вторник, 24 февраля 2009 г.


Updating and organism restoration
The human body is constantly updated. Every minute the basic structures of an organism wear out and replaced with new tissues and biochemical components. All osteal tissue is updated for 10 - 12 years. About 98 % of a body it is completely updated within a year. An initial material, which our bodies use to orlistat restore itself, arrives buy hoodia almost exclusively with nutrition. It means, that our bodies consist, basically, from eaten by us for previous year. Good thought, isn't that so?
Energy formation
Process of "burning" of nutrition under the influence of oxygen occurs in the basic structural elements of an organism - cells. The body consists of billions cells, each of which soaks up molecules of alimentary substances and uses them in the chemical reactions providing manufacture of energy.
In a body of the person alimentary substances orlistat from hoodia a foodstuff will be transformed to structural elements of cells of our organism: enzymes, hormones and other regulators of metabolic processes.
For effective course of these processes all is necessary for an organism - irreplaceable fat acids, carbohydrates, high-grade fiber, vitamins and mineral substances. And the disadvantage even one of nutrients can negatively affect efficiency of cellular reactions and maintenance of an organism with energy.
Today already to all it is clear, that normal work of an organism cannot be without a proper correlation of all nutrients necessary for it.
Change of a food of the modern person
It is clear, that in an ideal all nutrients should arrive in an organism only with nutrition. As it was in the last centuries. But we live in the conditions which have changed in relation to the previous centuries.
Global pollution of superficial waters and land, local radiocontaminations, agriculture chemicalixation, wide manufacture and use of tinned products causes ubiquitous pollution of foodstuff hoodia and reduces power and their information value.
It leads to depression of adaptic abilities of a human body, does by its more acquisitive to diseases, causes more serious and long current of illnesses, reduces efficiency of medical influences.
All illnesses come through a mouth -
Young men, not thinking, eat all successively, satisfying orlistat alimentary predilections, and consider, that with them - everything is all right. But already after 30-35 years at the young man «the bouquet of diseases» starts to be shown. In the morning - there is no vivacity, in the afternoon - drowsiness, in the evening - weariness. And it becomes a normal condition of the mature person what to be - should not!
Life expectancy of the man's population, for example, hoodia makes now Russia the little more than 57 years. 55 % of the population of the country (50 % of men, 60 % of women) are more senior have 30 years superfluous mass of a body, adiposity.
From here - a bouquet not infectious, mainly hardly proceeding chronic diseases: an atherosclerosis, ischemic heart disease, a myocardial infarction, strokes, a diabetes. As you see, it those diseases which give 55 % of a mortality.
What to do? Where to search for an exit?
Certainly, to change an intense rhythm of a life not always in our forces, but we can bring a lot of advantage to own organism, activly moving, refusing from hoodia bad habits and adhering to eutrophy laws. After all the eutrophy is a necessary and first condition of a life.
Old true: «You - that you eat», - in the XXI-st century buy orlistat became even more actual. Fortunately, necessity comprehension to watch the food and in our country last years gets the increasing popularity.
That who shows consideration for the organism and carefully provides with its all necessary alimentary substances, vitamins, he answers with beauty, a youth, activity and pleasure of a life.

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