воскресенье, 21 декабря 2008 г.

Relative frequency of development

Relative frequency of development of tumours of each type last decade has considerably changed, and a conclusion that cases of development of functioning tumours have become frequent, is based not so much on more frequent detection of their clinical semiology, how many on usover - methods of definition of level of hormones in blood. In some tumours synthesis of hormones can remain, but because of disturbance of intracellular mechanisms of secretion or disintegration processes these hormones in blood do not arrive [118]. Pituitary body adenomas These tumours develop from cells of this or that type, and on their share it is order ultram 50 mg necessary more than 90 of all neoplasms of a pituitary body. Them already very much for a long time section on chromophobic (which in the beginning identified with nonfunctioning) and chromophilic, including eosinophilic (are accompanied by an acromegalia) and basphilic (are accompanied syndrome ). After it was found out, that a histological picture of different sites of the same tumour it is frequent , that tumours at patients with an acromegalia and syndrome often appear chromophobic and that at patients with chromophobic tumours
Prolactinum hypersecretion often takes place, the expediency of such cytochemical division became less obvious. Now concept the chromophobic adenoma means only that it does not contain visible granules of a secret (a hormone stock). Such adenoma either does not produce a hormone, or reserves it in the changed chemical form which is not painted at the given technique, or, that is the most probable, cosecretes a hormone at once in process of synthesis, not reserving it in cells. With application of a submicroscopy and an immunohistochemical staining data in favour of last point of view have allowed to obtain the newest techniques. By results of neurosurgical inspection of several big groups of patients, on a share of tumours of a pituitary body it is necessary from 6 to 18 of all tumours of a brain [119, 120], and according to the most extensive pathoanatomical researches, frequency of clinically undetectable adenomas of a pituitary body makes 22 [121], and the maximum is necessary on age between 40 and 50 years. Functional activity of these tumours is unknown but if to assume, that the majority of them is functioning pyridium changes to which attached small clinical significance earlier, will appear in new light. The data specifying in differences in character of growth or biology between functioning and nonfunctioning tumours, no. Both those and others can grow both very slowly, and very quickly. Slowly growing nonfunctioning tumours can not be accompanied at all by clinical semiology and are found out at autopsy as a casual find. Recently carried out analysis [122] has shown 941 cases of adenomas, that more than 50 from them have been found out for the first time only at autopsy. Quickly growing tumours of a pituitary body usually are shown by the signs bound to augmentation of mass of a tissue in a Turkish saddle, and the hypersecretion of a hormone or is distinguished casually, or a little that brings in the general clinical situation. Unlike it slowly growing functioning tumours frame possibility of full development of the disease caused by a hypersecretion of a hormone. According to use of modern methods of radio immunologic definition of hormones of a forward share of a pituitary body, to functioning tumours carry 70-80 of adenomas of a pituitary body, and the majority of them cosecretes Prolactinum [123]. According to the majority of observations, the maximum frequency of tumours of a pituitary body is necessary on age between 40 and 50 years [122, 124] though at modern possibilities of early recognition the age in which they meet more often, for certain will be younger. According to the majority of observations, adenomas of a pituitary body with peer frequency meet at men and women though changes in connection with increasing revealing adenomas at women with an amenorrhea here again are outlined. Pituitary body adenomas usually represent solid tumours with well expressed capsule. They can sometimes be cystic with hemorrhage signs in a tumoral tissue. On occasion the cyst centre can be informed with a subarachnoid space and contain a spinal liquid-that defines a syndrome of an "empty" Turkish saddle. The calcareous infiltration if it appears, represents a final stage of the organisation of the former hemorrhage. Cranyopharyngiomas These are congenital good-quality tumours which can partially or have a cystic structure completely. ! They consist from bound epithelial , often reminding a tumour of an enamel organ of a teeth. The most superficial cells of a tumour quite often form micro-or the macrocysts containing a brown liquid with high concentration of cholesterol which at 50 of patients calcareous infiltrations are exposed. The kind of these tumours can vary and is frequent them difficultly to distinguish from ependymomas or epidermoid cysts. They grow with various rate and can stop growth completely. At half of patients clinical symptoms appear in the childhood, at V4 - between 20 and 40 years, and at other-in later age [125].

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