The hyperplasia of a mucosa of acoustical pipes quite often causes a relapsing occlusion of a middle ear with serious attacks of an otitis. Pituitary body tumours, blasting a bottom of a Turkish saddle, can extend for a bottom of sinuses of the basic bone and even in a nasal cavity. At destruction of a firm cerebral cover from a nose the order ultram tramadol hci tablet spinal liquid that it is possible to establish on glucose presence in from a nose which define by means of the paper strias impregnated starts to expire. Loss of sense of smell can be observed at tumour development in certain departments of the hypothalamus, blasting olfactory nerves. Sometimes it meets and at syndrome (the congenital form of a subthalamic hypogonadism). At an acromegalia tongue is enlarged in sizes and gets a lobular structure. In more serious cases the articulation is at a loss. At illness and AKTG-PRODUCING tumours of a pituitary body especially after an adrenalectomy (a syndrome of Nelson) the hyperpegmentation of tongue, the sky, a mucosa of cheeks and gums often becomes perceptible. In each of these sites of an oral cavity separate maculae hyperpegmentation which sometimes merge are formed. Tongue pigmentation can be observed in norm at Negroes in this connection has smaller diagnostic value.
At a hypothyrosis tongue is enlarged because of myxedematous infiltration, that often causes indistinctness of speech. At a hyperthyroidism the thin rhythmic tremor of the moved apart fingers and tongue is observed. Thin fascicular twitchings of tongue can take place and at a hyperparathyreosis. The hypertrophy of a mucosa of a larynx at an acromegalia causes hoarseness of a voice; expansion sinuses can give to a voice a resonant timbre. At myxedematous infiltration of a larynx at sick of a hypothyrosis the timbre of a voice which sometimes becomes very rhonchial decreases. At larynx survey find out friability, a thickening and slackness of free edges of true vocal chords. At the expressed myxedema on vocal chords there can be smooth hydropic polyps. The deep voice often happens at women who have a supersecretion of androgens, for example at syndrome , a congenital adrenal struma or tumours of adrenals or ovaries. At men influence of a supersecretion of androgens on a voice timbre can be taped only in the period, for example at a congenital adrenal struma. After liquidation of excess of androgens of change of a voice not always disappear completely. Struma of the large sizes and thyroid gland cancers also can cause hoarseness of a voice. At absence shifts at men owing to the insufficient secretion of androgens bound to changes in a hypothalamus, a pituitary body or sexual glands, the voice remains high. However after the voice gets a tonality inherent to the adult man, deficiency order vpxl pill of androgens does not cause its any changes. GASTROENTERIC TRACT At a primary hyperparathyreosis and others conditions, and also at illnesses and diabetic the anorexia is often observed. Appetite depression can become perceptible also at a hypothyrosis and a panhypopituitarism. For a nervous anorexia, besides appetite loss, incorrect representations about ideal mass of a body and a food are characteristic. At diabetic , a hyperparathyreosis and others , accompanied by the expressed hypercalcemia, and also at illnesses quite often arise a nausea and vomiting. The raised appetite usually accompanies a hyperthyroidism, a diabetes with a moderate hyperglycaemia, treatment by glucocorticoids and syndrome , and also is observed approximately at 15 of patients with . the dysphagia can be caused very large struma or a sprouting carcinoma of a thyroid gland. At various endocrine disturbances there are pains in the Abdominal cavity. Nonspecific diffusive pains are characteristic for children with diabetic ; if pains do not disappear after correction , it is necessary to suspect primary process of an abdominal cavity. At a myxedema intestinal impassability with gripes from a clump of gases can develop. Patients with a crisis quite often complain of diffuse abdominal pains. Less expressed pains - the frequent complaint at chronic insufficiency of adrenals. Abdominal pains can be the basic complaint at a thyrocardiac crisis. At patients with a carcinoid syndrome chronic abdominal pains become perceptible both acute, and. At a primary hyperparathyreosis such pains can be caused by a peptic ulcer or a pancreatitis. Besides, some patients with this disease have the diffuse and uncertain abdominal pains of an obscure aetiology disappearing after surgical treatment of a hyperparathyreosis. Symptoms of a serious or relapsing round ulcer are the most typical sign of syndrome - Allison. Round ulcers at a primary hyperparathyreosis and syndrome - Allison can become complicated gastroenteric bleedings. The last meet also at Turner's syndrome and are caused by an intestine teleangiectasia. Sick of a hypothyrosis, and also with the expressed hypercalcemia or a hypopotassemia often suffer constipations. They can appear and at patients with a pheochromocytoma. At patients with diabetic independent constipations can be replaced by diarrheas which often appear at night and are accompanied by a feces incontience. The expressed diarrhoeia can arise at patients with a metastasizing medullary cancer of a thyroid gland or a metastasizing carcinoid tumour.
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