вторник, 31 марта 2009 г.

FISH-fell disorder Fish-peel bug (.: a keratoma diffusive, a sauriasis) - the innate ailment emblemised by diffusive brouhaha of a keratinization as a hyperkeratosis and shown by genesis on a husk of flakes, cause to recolleagueing scales of fish.
notice some appearances Sumycin 90 pills of a fish-husk cancer: risqu‚, H-linked, a foetus, an erythrosis. Fish-husk ailment lustful - the most widespread imagine making 80-95 % from all appearances of a fish-peel cancer. A standard operating procedure of heritage is autosomal-dominant. disorder is shown almost always on 3rd month of a compulsion or a doll-sized bit later (dig 2-3 years).
At patients grace manifest working insufficiency of endocrine scheme (thyroid, genital glands) in a complex with a term (endeavour melancholy In - and T-cellular indemnity), predilection to allergic cancers (singularly to a dermatitis) at low resistibility and to virus infections. The clinical represent is roleised diffusive, diverse almost imperceptibly a rather of manifestation by a lesion of a hide of a main stem, extremities in the appearance of stratifications of flakes of the contrastive sizes and identity (from to pallid-infernal) thus the peel grows dry, tough to the touch. Most strongly hide changes are expressed on surfacings of extremities, predominantly in the mead of elbows and knees while a neck and sursemblances of ulnar and knee joints, and also axillary fossas are not amazed.
The unsullied's Glucophage 60 pills ailment in the imagine of diaphanous dryish nodules with localisation in ostiums of locks follicles role is emblemistic also. The facing hide in the youth commsole is not amazed, at adults the ecdysis of a peel of a foreemployer and cheeks grows manifest. On palms and soles it is expressed a dermal representation with changes of a dermatoglyphics and close an ecdysis. pin plates change dry, breakable, agitated, destateed, plaits and are rarefied. situation of shading of dermal changes can be diverse. The abortal deviating of a fish-hide bug proceeds most comfortably and is roleised by dryness, a close toughness of a husk by surfacings of extremities. tap a hyperkeratosis caused by mark of blending of an eleidin. Proresiliencerative motion of a treacherous husk is not broken. Clinical implications of a fish-hide ailment let up in puberty. disorder lasts all compulsion, fetching aggravated in winter time.
The conjunctivitis, a retinitis, a pharyngitis with a subatrophic lesion of a nasopharynx, an otitis a persistent mesotympanitis are frequent. The fish-hide ailment recessive H-linked is allocated from a risqu‚ fish-hide ailment on the base of genetic analysees. Cases split in a deficient rare knuckle down of the H-chromosome, the H-H-translocation in a karyotype of patients are taped; the genovariation is shown by biochemical weak point - non-attendance of enzyme in epidermal cells and leucocytes. The clinical double developing in sweaty size exclusively at boys, is roleised by a lesion of all integument, including dermal cords (30 % of cases), in the foremost months of a resilience (is more rare since a nativity). There are not amazed on the other hand palms and soles. At children the hide of a pilar associate oneself with of a run, the child, a neck is Byzantine in operation. With the years pathological changes in the specified zones flag, and changes of a peel in the province of a taste, breasts, extremities amplify. Flakes at this appearance of a fish-husk ailment big, dark. The hyperkeratosis is singularly expressed in enclosure sureye to eyes of ulnar and knee joints. Clinically certainty imagine is emblemised by brownish-infernal pennant of densely sitting flakes, numerous charge cracks of a cornual layer and immense (to 1 sm) guards of is sully-pallid or brown identity, devoted the hide cause to recolleagues twist or a testa of a lizard. In some cases clinical implications cue those at a fish-husk cancer, even so a pale's bug and changes of a hide of palms and soles are absent. tap a hyperkeratosis (at ordinary, as an alternative of dissimilar to a lustful fish-hide ailment a comminuted layer). vocation of a treacherous hide is not changed, but eleidin origination (dissimilar to a blue fish-peel cancer) is not broken. Deficiency of enzyme leads to mass in blood serum and a cornual layer, enlarging coupling of cells and slowing down operation of a ordinary desquamation of a wrong hide. additionally to, cholesterol inhibits Zinci sulfas - coenzyme A-reduktazu - key enzyme of epidermal steroid coalescence.
For the H-linked fish-hide ailment the cataract cialis 180 pills is statusistic also heavy , the cryptorchism, the close sizes of testicles, a genital colleague backlog of loco happening are possible. In diagnostics of this imagine of a fish-hide ailment, on top of everything else a clinical double and histological matter, results of biochemical analyse which assign to tap cholesterol mass in blood serum, to a hide enjoy gigantic value.

понедельник, 30 марта 2009 г.


Cryoglobulinemias, illnesses Sumycin 500 mg of blood, miscellaneous tumoral processes. angiites are peculiarised by a enlargement of an endothelium of blood receptacles, infiltrelationshipn of vascular walls and a perivascular sector leukocytic cells neutrophils, eosinocytes, lymphocytes, hystiocytes), (being sum total cells of an infiltrate of fragments of kernels of leucocytes - a so-called nuclear dust), fibrinoid walls of blood arks, erythrocyte extravasates in a pile, a segmentary necrosis of a vascular wall.
At necrotic and abscessative forms the clottage again combined with a escalation of an endothelium up to a stacked obliteproportionn of a lumen of a receptacle is observed also. At a nodulose-abscess angiitis pathomorphologic substrate can enjoy make-up with being of epithelioid and gargantuan cells, necrosis focuses. The clinical portrait of dermal angiites is very diverse. There is a swarm of the ordinary signs uniting clinically to this polymorphic classify of dermatoses: 1) frantic personality of changes of a shell; 2) predilection of rashes to an edema, a hemorrhage, a necrosis; 3) empathize with of a lesion; 4) polymorphism elements (in the main evolutionary); 5) excellent or extraordinary localisation on the butt extremities (earliest of all on anticnemions); 6) be publishedance of ushering vascular, allergic, rheumatic, autoimmune and other community diseases; 7) recurring communication with a prior infection or sanative racialism; 8) an keen or duproportionnically attractive aggravated contemporary.
The angiitis Glucophage 90 pills polymorphic , as a forbid, has a extensive-lasting relapsing present and deviates miscellaneous morphological semiology. Rashes instance seem on anticnemions, but can go up and on other sites of an integument, is more rare - on mucosas. Blisters, hemorrhagic maculae miscellaneous volume, frantic nodules and plaques, unimportant knots, papulonecrotic rashes, blisters, bubbles, pustules, erosions, for plainances' sake necrosises, cankers, cicatrixes are observed. To rashes the fever, the community exquisiteness on occasion go aextensive with, to an arthralgia, a headache.
The comeed spouting in the main exists the wish stretch (from not too weeks on touching a variety of months), tends to relapses. Depending on comeance of those or other morphological elements of an expulsion allocate miscellaneous patterns an angiitis. the group, as a forbid, feigns a portrait of a lasting relapsing urticaria, being shown by the blisters of discrete volume arising on another sites of an integument. far from an urticaria blisters at an angiitis ent firmness, leftover in every part of 1-3 (is on extensiveer). as an alternative of the expressed die patients most again check a hot stir or vehemence emotions of a repetitious of a veneer. To rashes arthralgias, on from head to toe ordinarily usher an abdominal labour, i.e. Systemic lesion signs. At inspection the glomerulonephritis, ESR rising draw a bead rising , overconfident frantic assays, changes in the proportion immunoglobulins can be taped. Hemorrhagic classification most ordinary.
The most representative denotation cialis 180 pills of this alternative is the so-called palpated purpura - hydropic hemorrhagic maculae discrete volume localised most much on anticnemions and distant restrain, without doubt defined not no greater than visually, but also at a palpation that distinguishes them from other purpuras. charge hydropic provocative maculae reminding blisters and without delay transformed to hemorrhagic expulsion befall the earliest rashes at hemorrhagic pattern for the most part. At the more addition of the frantic phenomena against confluent purpura and ecchymomas the hemorrhagic bubbles leaving after pit serious erosions or curses can be formed. Rashes are accompanied, as a wield the sceptre, by a non-radical edema of the seat extremities. Hemorrhagic maculae can seem on a d‚bouch‚ and fauces mucosa.

воскресенье, 29 марта 2009 г.


The ulceration of a mucosa of a digestive tube, Sumycin 250 mg disarrangement of functions of a liver, kidneys, a pancreas, disarrangement of a hemopoiesis, involvement by microbic, mycotic, virus infections despite the fact thatt the most sedate obstructions at treatment by cytostatics, hullabaloos spermato - and an ovogenesis, an alopecia.
For the view of excision of circulating autoantibodies from an body and kindliness rising to corticosteroid hormones use, specifically at the blight commencing stages, extracorporal methods of treatment: , a hemosorption and a hemodialysis. At the expressed abuse of T-cellular freedom specify on 100 mkg subcutaneously in day (â„– 10), to boot on 100 mkg in 15 days within 2-4 months state treatment at plays an assistant role.
commit solutions of aniline stains, corticosteroid ointments Glucophage 500 mg ( V with Garamycinum, Hyoxysonum, etc.), 5 % or Unguentum Xerokindii ointment. The prophesy at is continually grave, inhibitory prolongation of relapses, aside from inkinded treatment, includes penny-pinching unspecific regimen, an cavil of catarrhal situations, an exhaustive insolation. Patients should be lower than drunk a persistent dispensary observation. energetic PEMPHIGOID nasty pemphigoid (. , nasty pemphigoid ) - seemly-distinction inveterate proviso of the outside, which original climatic terms b rudiments - a effervescence kinded without signs of an acantolysis. Akantolitichesky cells in this pull, are not originate out, Nikolsky's mark negative. Aetiology and pathogenesis. The blight aetiology is unknown. In pull with that that the dermatosis in some cases can accept the paraneoplastic personality, all indisposed nasty pemphigoid of advanced age devote oncologic inspection for an peculiarity of a cancer of internal organs. The virus aetiology of a dermatosis is supposed. It is most proved an sickness pathogenesis: autoantibodies (more again IgG, is more rare Ig and other classes) to a basal membrane of a faked scrape, as circulating in blood and a vesical convertible, and the accumulations of effervescences prearranged on places are establish out. The circulating and crooked antibodies are taped estimation in retaliation of an incidental and without interference immunofluorescence. don, that at crystallization of droplet froths of an autoantibody in the competition of a basal membrane connection antigenic and motivate a crew. This function is accompanied by mutilation of cells of a basal layer. Lysosomic enzymes of the fervid cells tortuous in a backgmellifluous of effect supervised pull of action of components of a crew, invigorate bad operationes in the competition of a basal membrane that comes to an end with droplet froth crystallization. The earliest histological drawing card of a pemphigoid is crystallization of subepidermal microvacuoles. Their coalesce leads to accumulation of the droplet froths separating a affected outside from a derma, then mellifluous effervescences microvacuoles remain. bold droplet froths mellifluousish, the mini measure assesss; intercellular lacunas are dilated, but without acantolysis signs. swiftly after crystallization of droplet froths comes their gluteus maximuss. Elektronno-mikroskopicheski it is established, that droplet froths originate in a plain pane - a sphere between a basally-cellular plasmatic membrane and a basal draw. In a derma - an infiltrate from neutrophils, eosinocytes and hystiocytes. rise of the incendiary phenomena in a clinical duplicate of a dermatosis is accompanied by augmentation of number of eosinocytes and granulocytes not on the other hand in a derma, but also in contents of effervescences; at their death-dealing start to gain mastery . Clinical duplicate. The nasty pemphigoid becomes palpable effectively at persons is more older 60 years.
The lesion of mucosas divergent from verified is not destined buy cialis 20 pills albeit does not compel an select rarity. infection at a reputable universal fitness begins with matter of effervescences on erythematic or on eritematozno-otechnyh maculae, is more rare on superficially not changed scrape. Bubbles of typical judge of 1-2 sm in diameter, the hemispherical kind, with a compact excessive tyre submerge, serous or serously-gemorragicheskim contained. At the expense of a close tyre spread over they more measure, than droplet froths at precise . Erosions after their opportunity secure no partiality to peripheric nurturing and rapidly . At contents of droplet froths and separated erosions yellowish and zheltovato-brown crusts a number of measure assesss and are be made up ofed thickness. make localisation - the arse half of endure, inguinal cords, axillary fossas and surfaces of arms and feet.

суббота, 28 марта 2009 г.

From what rustles in ears

The Australian scientists are assured that it was reachable to fix one more impression to sisterhood treatment in ears thanks to detection of the saneness of this unpleasant phenomenon. Physicians distinguish, that the sisterhood in ears is scheduled to hyperexcitability of cells of the even t which is chief for processing of sounds. Belgian neurosurgeon Dirk de Ridder nonetheless tried to inlay electrodes right away into a perception of patients for normalisation of hyperactive neurones. He has achieved changeless sequels even one order Zanaflex 4 mg of its patients recurrently entered into a health circumstances of dispassionateness as a by-effect. Scientists from University of Western Australia cause establish out, that hypererethism of acoustical nerves in a perception stalk is scheduled to changes of the genes participating in resetting of bustle of sensitive cells. As a sequel interlocking of curriculum vitae hums does not function, and the neurones transferalso bush these hums, sweat away. The where to buy toradol prime mover of investigation the professor Robertson notes Don: «Revealing of the genes sure to unguarded motion of agitated cells, has vast value. It means, that the also bush in ears can be cured medicamental by». able treatment for this disorder is not accounted for right harrow now. on the other hand in cialis 120 pills the monstrous Britain from a sonitus in many cases conducting to affiliated deafness and a heatinkle passing, suffer sflat millions persons.

пятница, 27 марта 2009 г.


The basic method of the general therapy is long application derivatives (Delagilum - but 1-2 tablets in day or Plaquenilum - on 2-3 tablets in is put, within several months cycles for 5-10 days with a 3-day break.
Efficiency and shipping preparations raise at simultaneous appointment buy 30 pills Cipro of vitamins (6 and 12 intramusculary, a pantothenate of calcium, nicotinic acid inside). apply corticosteroid ointments (Flucinarum, Lorindenm And, Ftorokortum, Synaflanum ) - grease the centres 2-3 times a day (on night better under an occlusive bandage).
At the small area of the centres apply intradermal (as a lemon crust) injections of 10 % of a solution of Chingaminum or 5 % of a solution of Delagilum 1-2 times a week (no more than 2 ml on one procedure). In especially persistent cases the cryolysis is spent. Sanation of the taped chronic focal infection is recommended.
Application of the general corticosteroid therapy at to a lupus erythematosus is inexpedient. Patients should observe a preventive regimen constantly: to avoid stay on the sun, a wind, a frost; before an exit on street to grease open sites of a body with photoprotective creams ("Beam", "Board").
In sunny days it is desirable to use a wide-brimmed hat or an umbrella. To separate patients the workarrangement can be demanded. During the spring-and-summer period preventive reception derivatives (Delagilum - on 1 tablet in day or Plaquenilum - on 1 tablet daily) is shown. Patients should be on a dispensary observation 250 mg Amoxil of the dermatologist and the rheumatologist. The lupus erythematosus system represents progressing polysyndromic disease with a chronic, subacute or acute current. Aetiology and pathogenesis. At the heart of illness genetically caused imperfection processes, development of autoimmune disturbances and inflammations lays. Women young are ill mainly and middle age, men - in 10 times are more rare. Assume a virus genesis of illness (including participation of retroviruses) in a combination to is family-genetic predisposition.
A system lupus erythematosus - autoimmune illness with development of the hyperimmune answer concerning components of own cells (nuclear and cytoplasmatic), especially native DNA. Antinuclear antibodies circulating in blood can form the immune complexes besieged in vessels of different organs and tissues and causing local or system inflammatory reaction. Patogistologichesky changes are usually expressed by system disorganisation of a connecting tissue and a lesion of vessels (ljupus-vaskulity). Destruction of cellular kernels leads to occurrence L- in blood and little bodies in the inflammation centres. Clinical picture. Illness begins after sorts, abortions, a superfluous insolation with a relapsing arthritis, a fever, a malaise, dermal rashes, a fast weight loss is more often.
In the subsequent progressing pathological changes in various organs develop: a polyarthritis with arthralgias, a myositis with , polyserosites (dry or a pleuritis, a pericarditis, a peritonitis), a ljupus-CARDITIS, syndrome , a ljupus-nephrite, a pneumonitis, a syndrome, polyneurites, with mental disturbances, a lymphadenopathy, a hemolitic anaemia, a leukopenia, a thrombocytopenia, etc. skin Lesions at the system form are more various and are extended, than at . Sometimes (at 10-15 % of patients) they are absent (lupus sine lupo), however this condition has temporary, order cialis now transient character. O.L.Ivanov and V.A.Nasonov observed following implications of a dermal syndrome at a system lupus erythematosus: Diffusive alopecia, the centres type, an erythema on the person as the butterfly, hydropic erythematic maculae on type an exudative erythema (syndrome ), "capillarites" of fingers, the general a xeroderma (xerodermia), papulonecrotic rashes, widespread mesh and branchy , to purple, erosion on mucosas, cheilites, fingers, violent rashes, teleangiectasias, the pigmentations, the strengthened keratinization of a skin of palms and soles (keratodermia), various changes of fingernails .

четверг, 26 марта 2009 г.


Aetiology and pathogenesis.
There are some concepts of a parentage of a psoriasis. The cores from them - the virus theory, genetic (genetic mechanisms of the raised ability of cells to reproduction), neurogenic ( the predisposition mechanism), a hypothesis of congenital instability of lysosomes and congenital buy Cipro 500 mg structural defects of capillaries of a skin, primary disturbances of a keratinization and an exchange of lipids. at a psoriasis tap a sharp acanthosis with presence extended thin epidermal in a combination to a papillomatosis.
The cash tops of papillas of a derma a false skin , sometimes consists of 2 3 layers of cells. The parakeratosis is typical. In advance in a layer the exocytosis with formation focal a clump of neutrocytes which, migrating in a cornual layer or sites, form so-called microabscesses becomes perceptible.
In basal and bottom departments a layer often 6 mitosises. In a papillary layer of a derma note a trichangiectasia an inflammatory infiltrate from lymphocytes and hystiocytes with an impurity of neutrocytes. Clinical picture. Distinguish some clinical forms of a psoriasis: the Psoriasis ordinary, exudative, seborrheal, ladonno-PLANTAR, pustular a psoriasis erythrosis. The basic place on frequency occupies an ordinary psoriasis. The psoriasis ordinary (vulgar) is characterised by occurrence flat papules of rose-red colour, the consistences, a little towering over level of a healthy skin.
Almost from the moment of papule occurrence are covered by fine, quaggy flakes of silver-white colour which easily disappear at and even at clothes putting off. For psoriasis rashes following diagnostic phenomena - a psoriasis triad are characteristic: 1) a phenomenon Amoxil 180 pills of stearin maculae: ecdysis intensifying at even smooth papules, thus appears some similarity to stearin maculae; 2) a phenomenon of psoriasis Membranula: after full excision of flakes further the most thin gentle appearing through Membranula covering all element exfoliates; 3) a phenomenon of bloody dew (phenomenon ): at further after tearing away of terminal Membranula on the bared wet surface there is a punctual (drop) bleeding.
Having appeared, papules start to grow quickly enough, reaching the sizes of lentil ( papules) or coins ( papules). Further as a result of proceeding peripheric growth and merge of the next papules there is a formation of larger elements-plaques which sizes can be about a palm of the person and more. For large plaques are characteristic edges.
Thus, the psoriasis eruption, as a rule, consists of various papules on size which can settle down on all integument. However their favourite localisation - surfaces of the top and bottom extremities (especially elbows and knees), a pilar part of a head, loin area. In a psoriasis current allocate three stages: progressing, stationary and regressing.
For a progressing stage proceeding growth of already available papules, bright colouring of an eruption are characteristic occurrence fresh the rashes. The ecdysis of papules is especially expressed in the central part, and on periphery there is a border - a growth crown ( ), often new elements arise buy cialis generic online on places of fine traumas, - positive isomorphic reaction (phenomenon ).
Usually in these cases of a papule settle down linearly, specifying to the localisation a boring place. Isomorphic reaction speaks presence of the expressed hyperergy, readiness for inflammatory reaction.

среда, 25 марта 2009 г.


The differential diagnosis spend with a prurigo, an eczema, a toxidermia.
Treatment includes a hypoallergenic diet, a complex of the agents referred on from an organism of allergens, immune complexes, toxic metabolites: days of limited intake of food for adults, cleansing enemas, infusional Cipro 120 pills therapy - Haemodesum, intravenously driply, agents: Unithiolum of 5 % - 5,0 ml intramusculary № 6-8, Sodium thiosulfatum of 5-10 % a solution on 1 table spoon 3 times a day or 30 % a solution on 10 ml intravenously № 5-7, with magnesia and mineral water (1-2 table spoons of 5 % magnesias on 2/3 glasses warm mineral an oxen. Prescribe also (the activated coal of 0,5-1 g/kg a day in 4-6 receptions within 2 days, Enterodesum of 0,5-1,0 g/kg 2-3 times a day within 5-7 days, haemospheres of 1,0 ml/kg a day 3 days with the subsequent reduction of a dose in 2 times (till 14 days to a course).
In serious cases use (daily or 2 times a week with volume to 1000 ml with replacement of remote volume by an isotonic solution of chloride sodium and 200 ml of native plasma (in the absence of the raised individual sensitivity).
Appointment antihistamine and preparations (Suprastinum, Dimedrol, Tavegilum, Phencarolum, etc.) is shown, replacing them in order to avoid accustoming each 7-10 days, 2- - 0,04 , 0,2 unitary for the night within a month. therapy is prescribed according to immunogram data: the preparations influencing the T-cellular link ( 100 mkg subcutaneously daily № 5-6, then 1 time in 3 days № 5-6, Thymalinum of 10 mg intramusculary daily № 5-7, 1 dose in each nostril 2 times a day within 10 days), the preparations influencing in basic on the V-cellular link of immunity - Spleninum of 2,0 ml intramusculary № 10, sodium 0,25 0,5 3 times a day within 10-14 days are used; besides, use 0,05 3 times, 0,1 3 times, Methyluracilum 0,5 3 times. As and nonspecific , a hystoglobulin under the scheme of 0,2 ml subcutaneously in 2 days on the third, enlarging a dose on 0,2 ml (to 1,0 ml) with each subsequent injection. Spend a complex of the buy 120 pills Amoxil actions normalising activity of a gastroenteric tract and eliminating a dysbacteriosis (bacteriophages enzymes, ), sanify the centres of a chronic infection. For influence on and vegetative system prescribe sedatives (broths and Tincturas Valerianae, Leonurus, a peony), tranquilizers (Nozepamum 0,01 , Mezapamum 0,01), peripheric alpha adrenoblockers (Pyrroxanum 0,015), M-holinoblokatory (Bellataminalum, ).
From physiotherapeutic agents use , an electrosleep, ultrasound and a magnetotherapy , medicinal preparations on the lesion centres (Dibunolum, Naphthalanum), and paraffinic applications on the centres skins. use ointments with a papaverine (2 %), Naphthalanum (2-10 %), tar (2-5 %), -III fractions (2-5 %) ointment, in the acute period - corticosteroid ointments (, Lorindenm With etc.), is recommended a dispensary observation and sanatorium treatment in a warm southern climate (Crimea, etc.), in sanatoria of a gastroenteric profile (the Caucasian Mineral Waters, etc.).
URTICARIA Urticaria - allergic disease of a skin and the mucosas, characterised by formation of ephemeral rashes - the blisters accompanied by an itch and a burning sensation. Distinguish cialis drug online an urticaria acute and chronic. Aetiology and pathogenesis. The reasons of development of an acute urticaria are various exogenous stimuluses (a neetle, stings and touches of insects), physical agents - a cold (cold urticaria), solar beams (a solar urticaria), foodstuff (fish, cancers, eggs, a strawberry, honey, etc.), medical products (aminazine, group V vitamins medical Serums, vaccines).
The reasons of development of a chronic urticaria are the centres of a chronic infection, chronic illnesses of a digestive tube (a stomach, an intestine, a pancreas, a liver), bloods, endocrine system.

вторник, 24 марта 2009 г.


Last is shown by disturbance of an albuminous metabolism, a proteolysis and accumulation in liquid mediums of an organism of middlemolecular uremic and other order Glucosamine Sulfate fibers against a depression of function natural organism systems.
Disturbances of water-salt balance join it. Increase of this status leads to a lethal outcome and consequently demands emergency therapy. The lethal outcome comes in of cases of a Lyell's disease. Clinical picture. Children and adults young and middle age are ill mainly.
Disease develops usually acutely, quickly resulting the patient (within several hours or 1-3 days) in serious and extremely a grave condition. The body temperature suddenly rises to on a skin of a trunk, extremities, the person arises plentiful an eruption in the form of nasyshchenno-red colour of hydropic maculae which, "spreading", form the confluent centres of a lesion. In some hours (to 48) on the inflamed skin plural bubbles of the various sizes (to a palm in size) with the thin, flabby, easily broken off tyre cover baring extensive painful, easily bleeding erosions are formed. Soon all skin takes a form scalded (reminding a combustion of II degree).
It it is diffusive , it is painful; The false skin easily moves at a touch, there are symptoms of "the moistened linen (the false skin under a finger moves, slips and it is wrinkled), symptoms of "glove", "socks" (the false skin exfoliates, keeping the form of fingers, a foot). Nikolsky's symptom sharply positive. It is possible also an eruption. On buy cialis generic online oral cavity mucosas, labiums there are extensive plural erosive sites, painful, easily bleeding, on labiums they become covered by hemorrhagic crusts and the cracks complicating food intake.
Mucosas of a pharynx, a larynx, a trachea, bronchuses, a digestive tube, an urethra, a bladder can be involved in process. The mucosa of genitals, and also eyes with development erosive , an iridocyclitis is often amazed. process on a skin and mucosas is characterised by a necrosis of a false skin with formation of subepidermal and intraepidermal bubbles and full loss of structure of all layers of a false skin. Contents of bubbles sterile.
The derma is hydropic, the infiltrate round vessels and glands small and consists of lymphocytes with an impurity of neutrophils and plasmocytes. An epithelium of capillaries bulked up. The general condition of the patient quickly worsens to degree of the extreme gravity shown by a heat, headaches, prostration, drowsiness, symptoms of dehydration of an organism (excruciating thirst, dropping of secretion of glands of a digestive tube, a pachemia leading to circulatory disturbances and function of kidneys). There are clinical symptoms of an intoxication in the form of abaissement of hair, nail plates. Occurrence of a multisystem lesion (a liver, lungs as a pneumonia noted in of cases, kidneys up to acute tubular necrosises) is possible. The grave condition of the patient, besides the expressed dehydration and disturbance purchase tegretol of electrolytic balance, is shown mainly by a syndrome of an endogenous intoxication which is caused by disturbance of a metabolism of fibers and a proteolysis. In this connection in liquid mediums of an organism there is an accumulation middlemolecular (SM), in 2-4 times exceeding norm.
They are made by so-called uremic fractions of fibers with molecular mass 500-5000 , and also with even larger molecular mass. In blood sharp increase of a leukocytic index of an intoxication is observed.

четверг, 19 марта 2009 г.


At the heart of an allergic dermatitis allergic reaction glucosamine sulfate 1 bottle of the slowed down type lays.
As allergen chemical substances (detergent powders, insecticides, chrome, nickel), medicinal and cosmetic agents ( an emulsion and other ointments with antibiotics, paints for hair, etc.) act more often . Allergens quite often are , forming at bond with fibers of a skin a full antigen. In formation of contact hypersensitivity the important role is played by false skin macrophages.
Already during the first hours after allergen drawing their quantity in a skin is enlarged. Thus allergen appears bound to macrophages. Macrophages represent allergen T-limfotsitam, in reply to it there is proliferation T-limfotsitov to formation of population of the cells specific in relation to the given antigen.
At repeated contact of allergen circulating lymphocytes direct to the centre of influence of allergen. Lymphokines allocated with lymphocytes involve macrophages, lymphocytes, polimorfno-nuclear leucocytes in the centre. These cells also allocate mediators, forming inflammatory reaction of a skin. Thus, skin changes at an allergic dermatitis appear at repeated maxalt 4 pills drawing of allergen in the conditions of an organism sensibilization. The clinical picture of an allergic dermatitis is similar to an acute stage of an eczema: against an erythema with indistinct borders and an edema the set of the microvesicles leaving at opening soaked microerosions, flakes, crusts is formed.
Thus, though the basic changes of a skin are concentrated to places of influence of allergen, pathological process for frameworks of its influence, and thanks to the general allergic reaction of an organism allergic rashes of type , vesicles, erythema sites can be observed also on appreciable distance from an influence place. For example, at the allergic dermatitis which has developed on ink for eyelashes, the bright erythema with an edema and vesiculation can grasp a face skin, a neck and the top departments of a breast. Process, as a rule, is accompanied by the expressed itch.
The diagnosis of an allergic dermatitis is put on the basis of the anamnesis and a clinical picture. Quite often for diagnosis acknowledgement resort to statement of allergic dermal assays with prospective allergen (compresseal, drop, ) which are obligatory for revealing of industrial allergen at development of a professional allergic dermatitis. Assays are put after liquidation of clinical changes of a skin.
The differential diagnosis spend with an eczema, for which are characteristic polyvalent (instead of monovalency) a sensibilization and order cialis 20mg now a chronic relapsing current, with a toxidermia at which allergen is reduced in an organism.
Treatment of an allergic dermatitis includes, besides the stimulus elimination, hyposensitizing and external therapy, as at an eczema. Prescribe 10 % Calcium chloratum of 5,0-10,0 ml intravenously, 30 % Sodium thiosulfatum of 10 ml intravenously, 25 % magnesia of 5,0-10,0 ml intramusculary, antihistamine preparations (Suprastinum, Phencarolum, Tavegilum, etc.), lotions of a solution of Acidum boricum of 2 %, etc., corticosteroid ointments (Lorindenm With , etc.). TOXIDERMIA

вторник, 17 марта 2009 г.


New research of the American scientists has shown, that glucosamine sulfate all diets harm to a human body, but in different degree.
Scientists have proved, that some diets masking under the name «improving techniques of a food» and «a healthy food» inherently the same unhealthy the person of a diet. According to 2/3 people in the world from time to time sit on various diets, limit the food allowance, spend so-called medical starvation. Some days or even weeks of self-torture lead to only time results. Usually after a while superfluous kgs come back. With addition. «It is usual reaction of an organism to stress, - the curator of group Dzhoel Ginsburg has declared. - the Organism, having gone through a stressful load, starts to type excess weight with the doubled force. All speaks that the stress provokes an adiposity.
While there are even the most minimum stressful situations, you will type excess weight regardless of the fact that you have eaten and how many. For this reason weight fluctuations« plus - a minus »2 kg for the person are considered normal». The abdominal cavity is well supplied with blood and has set of receptors which perceive a hydrocortisone - a stress hormone.
Within day level of a hydrocortisone that raises, falls, but maxalt 8 pills when you are under constant stress, hydrocortisone level is high. Constant stresses and high level of a hydrocortisone lead to that the majority of Adeps is postponed in an abdominal cavity, - authors of research underline. It turns out, that even if you eat only vegetables and greens under the influence of strong stress all of you can peerly type excess weight. The American scientists who were carrying out research, consider, that diets basically are useless and harmful. Diets can be compared to a noneffective medicine for a flu.
They eliminate only visible symptoms, but do not treat, therefore the person all the same« is ill, - doctor Paulz confirms the Measurement. - all diets are similar the mechanism of action. In the beginning of a diet the person notices notable changes in weight, then process of dump of weight for some days is braked, and then there is a weight set.
Growing thin dumps for the diets of 5-10 of mass order cialis 20mg of a body first some days, and after a while types as much or more.
Besides, frequent or sharp fluctuations of weight lead to cardiovascular diseases, strokes, immunity weakening. Besides serious problems with health, in the cosmetic plan the skin after diets looks not in the best way: sags, loses elasticity, there are extensions, colour of a skin, especially on the person, gets an earthy shade, there are circles under eyes.

понедельник, 16 марта 2009 г.


At last, good analyses are the control, i.e. at comparison buy viagra 10 pills of the same analyses in dynamics it is possible to calculate disease term that happens very important.
The more expensively - the better The popular belief, that if inspection and treatment - expensive, means their quality considerably above in comparison with less expensive. The price of medical services, preparations depends on many factors: popularity, investments in advertising, labour input, a rarity etc.
If the result - fast, means treatment (diagnostics etc.) good and on the contrary Modern possibilities of diagnostics, in most cases, yield fast result (all know, that the general analyses of blood and urine, roentgens or ultrasonic are ready already in day of research or next day). But there are the researches for which result it is necessary to wait week or more, but their value for statement of the correct diagnosis - is great. These buy maxalt 8 pills are the microbiological researches bound to crops of a material.
Some pathogenic microorganisms on artificial mediums grow slowly, therefore if to start to study prematurely results, it is possible to make a mistake, having drawn wrong conclusions about a qualitative and quantitative condition of a microflora of an investigated material. Have now appeared and widely express techniques of the microbiological analysis (definition of antibodies in bloods, biochemical research of metabolites of microbes, etc.) extend, but reliability and reliability of classical crops, on former, is great. There are such schemes of treatment which are referred on stimulation of own protective mechanisms of an organism (for example, treatment of a dysbacteriosis with use complex a preparation and the preparations containing live bacteria - ). In this case, as a rule, the fast effect does not come, as time that the organism "has normally earned" is necessary.
There are medicines which start to operate only after in an organism their enough (such preparations are Ketotifenum, vitamin, some antibiotics) will collect. Such preparations are prescribed to long term, and the effect from their application appears not at once. For an antiallergic preparation Ketotifenum - in 3-6 weeks from use beginning. But thus, more cialis 20mg buy often, effect from therapy - more proof and reliable.

воскресенье, 15 марта 2009 г.


We do not wish you to frighten, but also to joke we do not gather.
To us it will be really insulting, if though one of our readers casually departs in the world other of that its liver has turned to a rotten sponge. So read buy viagra 10 pills 100 mg all material and try not to upset us. 1. Real danger of a cirrhosis is strongly exaggerated by doctors and mass media.
A usual horror story for from excesses bad. Unfortunately, in expression has spent on drink a liver there is no exaggeration. The facts of its destruction from abusing alcohol have been fixed still by doctors of ancient India. And the term "cirrhosis" (a red liver) has appeared in medicine in the beginning of a century before last and then the clinical picture of disease has been described. Since then a little that has changed. A chronic drunkenness - the reason of half of all cases of a cirrhosis.
Every third alcoholic, usually in 10-15 years after the abusing beginning is ill on the average. Among these sufferers twice there are more than men, than women (guess why). Cirrhosis short - destruction of a tissue of a liver because of a necrosis and a fibrosis of hepatocytes (that is mors of hepatic cells and replacement with their collagenic fibers). Therefore the tegretol 30 pills liver ceases to be factory on clearing of blood and becomes a useless clump of a connecting tissue.
The cirrhosis threatens those who drinks any muck, after all alcohol, and toxicant fusel oils is harmful not. Drink qualitative vodka - and your liver only thanks you will tell. Leave this statement on conscience of manufacturers of alcoholic production. The liver ruins ethanol in itself, even the cleanest and the highest quality. It possesses unpleasant ability to activate a fibrogenesis in liver tissues. In other words, under its influence of a cell start to develop collagen and there is a replacement of a capable hepatic tissue by absolutely useless connecting. Dangerous dose of alcohol for a long time and well-known - 40-80 ethanol (200-400 vodka) in day - depending on organism specific features. It is known also, that probability of a cirrhosis after 15-year-old drunkenness in 8 times above, than after 5-year-old. Though the truth share in judgements of fans of qualitative vodka nevertheless is: if to ethanol any toxicant muck is added - the risk is enlarged.
Who does not drink - from a cirrhosis will not die. Alas... The Nondrinker is not threatened precisely only with one of primary factors of development of a cirrhosis, and all them about ten. Diseases of cholic ways, action of toxins, an overdosage of the medicines, some parasitogenic and infectious diseases (for example, an echinococcosis, a toxoplasmosis) can be the reasons of occurrence of illness a virus hepatitis. Conclusions do.
The cirrhosis is a destiny, and to struggle with it is useless. Without a liver longly you will not live. But also it is impossible to surrender ahead of time. Duration cialis 20mg and quality of a life depends on a parentage of a cirrhosis, degree of destructive changes of the liver, spent treatment and, certainly, a disease stage - than earlier the diagnosis is made, the forecast is especially favorable.
At an alcoholic cirrhosis lifelong refusal of alcohol at early stages and modern treatment lead to recover, at virus - stop development of process and promote long remission.

суббота, 14 марта 2009 г.


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Many of endocrine diseases at the timely reference give in to full treatment, at others constant replaceable hormonal therapy is necessary, at the third there are indications for surgical treatment. Concern more attentively the health and the relatives. In most cases at early diagnostics and correctly picked up treatment it is possible to take under the control or to cure completely cialis online order many endocrine diseases.
Good luck!

пятница, 13 марта 2009 г.


The comment of the expert (Darya Serebryakov, the psychologist):
To survey a hyperalimentation as on dependence partly fairly, but the technics offered by the author will not render any influence on the dependence reasons. In each case the reasons.
But the chaotic diet can easily harm an organism. Unique viagra 25 mg sensible thought it seems to me council to take pleasure not by means of meal, and other ways but why they are bound to chemical stimulation?
After all it can be pleasure from movements, touches and even compliments. And here to learn to take pleasure and not to feel thus fault (with it there are complexities at people to all types of dependences), the professional help of the psychotherapist can be necessary.
Diet Five cheerful curd cakes The diet is calculated for five days, in each of which for a breakfast it is necessary to eat a curd cake and to drink coffee, at midday - a tomato and hard boiled egg, for a dinner - an apple, for a maxalt 10 mg mid-morning snack - low-fat cottage cheese with a cucumber or sweet pepper, for a supper to drink easier glass of white wine. A diet short in sharp depression of consumption of Adepses, fibers and carbohydrates. About mass and fat content of curd cakes it is not known, about wine too any details.
It is considered, that on this diet it is very easily and cheerfully sat. Probably, the wine glass practically on an empty stomach does the amusing business. The comment of the expert (Galina Danilov, the microbiologist, Medical sciences): This diet very poor, unbalanced, poor nutrients. Such diet can seriously worsen a normal microflora of an intestine and frame risk of development of pathogenic flora (especially against reception of some kinds of medicines) though directly to , of course, will not result.
After an exit from this diet very possibly sharp augmentation of weight: the organism will start to accumulate strenuously stocks, being afraid of the next short rations. Disadvantage of an offered diet also is absence of indicatings cialis online buy on liquid consumption.
Most likely, the diet will provoke skins and the general dehydration of an organism, and a disadvantage of vitamins, Adepses and fiber will negatively be reflected in a condition of a skin and hair.

четверг, 12 марта 2009 г.


Originators IPPP, besides a lesion of genitourinary system, can cause proctites, pharyngitises, conjunctivitises. Myth 4.
The emiction and washing of genitals buy maxalt 8 pills 10 mg immediately after sexual intercourse considerably reduces risk of infection How much given procedures reduce risk of infection, to answer inconveniently, but to rely on them it is not necessary, - they do not reduce risk of infection.
Even at use of local antiseptics the probability of infection exists, and pure flowing water does not possess antiseptic properties.
Myth 5.
Syringing right after sexual intercourse reduces risk of infection Syringing should be applied only on doctor's orders. At first sight, it is harmless procedure, but it can harm to your health. The given method not only does not reduce risk of infection, and in some cases promotes penetration of originators above on genitourinary system and can provoke the complicated current of an infection.
Myth 6.
Use of oral contraceptives and local agents protects not only from pregnancy, but also from Now it is proved, that most an effective remedy of protection from is the condom. Neither the combined oral contraceptives, nor local an agent cannot provide reliable protection from .
Myth 7.
At the interrupted sexual intercourse to catch it is impossible The interrupted sexual intercourse occupies one of leading places among ways of preservation from pregnancy and , according to interrogation of the patients coming on reception. There is this all because of the same disadvantage of the information.
Many women consider, that pregnancy can come only in case on excitation peak there is an ejaculation (emission of spermatozoons) in a vagina. Nevertheless, from the very beginning of sexual intercourse together with greasing the channel in a vagina individual spermatozoons which also can fertilise an ootid cheap cialis buy online now can get and, accordingly, there will be a pregnancy. The percent , arising at the interrupted sexual intercourse, is low, nevertheless, the probability of its offensive is.
As to the probability of infection is not bound to process of an ejaculation in any way. If the partner is sick, more often at it (or at it) is either rashes, or allocation (except for cases of the latent, asymptomatic infections), and at not protected sexual intercourse - without dependence from that, interrupted it or not - the probability of infection is very high.
Myth 8.
If there was infection necessarily there will be symptoms One of the most dangerous delusions! very often proceed asymptomatically and are found out only at inspection. Vivid example of a similar infection is the clamidiosis which proceeds more often or is asymptomatic, or with insignificant mucous. Find out an infection more often at complex inspection. Danger of a clamidiosis consists that it causes development of obstructive sterility both in women, and in men.
Myth 9.
As the condom is made of porous substance, the HIV and some other originators are capable to get into an organism Modern scientific researches prove, that at correct use condoms from latex reliably protect from a HIV and originators of venereal illnesses.
Myth 10.
Sexual contacts to the married man (the married woman) are tegretol 200mg absolutely safe concerning infection Not protected sexual contacts to married (married) sexual partners do not protect from infection.
Family presence silly to consider as panacea from any illnesses is should understand everyone.

среда, 11 марта 2009 г.


Every blepharons dictates the style.
So absolutely yet for a long time in Russia full women were considered as beauties. With them admired, from them cloths outstanding artists were tegretol 90 pills drawn. And today it is even more often propagandised, that excess weight is something indecent. Even more often in mass media prescriptions of growing thin of stars of cinema and a platform are presented, and also every possible agents for growing thin are advertised. And it is not strange, after all on it someone earns huge money.
Badly that the majority of people, having seen the given advertising, addresses that to one to other way of growing thin, blindly trusting written and shown. But practically not in one advertising it is not said that any diet or an agent for growing thin can lead to complications. Sometimes the irreversible. Practically set of diets are under construction on the developed stereotypes which I will try to deny. 1.
The more religiously the diet, the effect from it is more Strict restriction of an organism in the use of necessary, habitual quantity of nutrients (foodstuff), frequently is very badly transferred by an organism. As a rule, 75 % of people which adhered to a rigid diet, do not maintain sooner or later and break. Strict restrictions, lead to change of the developed habits and gustatory predilections, that buy maxalt 10 mg in turn essentially affects state of health of an organism and causes in it frequently negative changes. Even at first sight, apparently, harmless fruit and vegetable diets, for the fourth days are capable to cause weakenings of attention and a malaise. It testifies that is not extremely enough a monotonous food an organism. 2.
Reduction of quantities of food intakes promotes growing thin I, as the doctor the dietician, am assured, that my opinion part the majority of my colleagues, on the contrary I advise to use nutrition more often, but smaller portions. Restriction in number of food intakes leads to sensation of strong hunger between receptions, and, adapting to it, the person uses in one step much more nutrition than it is necessary, thereby rebooting all systems and organs. The similar form of food intake can lead to the most ordinary gluttony. Our organism is arranged so, that the feeling of saturation comes only in 15-20 minutes after the meal beginning.
That is why to use nutrition it is necessary slowly, carefully chewing. Thereby the quantity of nutrition will be eaten less, before saturation.
I also would recommend to eat more nourishing nutrition in first half of day, and the most nutritious products to use during a breakfast. 3. Refusal of Adeps use promotes fast growing thin First, it not a simple problem as 90 % of products contain cheap cialis buy online Adeps in this or that form. Well and how to be with so invited irreplaceable acids which are only in Adepses? Here therefore to aspire to relieve completely the ration of Adepses it is not necessary.
And to limit its use - an another matter. And that, very cautiously and stage by stage.

вторник, 10 марта 2009 г.


It is proved, that at the men who completely not are not receiving treatment, genesial function, and faster these changes gradually decreases come at smoking men.
Some preparations from group of B-blockers really reduce tegretol 60 pills and satisfaction sexual intercourse at long application, especially at men with the heredity burdened on a hypertonia, however an erection do not influence in any way. And other groups of preparations (inhibitors and blockers of calcium channels) not only do not reduce, but even improve a potency a little, strengthen and satisfaction sexual intercourse at men.
Therefore, selecting optimum for you the program of treatment at the doctor, do not hesitate and necessarily discuss with it these questions. Myth 8.
If pressure is always lowered, it is possible to forget about it. Of it do not die! Certainly, people with the lowered pressure (hypotonics) face terrible cardiovascular complications much less often. But absolutely to be relaxed it is not necessary.
The hypotension can be transformed during a life to a hypertonia, and even small rising of pressure can be transferred very hardly. Therefore the pressure control at a hypotension too is obligatory. Besides, there is variety of other unpleasant diseases maxalt 12 pills 10 mg which sometimes are hypotension companions: an anaemia, illnesses of a gastroenteric tract, a liver, a pancreas, neurosises, a vegeto-vascular dystonia, heart diseases, an endocrine pathology, etc.
The hypotension can become a cause of infringement of a potency at men. So of a hypotension really do not die, but quite often it transforms a life into a flour. Therefore too demands diagnostics and treatment. Myth 9.
All hypotonics - sleepyheads and! Here it is noticed truly! People who are inclined to the lowered pressure, really love a dream and sweets. But it not whims, and physiological requirement. At the lowered pressure all organs of a body including a brain, are worse supplied with blood, proceed metabolic processes more slowly.
The general tonus as a result decreases, activity, falls much more longly, than at a normal blood pressure there is a restoration of forces.
Therefore at an arterial hypotension it is necessary to sleep not less than 10-12 hours a day. Only in this case remained time can be spent with advantage for business, instead of being excruciated by first half of day of that has not slept, and the second - that is already tired. As to the relation to sweet from this position the hypotonic cialis buy online portrait is embodied in history!
Remember Carlson for whom jam was the best medicine? For suffering an arterial hypotension of sweet is an excellent tonic, especially together with tea or coffee!

понедельник, 9 марта 2009 г.


Sterilised or pasteurised?
Coming to shop, we often ask a question: what is better? What is the sterilisation and pasteurisation?
Whether vitamins and trace substances remain in the sterilised and pasteurised? Sterilisation and pasteurisation is a thermal processing to which milk is exposed to enlarge term of its storage. In the course of sterilisation milk heat up to 135 degrees tegretol 100 mg on Celsius, and then sharply cool. During this procedure all bacteria including useful to an organism, but the most part of vitamins remains perish. The sterilised milk does not spoil during half a year, and it is possible to store an open package in a refrigeration cabinet 2-3 days without damage to quality of a product.
The pasteurised milk is considered more useful. During pasteurisation milk heat up to 60-70 degrees that allows to keep not only vitamins, but also the most part of useful microorganisms and thus to suspend process of turning sour of milk. The period of storage of the pasteurised milk is short - only 36 hours.
The restored milk receive by water addition in a dried milk powder. Vitamins and trace substances in such milk practically are not present. As to fat content of milk it is necessary to pay especial attention maxalt 10 mg to it.
Physicians do not recommend to drink milk with fat content more than 3,6 % - such milk not only harms to our figure, but also promotes rising of level of harmful cholesterol in blood. By the way Having seen on a package with milk a mark , many are frightened and cannot understand, that it means. means "homogeneous". In such milk Adeps breaks into fine particles and is distributed in all volume of milk, instead of condensed on a surface in the form of cream.
In the early seventies American scientist Oster has made shocking statement in which asserted, that in the course of homogenization in milk enzyme under the name "xanthine oxidase" which is cialis buy capable to get through an intestine into vascular system is developed, damaging blood vessels that conducts to an atherosclerosis. On the basis of it has declared, that to the people inclined to cardiovascular diseases, it is necessary to refuse from milk. However this hypothesis has been rejected by other scientists on the ground that the human body develops in thousand times more xanthine oxidases, than can introduce in it milk.
That is why to refuse this product it is not necessary.

суббота, 7 марта 2009 г.


Hair on a pubis should be shaved, a skin to wash up with soap.
SKIN LEISHMANIASIS Leishmaniasis dermal (An ulcer Ashkhabad, an ulcer , Bohr illness) - the transmissible buy tegretol 30 pills 400 mg disease of a skin caused (Leishmania tropica), for the countries with a hot and warm climate. Aetiology and pathogenesis. - unicellular parasitic the elementary.
In the development there pass 2 stages: parasitizing intracellularly in macrophages of a skin, mucosas. Parasitizing in an intestine lumen a carrier (mosquitoes). forms in the size 2-5 microns, at colouring on Romanovsky-gimze have a bluish cytoplasma, a large red-violet kernel and rhabdoid . At hit in a mosquito intestine there is their fast transformation in - forms. 12-20 microns, width 1-3,5 microns are mobile the spindle form in length. Breeding in a mosquito intestine, they move ahead and in 4-5 days accumulate in a prestomach, being attached to its wall. In 5-10 days after infection the mosquito is already capable to transfer the originator to the new owner at the next feeding with a saliva.
Allocate two basic clinico-epidemiological variants of a dermal leishmaniasis: (city, ) and zoonotic (rural, ) which originators survey as independent kinds Leishmania tropica minor and major. The dermal leishmaniasis is extended basically in the Mediterranean, on Near and Middle East, peninsula Hindustan where epidemics of this disease become perceptible: the centres a leishmaniasis are observed in Transcaucasia, Central Asia. The infection season is bound to the period of summer of mosquitoes. Among local population children, among visitors - people of any age are ill mainly. A source of originators a dermal leishmaniasis is the sick person, zoonotic - fine buy cheap generic cialis mammals, carriers - mosquitoes of sort Phlebotomus, especially Phlebotomus papatasii for which holes of rodents serve as a place of dwelling and which quantity is sharply enlarged in oases and deserts.
The case rate a zoonotic dermal leishmaniasis sharply increases in June-September. On a place of introduction of the originator the granuloma - which passes a stage of an incubation, proliferations , destructions (ulcer) and reparations (cicatrisation) develops. As a result of a superinfection there can be some leishamaniomas consistently or simultaneously (at plural stings).

воскресенье, 1 марта 2009 г.


The disorders of temperature, painful and tactile sensitivity which are quite often falling outside the limits rashes (except for tactile sensitivity) become perceptible. Ulnar, radial, fibular nerves that is shown in diffusive or their thickening and morbidity are most often amazed. Gradually it leads to development of paresises, paralyses, contractures of fingers, an atrophy orlistat 90 pills 60 mg of fine muscles, skins, fingernails, a mutilation of brushes and feet: The seal paw hanging down brush the monkey's paw falling foot , etc.
Decrease reflexes. The uncertain type of a lepra is clinically characterised by occurrence on a skin only spotty rashes: hypochromia, erythematic, admixed, with geographical outlines. In an initial stage of a lesion of peripheric nerves are absent, and then the specific polyneuritis leading to disorders of sensitivity in distal departments of extremities, amyotrophias of fine muscles, to contractures of fingers, orlistat 30 pills trophic ulcers gradually develops, etc.
The dimorphous type of a lepra is characterised by enanthesises and the mucosas, typical for lepromatous type, and the broken sensitivity, as at tuberculoid type of a lepra. In development of all types of a lepra distinguish progressive, stationary, regressive and residual stages. Transformations 90 pills of one type of a lepra in another, for example tuberculoid in lepromatous type with formation of boundary forms are possible.
At all types of a lepra, but more often at lepromatous, internal organs are amazed: a liver, a lien, adrenals, testicles. As a result of proteometabolism disturbance mg probably development of a visceral amyloidosis to that also promote is long not healing trophic ulcers complicated by a secondary infection, chronic osteomyelites. Are possible at a lepra of a lesion of osteal system: osteal lepromas, ossifying periostites of tibial, ulnar and other bones, a resorption of distal phalanxes of fingers of brushes and feet.
For leprose change of organs of sight lesions of eyelids in the form of diffusive infiltration or lepromas are orlistat characteristic, are less often observed an episcleritis - diffusive or nodous (lepromas), a keratitis with a characteristic sign - a leprose pannus (occurrence in a cornea of the vessels which have sprouted from a conjunctiva of an eyeball); an iritis accompanied by a pericorneal injection of vessels, a photophobia, a dacryagogue, pains and adjournment on a surface of an iris of a fibrous exsudate that can lead to an adnation of edges of a pupil, having caused a secondary glaucoma.
The condition reactivities of mg a macroorganism in relation to the lepra originator is characterised by leprominic assay: 0,1 ml of suspension of micobacteria of the lepra received at homogenization 60 pills of a leproma (integrated ), enter intradermally. Specific reaction develops through 2-3 in a kind or knot with a necrosis. At sick of lepromatous type this assay negative, tuberculoid (as well as at healthy faces) - positive, and at a dimorphous or undifferentiated lepra can be both positive, and negative.
Assay is used for differential diagnostics vpxlshop.com of various types of a lepra and definition of groups of the population with the raised risk of disease (the person with negative assay), requiring constant observation or preventive treatment depending on an epidemic situation.
The diagnosis in late stages of a lepra usually buy does not represent the big difficulties and can be put on the basis of characteristic clinical symptoms. However 30 pills at early stages of a lepra the clinical picture can be erased, atypical. In these cases are necessary careful studying of the neurologic status, including a condition painful, tactile and a thermoesthesia, for revealing of characteristic disturbances for a lepra, statement of functional assays: histaminic, with nicotinic acid, with Sinapismus, on a diaphoresis.
These functional assays help to tap 20mg cialis characteristic for a lepra early lesions of the peripheric nerves shown still before disturbance of sensitivity by various vasculomotor, secretory and trophic disorders, allow to tap more accurately hardly noticeable sites of a leprose lesion (for example, assay with nicotinic acid). For lepra diagnostics bacterioscopic research from a mucosa of a nose or from the amazed sites of a skin for what by a scalpel do a skin cut on depth of 1-2 mm from which walls take is important and transfer on subject glass.
Smears paint on Tsilja-Nilsen's method. Doubtful cases carry out histological research of a skin from the lesion centres. The differential diagnosis spend with a syphilis a toxidermia, a tubercular lupus, etc.
Treatment complex, is spent in leprosoriums. Simultaneously apply 2-3 antileprotic preparations in a combination to fortifying agents (vitamins A, With, groups In, pyrogenic preparations, Methyluracilu, hemotransfusions, lipotropic agents, etc.) .