понедельник, 13 октября 2008 г.

The analysis of clinical data.

The analysis of clinical data.
Under our observation 303 patients with infectious diseases of nervous system consisted. Depending on the nosological form distribution of patients was the following: a meningitis - of 151 persons, entsefalit-72, arahnoidit-33, mielit-2, a polyneuritis - 45 persons.
1. A meningitis. At 100 persons, at 19-influenzal, at 17-tubercular, at 12-serous an obscure aetiology, at 2 - pneumococcal, the epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis is diagnosed for one - parotitis.
2. An encephalitis. 19 persons were ill in the spring, in the 11-summer, in the 26-autumn, in the 16-winter. At 41 persons process localisation, at 13 - mainly cortical, at a 10-diffusive lesion of a brain, at 8-в subcortical ganglions and white substance of hemispheres is noted .
(On set of clinico-anamnestic data and results of research of a spinal liquid) we have established a disease aetiology at 45 persons (62 %), from them at 23 persons is diagnosed postgrippal, at 7 - epidemic, at 5 - influenzal, at 4 - vaccinal, at 3 - rheumatic, at 1 - , at 1 - and for 1 person - subacute sclerosing Van-Bogarta.
The diagnosis of an epidemic encephalitis has been established taking into account seasonal prevalence of disease (the osenne-winter period) and on the basis of a combination of such symptoms, as pathological drowsiness, oculomotor disorders, vestibular and vegetative disturbances (giddiness, a nystagmus, the strengthened fatty greasing of the person, a hypersalivation).

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