пятница, 24 октября 2008 г.


Clinic. The furuncle of external acoustical passage is characterised by pains in an ear which sometimes irradiate in a teeth, an eye, occipital area and even a neck. Less often they are felt in all head. Pains amplify at any shift of an external part of an ear, during mandible movement (chewing, conversation), pressure upon a tragus and auricle procrastination. cefadroxil mg
At an acute average otitis headaches more often local, unilateral, are more rare - bilateral. In the beginning acute, intensive, gradually accruing, the paroxysmal are more rare are felt deeply in an ear and a temple, sometimes in the field of a forehead. At times they happen drilling, shooting, aching and so excruciating, that the patient absolutely loses rest. Pains often irradiate in a teeth, a temple, is more rare in a forehead and a nape. Some patients note pains in all head. Pains at tussis, , swallowing, being combined with sensation of hum and an ear. Giddiness, a nystagmus, a nausea and vomiting are quite often observed.
Petrositis - a purulent inflammation of an apex of a pyramid of the temporal bone, developing as the osteomyelitis, arising as complication of a purulent average otitis. Acute intensive, less often aching pains in frontotemporal, the areas irradiating in an orbit, eyes, a teeth. Pains are combined with gomola-teralnym a lesion VI, IV, III, V cranial nerves.
There is a giddiness, a nausea, vomiting, a nystagmus, etc.
Rendering assistance. At a furuncle of external acoustical passage antibacterial therapy is spent. Into external acoustical passage at some o'clock insert a turunda impregnated with boric alcohol or other antiinflammatory and analgetic liquids. After that the aural channel clean and powder a powder containing antibiotics and sul-fanilamidy. To reduce pains, prescribe analginum or other analgetics.
The otolaryngologist should spend treatment of an acute average otitis. Prescribe resolvents, analgetics, febrifugal and sedatives.
Petrositis treatment - surgical and medicamental, anti-biotikoterapija. To reduction of headaches apply analginum (on 0,5 г in 3 times a day or 50 % a solution on 2 ml intramusculary or intravenously), Pentalginum (on 1 tablet 2-3 times a day in) or other buy cipro now
Clinic. Headaches at a glaucoma are rather frequent and caused basically by ophthalmotonus rising (18-27 mm hg). If pressure is raised, pains in an orbit and supraorbital area on the party, lesions are observed. Sight worsens, "grows dim", and round a light source there are iridescent circles.
The glaucoma attack causes constant strong pains in the field of orbit, a forehead which can irradiate in an ear and a teeth. Burning, pulling, throbbing pains are felt in all half of head, the person, is more rare in occipital area, decreasing at change of position from horizontal in the vertical. Sight on the amazed eye worsens, the pupil extends and becomes motionless.
During a strong attack of a glaucoma there can be a nausea, repeated vomiting, pains in the field of heart, a stomach, a bradycardia. The ophthalmotonus sharply raises (to 60-80 mm hg)
For an iridocyclitis acutely arising pains in the field of an orbit, an eye and a forehead, irradiating in a temple, an ear and a teeth, at some patients in all half of person are characteristic. Pains pulsing or shooting are combined with a photophobia, amplify at night and early in the morning. A dacryagogue, a blefaro-spasm, an edema and an inflammation of an iris of the eye, sight "misting", puffiness of eyelids, morbidity of an eyeball at a palpation.
At people with anomalies of a refraction and an astigmatism without corresponding correction during steadfast visual work quite often there comes an unbalanced strain of muscles of an eye, headaches become perceptible. They arise in the field of a forehead, eyes, a nape, quite often become pulsing and are accompanied by a nausea, and also a dacryagogue and a burning sensation in eyes.
Rendering assistance. At a glaucoma cholinomimetics and agents reduce an ophthalmotonus. From cholinomimetics 1, 2 and 4 % solutions of Pilocarpinum which are instilled in a conjunctival bag some times in day, Carbacholinum of 0,75 % and an atsekli-dyne of 3 and 5 % are most effective. However their action short - 4 - 6 ч. Antiholi-nesteraznsh action possess Phosphacolum (0,02 % a solution), armies (0,005 and 0,01 % solutions) are shown Patients adrenaline of 0,1 % a solution, adreno-Pilocarpinum drops - an admixture of a solution of Pilocarpinum of 1 % and 0,1 % of a solution of adrenaline.
Prescribe Diacarbum on 0,125 - 0,25 г 1 time or Hypothiazidum on 0,025-0,05 г 1-2 times a day during time or after meal.
Reduce headaches analginum (0,3-0,5 г in 2-3 times a day or 50 % a solution on 2 ml intramusculary, intravenously), Pentalginum or on 1 tablet 2-3 times a day.
During an acute attack of a glaucoma it is necessary to instill immediately in a conjunctival bag of 1 or 2 % Pilocarpinum solution: within the first hour - through each 15 mines, then after each half an hour during 2 ч, then in an hour during 2 ч, and further through 4 ч.
At an iridocyclitis in a l conjunctiva the bag is instilled by solutions of the agents dilating a pupil: 0,1 % Atropini sulfas solution, sometimes in a combination to 2-3 % a solution of cocaine and 0,1 % an adrenaline solution, and also 0,5 % a solution of Cortisonum or other corticosteroids.
In case of anomaly of a refraction and an astigmatism with a small hypermetropia and normal visual acuity correction is not necessary to young men. If they have headaches or visual acuity decreases, correction of sight by lenses is necessary. Correction of sight and treatment of these patients is spent by the ophthalmologist. At headaches it is necessary to resort to appointment of anaesthetics: Citramonum, analginum, , etc.
Headaches usually appear after some hours after an excessive strain of sight. If the strain proceeds, pains amplify, but decrease after closing of eyes and rest.
Stronger headaches owing to a strain of eye muscles (akko-modativnoj and a muscular asthenopia) are noted by people with hypererethism of nervous system. At some patients with sharp insufficiency of a refraction of headaches can not be, and on the contrary, in the presence of small deviations of a refraction patients can complain of intensive headaches.

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