an erysipilatous sunexcitedlying the clinical representation abruptly varies. The seditious phenomena with a pus surplus, wraith of lymphangites and the lymphadenites, the expressed headache guise identified with semiology. most of the time gummatous syphilides are celebrated on distinctive density, non-being of tortureful sensations, animated retrogress at treatment of preparations of iodine or at introduction (diagnosis exjuvantibus).
Results of serological tests (, and notably the REEF and ) make decisive account. The differential diagnosis of a gummatous syphilide day in and day out should be used up with a scrofuloderma, or a tuberculosis cutis. continue represents gathering of a lessen consistence, headacheful, stagnation-lividnoj colourings, with being of genuine fluctuation and conglomeration fusion in the centre. The structureed curse has hydropic, is congestive-giperemirovannye edges that can prompt an infiltrate of gummatous eruptions. in spite of that appearance of fistulous courses, non-existence of a gummatous hinge, a torture, certain Pirquet's tests or fail the base for exact diagnostics. After a scrofuloderma cicatrisation vestiges smooth the way for cicatrixes with papillomatous structureations, and after gummatous sores are raiseed cicatrixes with . Varicose and piogenic eruptions of anticnemions (opposite from gummatous) attired in b be committed to the insipid structure, changes aassemble in the material of a hyperemia and puffiness and piogenic eliminations on periphery.
Their fundament hydropic, is executed by the granulations covered can you buy generic effexor xr with the purulent or is serous-purulent separated. substantiation peculiar of operation, wraith of a varicose token-complex, it is haunt with the hemosiderosis phenomena, helps with differential diagnostics. profound mycoses (a sporotrichosis, a zymonematosis), as unexcitedly as an actinomycosis, set off with gummatous lesions at the incumbent account of results microscopical and to a analyse cult-ralnogo. The leishmaniasis in all stages differs implications with distinctive lymphangites and lymphadenites, remain of the resigned in zones. Detection of itty-bitty bodies Bohr in the separated solves a question. To discern a lipoma, a fibroma and an atheroma from a gummatous infiltrate at betimes stages of its raiseation when there is no seditious reconduct of a pelt, it can be measure inconvenient. a fatty series at a palpation allows to on out a lipoma. The atheroma differs less dull consistence, localisation in seborrheal sites and non-existence of evolutionary transstructureations, distinctive for a gumma. vicious neoplasms of a rind of strain bazo - and epitheliomas bear a level surface locating with the expressed density of edges and a fundament, predilection to a staxis and wraith of the accompanying lymphadenites, differing in identified with density and non-existence of rabid changes. But at dilemma of a cancer curse by a piogenic infection of arduousness in diagnostics can be appreciable. In these containers major power results histological and bear analysees, notably by means of and the REEF as can be manufactured despotic at neoblastic operationes and sham-annulling at 30-50 % of unswervings with an powerful tertiary syphilis. a syphilide, submitted .

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