среда, 25 марта 2009 г.


The differential diagnosis spend with a prurigo, an eczema, a toxidermia.
Treatment includes a hypoallergenic diet, a complex of the agents referred on from an organism of allergens, immune complexes, toxic metabolites: days of limited intake of food for adults, cleansing enemas, infusional Cipro 120 pills therapy - Haemodesum, intravenously driply, agents: Unithiolum of 5 % - 5,0 ml intramusculary № 6-8, Sodium thiosulfatum of 5-10 % a solution on 1 table spoon 3 times a day or 30 % a solution on 10 ml intravenously № 5-7, with magnesia and mineral water (1-2 table spoons of 5 % magnesias on 2/3 glasses warm mineral an oxen. Prescribe also (the activated coal of 0,5-1 g/kg a day in 4-6 receptions within 2 days, Enterodesum of 0,5-1,0 g/kg 2-3 times a day within 5-7 days, haemospheres of 1,0 ml/kg a day 3 days with the subsequent reduction of a dose in 2 times (till 14 days to a course).
In serious cases use (daily or 2 times a week with volume to 1000 ml with replacement of remote volume by an isotonic solution of chloride sodium and 200 ml of native plasma (in the absence of the raised individual sensitivity).
Appointment antihistamine and preparations (Suprastinum, Dimedrol, Tavegilum, Phencarolum, etc.) is shown, replacing them in order to avoid accustoming each 7-10 days, 2- - 0,04 , 0,2 unitary for the night within a month. therapy is prescribed according to immunogram data: the preparations influencing the T-cellular link ( 100 mkg subcutaneously daily № 5-6, then 1 time in 3 days № 5-6, Thymalinum of 10 mg intramusculary daily № 5-7, 1 dose in each nostril 2 times a day within 10 days), the preparations influencing in basic on the V-cellular link of immunity - Spleninum of 2,0 ml intramusculary № 10, sodium 0,25 0,5 3 times a day within 10-14 days are used; besides, use 0,05 3 times, 0,1 3 times, Methyluracilum 0,5 3 times. As and nonspecific , a hystoglobulin under the scheme of 0,2 ml subcutaneously in 2 days on the third, enlarging a dose on 0,2 ml (to 1,0 ml) with each subsequent injection. Spend a complex of the buy 120 pills Amoxil actions normalising activity of a gastroenteric tract and eliminating a dysbacteriosis (bacteriophages enzymes, ), sanify the centres of a chronic infection. For influence on and vegetative system prescribe sedatives (broths and Tincturas Valerianae, Leonurus, a peony), tranquilizers (Nozepamum 0,01 , Mezapamum 0,01), peripheric alpha adrenoblockers (Pyrroxanum 0,015), M-holinoblokatory (Bellataminalum, ).
From physiotherapeutic agents use , an electrosleep, ultrasound and a magnetotherapy , medicinal preparations on the lesion centres (Dibunolum, Naphthalanum), and paraffinic applications on the centres skins. use ointments with a papaverine (2 %), Naphthalanum (2-10 %), tar (2-5 %), -III fractions (2-5 %) ointment, in the acute period - corticosteroid ointments (, Lorindenm With etc.), is recommended a dispensary observation and sanatorium treatment in a warm southern climate (Crimea, etc.), in sanatoria of a gastroenteric profile (the Caucasian Mineral Waters, etc.).
URTICARIA Urticaria - allergic disease of a skin and the mucosas, characterised by formation of ephemeral rashes - the blisters accompanied by an itch and a burning sensation. Distinguish cialis drug online an urticaria acute and chronic. Aetiology and pathogenesis. The reasons of development of an acute urticaria are various exogenous stimuluses (a neetle, stings and touches of insects), physical agents - a cold (cold urticaria), solar beams (a solar urticaria), foodstuff (fish, cancers, eggs, a strawberry, honey, etc.), medical products (aminazine, group V vitamins medical Serums, vaccines).
The reasons of development of a chronic urticaria are the centres of a chronic infection, chronic illnesses of a digestive tube (a stomach, an intestine, a pancreas, a liver), bloods, endocrine system.

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