male yeast infection
Them also open and register. Mortinatus with weight less than 1000 and length of a body less than 35 sm concern to in to and and m. Do male yeast infection not register Them and allow not to open. The history of sorts, history of development of the newborn and its illness should be represented in together with a corpse for acquaintance with them before opening then they should be immediately returned. At studying of history of sorts, and illnesses of the newborn it is necessary to pay attention of development to a state of health of mother to, during time and after sorts: on foetus position (a head presentation, cluneal predle-zhanie and so forth), on a current of sorts, their duration, a pathology; for the sizes of a foetus and a basin of mother; whether obstetric operations, a narcosis, anaesthesia during sorts were applied; when there was a mors of the child - to, during time or after (through what is the time) sorts; whether there was an asphyxia, what (white or dark blue) and as longly it proceeded; what measures were applied to revival re-benka and in ' time. If the child was born dead or the mors of the child has come immediately after sorts, it is necessary is-follow a placenta and to describe it, having noted weight, the form, the sizes, a condition of its tissues, a condition of covers and the sizes, a place of an attachment of a cord, a condition of a cord and its rest (juiciness, a thickness). At external examination of the child note in the report degree of its maturity, weight and length of a body, a head circle, a cephalohematoma if it is, a condition of integuments of a skull, its integrity, the sizes of fontanels; a skin condition - a down, greasing, damages; degree of development of cartilages of a nose and ears, fingernails; an underdevelopment and anomalies of genitals (a cryptorchism, gipo-spadija and so forth) and a proctal aperture. After that open the bottom epiphysis of a hip and define the male yeast infection sizes of a kernel of ossification Be-klara. Now open a skull on Fisher. For this purpose recommend to do not circular skulls, and cuts by scissors only on each side skulls, and finish them, not reaching to a median line on 1 sm in front and behind, with one and on the other hand. After that by scissors do a cut of a roof of a skull from both parties in parallel to a sine So that over it there was a stria of a roof of a skull in width 2 see The cut out lateral parts of a roof delete together with a firm cerebral cover and bare a brain.. Opening of a skull of newborns on Fisher's method. Take now each hemisphere separately, cutting a corpus collosum, a trunk and brain legs .At this method remain in an integrity Cerebellar , a crescent process of a firm cerebral cover and sine. Them examine and write down anguishes, hemorrhages and so forth Ruptures a cerebellum give quite often lethal hemorrhages in a skull cavity. In view of that completely separated male yeast infection osteal plates of a skull at mending of a skin of a head are easily displaced also a head is deformed, that causes fair discontent of parents, M.K.Dal has offered the following updating of opening of a skull on Fisher. After a usual face-to-face cut of soft tissues of a head and their usual unit from a skull make horizontal or a cut scissors of bones of a skull together with a firm cerebral cover from both parties. In front this cut does not reach the frontal bone middle on 1-1,5 sm, and behind reaches an occipital seam. From the forward extremity of a horizontal male yeast infection cut of a skull of times - 172 scissors a frontal bone to a frontal fontanel. From the back extremity of a horizontal cut do a cut upwards to a sagittal seam.... Read about male yeast infection
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