четверг, 12 марта 2009 г.


Originators IPPP, besides a lesion of genitourinary system, can cause proctites, pharyngitises, conjunctivitises. Myth 4.
The emiction and washing of genitals buy maxalt 8 pills 10 mg immediately after sexual intercourse considerably reduces risk of infection How much given procedures reduce risk of infection, to answer inconveniently, but to rely on them it is not necessary, - they do not reduce risk of infection.
Even at use of local antiseptics the probability of infection exists, and pure flowing water does not possess antiseptic properties.
Myth 5.
Syringing right after sexual intercourse reduces risk of infection Syringing should be applied only on doctor's orders. At first sight, it is harmless procedure, but it can harm to your health. The given method not only does not reduce risk of infection, and in some cases promotes penetration of originators above on genitourinary system and can provoke the complicated current of an infection.
Myth 6.
Use of oral contraceptives and local agents protects not only from pregnancy, but also from Now it is proved, that most an effective remedy of protection from is the condom. Neither the combined oral contraceptives, nor local an agent cannot provide reliable protection from .
Myth 7.
At the interrupted sexual intercourse to catch it is impossible The interrupted sexual intercourse occupies one of leading places among ways of preservation from pregnancy and , according to interrogation of the patients coming on reception. There is this all because of the same disadvantage of the information.
Many women consider, that pregnancy can come only in case on excitation peak there is an ejaculation (emission of spermatozoons) in a vagina. Nevertheless, from the very beginning of sexual intercourse together with greasing the channel in a vagina individual spermatozoons which also can fertilise an ootid cheap cialis buy online now can get and, accordingly, there will be a pregnancy. The percent , arising at the interrupted sexual intercourse, is low, nevertheless, the probability of its offensive is.
As to the probability of infection is not bound to process of an ejaculation in any way. If the partner is sick, more often at it (or at it) is either rashes, or allocation (except for cases of the latent, asymptomatic infections), and at not protected sexual intercourse - without dependence from that, interrupted it or not - the probability of infection is very high.
Myth 8.
If there was infection necessarily there will be symptoms One of the most dangerous delusions! very often proceed asymptomatically and are found out only at inspection. Vivid example of a similar infection is the clamidiosis which proceeds more often or is asymptomatic, or with insignificant mucous. Find out an infection more often at complex inspection. Danger of a clamidiosis consists that it causes development of obstructive sterility both in women, and in men.
Myth 9.
As the condom is made of porous substance, the HIV and some other originators are capable to get into an organism Modern scientific researches prove, that at correct use condoms from latex reliably protect from a HIV and originators of venereal illnesses.
Myth 10.
Sexual contacts to the married man (the married woman) are tegretol 200mg absolutely safe concerning infection Not protected sexual contacts to married (married) sexual partners do not protect from infection.
Family presence silly to consider as panacea from any illnesses is should understand everyone.

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