суббота, 14 марта 2009 г.


What would not be hormonal disorder, it always tegretol 90 pills demands medical treatment.
Without special therapy endocrine diseases gradually progress, and, not giving special troubles at the initial stages, a serious echo prove in the future. On a sweating, change of mass of a body, a superfluous pilosis you can close long time eyes but what to do, when these disorders will outgrow in sterility or will be wrapped by a serious heart failure, a stroke or an infarct, a nonresectable tumour?
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Sometimes to the doctor happens to look enough at the patient to diagnose. In some cases it is necessary to spend mass of laboratory and tool researches, including definition of level of hormones and their metabolites to bloods, functional loading assays, x-ray and ultrasonic-diagnostics, a computer tomography.
Many of endocrine diseases at the timely reference give in to full treatment, at others constant replaceable hormonal therapy is necessary, at the third there are indications for surgical treatment. Concern more attentively the health and the relatives. In most cases at early diagnostics and correctly picked up treatment it is possible to take under the control or to cure completely cialis online order many endocrine diseases.
Good luck!

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