суббота, 8 ноября 2008 г.

of the named kinds

of the named kinds of sensitivity occurs on an opposite side as fibers of the second neurones of painful and temperature feeling buy cipro mg to their introduction into a lateral column are exposed to a decussation in forward grey soldering.
VIII. The Lesion of half, a spinal cord gives on the centre party: disturbance of sustavno-muscular feeling in the presence of the central paralysis from top to bottom from lesion level, on the opposite party - conduction painful and temperature anaesthesia (fig. 5). This symptom-complex wears the name broun-sekarovskogo a paralysis or a syndrome.

Fig. 5. Sensitivity disorders at броунсекаровском a paralysis.
And - a cut line through the right half of spinal cord. Cross-section lines designate area of conduction painful and temperature anaesthesia on the party opposite to the centre; over it - a narrow girdle of a hyperesthesia. On the lesion party - the central paralysis, loss of sustavno-muscular and tactile sensitivity; over it very narrow corbel of dermal anaesthesia (on Bekhterev).

IX. The Lesion of all diameter of the spinal cord, causing a break of all sensitive conductors from located below body segments, gives a picture of anaesthesia of all kinds of sensitivity of conduction type from both parties, from top to bottom from lesion level. The bilaterial central paralysis with emiction disorders is simultaneously observed.
X. The Lesion of a medial loop (lemniscus medialis) in a cerebral trunk (fig. 2) after full merge tractus spino-thalamicus and bulbo-thalamicus (in the bridge, in brain legs) causes loss of all kinds of sensitivity on an opposite side of a body and sensitive атаксию in opposite extremities at the expense of loss of sustavno-muscular feeling (a hemianaesthesia and a hemiataxia).
Fibers for various kinds of sensitivity in a medial loop are located in such a manner that most medially there are conductors of sustavno-muscular feeling, кнаружи from them - tactile, still латеральное - temperature and, at last, painful feeling. Therefore at an incomplete lesion of a medial loop those or other kinds of sensitivity on a body opposite side can mainly drop out. Especially probably it at a lesion of an oblong brain where tractus spino-thalamicus and bulbo-thalamicus have not merged yet and go separately. The law of an eccentric locating of longer ways is applicable and concerning a medial loop: conductors from underlaying segments (the bottom extremities) are ventro-lateralno from the overlying.
XI. The Lesion of a visual hillock - thalami optici - causes, as well as a lesion of a medial loop, a hemianaesthesia of all kinds of sensitivity and a hemiataxia on an opposite side; besides, at the buy rimonabant mg expense of a lesion of the subcortical visual centres (corpus geniculatum laterale) there is also a hemianopsia of opposite fields of vision, i.e. «A syndrome of three геми»: a hemianaesthesia, a hemiataxia and a hemianopsia.
Quite often at a lesion of a visual hillock there are original thalamic pains in an opposite half of body - hemialgias: the excruciating and extremely unpleasant feeling of a cold or a burning sensation which can be hardly described the patient is felt and badly localised by it; the vagueness, иррадиация pains is observed. These pains usually badly give in to therapeutic influences. At sensitivity research on a half of body opposite to the centre the hyperpathia is found out thus usually. Sometimes these pains are stronger in rest and decrease at movements.
XII. The Lesion of sensitive ways in an internal capsule where in a back third of back hip (fig. 55, VII} pass Volonum of the third neurones of sensitivity (tractus thalamo-corticales) causes also «a syndrome of three геми»: a hemianaesthesia, a hemiataxia and a hemianopsia. Often processes in an internal capsule are more diffusive, and then at the expense of a lesion пирамидных ways the hemiplegia is observed also on an opposite side and the central type, i.e. « Syndrome of three геми »other character: a hemiplegia, a hemianaesthesia and a hemianopsia. If at a lesion of a back hip of an internal capsule in process it is involved simultaneously

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